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EEP Sky Settings - PLACES "revived"

Chic Aeon

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If you are Really REALLY old you may remember that when Windlight was new I made a bunch of sky settings CC0. They eventually were added to most of the third party viewers under the "Places" name.


November looks like a pretty hellish month -- even more so for those of us in the US. So to balance that stress quotient I have revived the Places pages and I am making EEP skies that anyone can pick up for free. Please note that you need an EEP enabled viewer to use these skies. 


You can read more about the project here:   https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-return-of-places.html


I will be adding to the box through November and possibly longer. Who knows?   


That post has information how to add the skies to your own viewer should you not know how to do that. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
adding info
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