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Protected Roadside Perfect Square Plot for Sale 2700L for 1024m2, 351 prim


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Protected Roadside Perfect Square Plot for Sale 2700L for 1024m2, 351 prim. Perfect for premium member as 1024m2 free tier is included in your membership.

Unblockable, protected, wonderful roadside on Route 8B.  You can keep all full perm house, car, motorcycle, helicopter (it transfers directly to you if you buy it), worth over 1000L. IM Alexkelsey inworld for any questions, offers.



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Dropped sale price to 2400L.  Just to clarify - house, car, motorcycle, helicopter are full perm currently but once you buy it, you can pick any of them up, and they will be copy, modify but not transfer .  Not allowed to allow transfer rights to full perm objects for free in SL according to full perm policy in SL marketplace. IM alexkelsey if you have any questions about this.

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Another plot available:  Protected Unblockable Wide Double Road on Route 2 for sale!  Really great road for driving as very wide - which is so much easier in laggy SL.


2700L for 1024m2, 351 prim. Perfect for premium member as 1024m2 free tier is included in your membership. You can keep all full perm house, car, motorcycle, helicopter (it transfers directly to you if you buy it), worth over 1000L. IM Alexkelsey inworld for any questions, offers.


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Thank you Therese!  Me too - feel free to grab the full perm motorcycle or car and drive down it - the width of the road makes it a lot easier to drive on and fun to do tricks.  The tree lined road with street lights makes it a really nice ambience for walking, biking or driving.   

Please return any vehicle if anyone drives it - it needs to be back on the lot to transfer to the next owner as they receive everything that is there but happy to transfer the vehicles and house directly to you if you purchase as well.  The house/vehicles would be copy/mod in your inventory if you purchase so you can pick them up and keep.

Price is 2700L and holding but open to any offers. IM alexkelsey inworld.


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Price now 2700L!  A very fair price consider what you see in the forum and on the market i think.  I also posted some additional pictures - you can take the motorcycle going left a very short distance to the end of the road to a roundabout that goes off to a boardwalk next to a public beach, water slide and island (Wolf's Bay).  You can publically rezz there and it is a Moderate beach so lots of fun can be had. The view is great and you can use the secluded beach to sun tan, swim, boat as no one is there and it's open to enjoy.  Feel free to check it out.  Also the vehicles are all still transferrable to whoever buys it - i have a full perm car, motorcycle and helicopter.







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