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My things are disappearing from inventory and Placement.


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7 answers to this question

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Quit the viewer and login in a safe location (Smith Pooley or Aqua). Clear your cache. Type a name in your inventory search window and wait until your inventory is COMPLETELY LOADED (go get a coffee in the meantime...). Then do a search by name of your items. They should be there. Check also the lost and found folder.

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Inventories can do strange things from time to time because they load from your cache rather than the database when you login (for speed). You can clear you cache and allow your inventory to reload from the source which often finds stray items.

As for things disappearing from your house, that shouldn`t be happening. If objects are rezzed inworld they should stay put unless you take them or someone else with powers returns them.

When did they disappear? Was anything unusual going on at the time, such as the rolling restarts & they showed up missing after the sim restarted?

The other possibility (though unlikely) if anyone has your edit perms and the items are transferrable, they can be taken.



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PcTek Cyberstar wrote:


None of the suggestions below in any of the replies worked.

I cleaned my cache 5 times... and relogged..   The items are NOT in lost and found, I reloaded my entire inventory, the items are NOT in my inventory.


Try logging in on the Beta grid and seeing if the missing items are showing in your inventory there. If they are, I would take a pic and submit it with a ticket, this is likely to be more successful if you are a premium member, assuming that LL can fix it.

Can you explain more about the circumstances of the items going missing from your house?

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PcTek Cyberstar wrote:

As far as anything weird happening... Something similiar has happened in the past when I was around this guy [Name Removed].  In fact... everytime I was around him my things disappear.  And he was near me here just yesterday.  And he kept touching me as we walked around, which I thought was weird.


If that guy is on your Friends list  (You probably don't want him there, but if he is .... ) , check to be sure that you haven't checked the box giving him permission to edit your objects.  You might have done it inadvertently at some time, thinking that you were doing something very different.  Also, if you remember ever receiving anything from him, especially any scripted item, I suggest deleting it.  I can't think of a way to script an object to do what you are describing, but that doesn't mean that it can't be done.

BTW, just as an aside, I'm not sure what accountability issues may concern you about the TPVs, but you might consider that (1) all TPVs on LL's approved list conform to LL's requirements for proper, ethical use of SL resources, (2) there are still more TPV users in SL than there are users of the "official" LL viewers, (3) there seem to be fewer performance issues with many of the TPVs than with some recent V2 upgrades from LL.  At this point, SL would have a hard time surviving if it depended only on people who use the official LL viewers. 

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Items do disappear in world, I have had it happen but not as often or as mysteriously as you depict so I agree you may have given some power to a "friend" that you really don't want them to have. Normally the "edit my objects" ability is given to a content creator temporarily to fix something or to and alt or RL friend or SL partner, not just anyone :D

Regarding the inventory loss. There are plenty of steps to try and get your inventory back. Some have been mentioned. One is to install a brand new viewer (I personally only use TPVs but that is your choice). If you have gone through all the steps to get your items back because of a cache issue and they are still gone, you need to know that they CAN disappear for good. About two weeks ago I lost my whole House and Garden folder (2,500 items) as well as a back up folder and my belts (who knows?). The backup folder reappeared a few days later and items trickled into odd spots over the next week. My House and Gardens goods never returned and I don't expect them to. This is the second time this has happened to me, the other being long ago. A friend of mine lost her whole half sim store back up and others have lost 10,000 poses (that is a lot of poses) so it can happen.

If you are a premium member you may be able to turn in a ticket by going to live chat. However this has not helped in the past. I have no idea how things disappear in the database, but they do. I wrote a post on some tips and things to look out for when you actually DO lose things (as opposed to their seemingly disappearace with a cache issue). You can find it here if you are interested.




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