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Straight Outta Belli

Rabid Cheetah

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This is a picture thread for those times you're walking around a neighborhood in Real Life, but everything looks hauntingly familiar...

There's a beautiful park:



All the houses look the same lol:



And the best one's on the corner:



Edited by Rabid Cheetah
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Well manicured hedges, picket white fences, and fancy street lights: 



And, of course, an entire structure built in the backyard, who's sole purpose is for having a place to put up the wind chimes lol:



So.  Has anyone ELSE expperienced Belli Deja Vu?  😄

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What a lovely neighbourhood!

In the UK the vast majority of homes are brick built, with some stone and concrete. Timber framed and clad buildings are rare and classed as 'non-standard construction' and it's hard to get a mortgage on them because they are regarded as high maintenance / short lived. Of course there are some, (and historic buildings too) but not in this style.

I think that what you are saying is that Belli is a virtual representation of houses from the US, which of course is true. The style is unfamiliar to most from outside that country so Deja Vu will only be possible for those living in America (there are probably some exception to this of course).

I'm not sure how it would be to see familiar building styles in Belli, quite odd I think, I'm so used to the American theme.

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Yeah, that house freaked me out lol  It was the clock, looks like one that a lot of folks have on SL.  I mean, it is a good clock, I even have one myself 🙂 And the house style, and then how all the houses look the same in this little development.  But it was the wind chime structure in the back that sent it over the top for me, I bust out laughing, because that is SO Belli!  😛 That, and all the "no trespassing" signs, kinda like security orbs.  I'm originally from the Midwest, these "no trespassing" signs are still a culture shock to me.  Apparently folks were very territorial when they first came to the West Coast, and it's part of their culture to have signs like that.  I mean, no one wants to step on your precious grass, dude. lol So yeah, it felt very Belli today.

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