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Promoting club


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set up a group for the club and invite people to it, then message them in group when ever an event is going on its the basic way most clubs promote themselves and then let word of mouth help too. if you get too spammy with invited or messages or commercials it might actually drive away possible patrons who dont like such things though.

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On 10/29/2020 at 9:54 PM, djacwalker said:

Hello SL friends, 

I am helping a friend promoting her club and was wondering, how and if you can use the radio stations?  Like pay for air time for commercials...thanks for any help.

Some thoughts off the back of my head:-

In Real Life, advertising on radio would be a very expensive and inefficient way to reach the relatively small numbers of listeners that might be Second Life Residents.

In SL, radio stations can (and are) set to receive and play content from just one radio station at a time, dependant uopn the style and preferrences of the parcel/region owner. Which stations are those? Which stations would you target? There's no real way that I know of to get any statistics on this, and the comment about high cost (above) still stands,

I really think this is a non-runner to start with; maybe stick to the tried and tested Group Messaging suggested by @Drakonadrgora Darkfold (when LL get it all working properly again!)

Next, how to promote the Group without annoying everyone....!


Edited by Odaks
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Promote your new group:-

Word of mouth. Your friends to their friends etc. Can bring results for no expense.

Ad Boards, found on many popular SL sites can be rented for maybe as little as L$50/week. Choose sites that are likely to attract the sort of people you would like to have in your group.You might have to wait, then pounce, to rent a board for a few weeks.

Organise an event and advertise it in LL's Event Listing. (Please don't be tempted to spam!)

Whatever, good luck in her venture.

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On 10/29/2020 at 10:54 PM, djacwalker said:

Hello SL friends, 

I am helping a friend promoting her club and was wondering, how and if you can use the radio stations?  Like pay for air time for commercials...thanks for any help.

there are a few real sl radiostations i think... not sure they are still around. But most you hear here are RL stations streaming. Advertising on those won't be very usefull for SL, guessing you don't want to spend thousends of real hard dollars on it.
If there are active SL radiostations it will most likely be auto dj's with perhaps a few hours live a day at max. But can't really help on contacting them, perhaps search brings some inworld up.

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Create high quality, professional flyers and promote through social media, like FB groups with your FB page. Talk about what the club is about and what it offers on your club page. Post now hiring on your club page and state what you're looking for, what the pay is and the dynamics of your team. Ad boards in-world do help, with a clear and easy to read club logo texture. 512 by 512 rezzes faster. You can list your club in events, every 2 hrs so that people will see your club listed all throughout the day.

Edited by Kytteh Wytchwood
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