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Default avatar light-skinned? This could change ASAP :)


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I specified exactly which development period i was talking about from the very first, recent response. You decided to ignore that and go off on a tangent while ignoring the information being presented in favor of your personal experience.

What you use now ... is irrelevant in context.

ETA: Put another way - Don't ask about older functions/features if you do not want an actual answer or are going to ignore any information given to you.

Edited by Solar Legion
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23 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

My second visit they were actually raining out of the sky. That's when i was sold on S/L!

I remember people doing that mate. lol That or chasing each other with OnDuty's trying to get each other preggers. Fun times. Lmao!!!!🤣

23 minutes ago, Dakota Linden said:

Greetings, All!

2020 has already been rough as it is, please TRY to be nice to each other.  I know it is a hard ask, but try.  If you are starting to post a comment, stop, take a breath, and ask yourself "is this worth possibly getting suspended for"?

If the answer is no, then do not post the comment. 

If the answer is yes, I strongly recommend not making the post and instead taking a break and going and sitting outside in the sun for 20 minutes and getting a bit of Vitamin D. 

Just on the off chance this has to do with my comments then I'll apologize up front if it was taken out of context from what I meant it to be. I wasn't taking a jab at anyone or nothing like that. I just honestly just didn't know it was a thing now days. I'm good with whatever. I'm just trying to keep up with the times mate. lol :)

25 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

For me, I cannot remember how the first avatars looked that we choose from the year I first joined.  Now I've said my first account was probably 15 years ago.  I've been in SL three times.  My 2nd time I choose the female rocker.  The 3rd time, now, for this account, I choose the Angel.  I don't remember at all what avatar I started with nor even how it looked.  

I do remember it took me about a month to begin to have an avatar I was beginning to be happy with.  I also remember an early SLifer telling me about a skin and that I needed to get my own skin and I remember thinking...'say wha?' more or less.  I finally found a skin to buy in my first month here as ads started appearing to buy skins and then I found one through an ad.  

For me even though this is my main av my original avatar that I started SL on that I retired a long time ago I ran around on originally with of those Ruth type skins and some katanas until I managed to drop funds in the game to buy everything I needed to set him up properly. My first avatar was based off James Marsters who played as Spike in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series because I joined a Sunnydale sim right after I joined SL. This avatar was actually based off more my own identity and background a few months after.

Back then I needed a break from being on my main because people would come to the sim and act as if I was the real life actor because I looked just like him. Which was fine at first until people would get mad if I didn't tp them to me when I was off sim helping friends. That's where it became a big pain in the neck. Made me really sympathize with what the real deal probably had to deal with in real life. It was just to crazy back then mate.

While I did get a certain amount of notoriety and fame in the boxing circles and doing tribute band work it was never nothing on that level of people loosing their heads thankfully. :)

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40 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

Thank you. That's what I was thinking. The same exact thing basically. lol I mean I read the word non-binary and thought to myself is that actually a thing now when creating avatars? lol We need a label for it now? lol Because I am sitting here thinking ya news flash any of us old timers can tell the OP we were basically, technically non-binary right out the starting gate. lol At least they have choices now days. We had to build our avatars from scratch, straight from the ground on up. lol I don't recall ever being asked to select a gender at all. lol In fact I had to go shopping at the freebie place for my first little wee wee. Lmao!!!! :D

I didn't really even react to that part of it myself.. I just hear starter avatars and it always takes me back to when I first got mine.. hehehe

I didn't even know we could improve them with skins and things until maybe3 or 4 days in.. once i found out about freebies, I was nabbin as much free as I could get..

 You mean this is free too? omg the worlds largest flying pancake!! I gotta have it!! \o/

I never seen so much free in mah life!!

It took forever and a day to finally get all that junk out of my inventory..although, I did keep the worlds largest flying pancake.. I can't get rid of that, it's just too funny of a thing to let go of, plus a good reminder of how out of control i was with the free stuffs..hehehe

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16 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:


I specified exactly which development period i was talking about from the very first, recent response. You decided to ignore that and go off on a tangent while ignoring the information being presented in favor of your personal experience.

What you use now ... is irrelevant in context.

ETA: Put another way - Don't ask about older functions/features if you do not want an actual answer or are going to ignore any information given to you.

I could have responded to either/or of your two messages because they were basically the same.  

There is a phrase, for your information, that speaks of the beginnings of something and that phrase is "it's earliest beginnings" because beginning can even be a plural.  A way to ask if you were here in it's very beginning is to say that...very beginning.  

How about this one:  Could you please stop asking me stupid questions?  You are being a nuisance/pest about nothing.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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That's nice.

Once again, the time period was specified: Pre-Windlight (and most other 'modern' features) and then further narrowed to make it quite clear/easy to understand.

I am not asking you any questions - at all. The opening of my most recent response was a rhetorical expression of disbelief. Any "questions" in any of my responses to you thus far have also been quite rhetorical (and as far as I am aware there has been exactly one other response that contained a 'question').

As for your phrase - it does not apply here as if I had meant the "earliest beginnings" for Second Life i'd have specified Linden World (the actual beginning of what we know today as Second Life). See above concerning the time period and how it was specified.

There is an Ignore function here, I suggest you use it if you're uninterested in historical/factual information concerning the function(s) you asked about.

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14 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Pre-Windlight (and most other 'modern' features) and then further narrowed to make it quite clear/easy to understand.

I am not asking you any questions - at all. The opening of my

I don't know when the heck windlight was created nor is it relevant to the world nor SL according to Solar Legion.

We start SL, we hear about a feature, then months pass and we learn another thing and so on and so on.  I'm still learning things today.

And, as a matter of fact, I see Ceka saying now for her first avi it took 3-4 days to get a skin?  Well, what I remember when I was first in SL someone telling me I needed to buy a skin so then we could buy a skin right away then and you are going on about NOTHING and NONSENSE.  Also, as a matter of fact 1)  I don't remember what the avi's looked like at all my first time in SL, and 2) I didn't even know about windlight long after I had started SL.  I was in SL quite awhile before I even heard of the feature of windlight and also never use it - I use the ENVIRONMENT EDITOR now.

Could you please stop continuing on about nothing.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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12 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I didn't really even react to that part of it myself.. I just hear starter avatars and it always takes me back to when I first got mine.. hehehe

I didn't even know we could improve them with skins and things until maybe3 or 4 days in.. once i found out about freebies, I was nabbin as much free as I could get..

 You mean this is free too? omg the worlds largest flying pancake!! I gotta have it!! \o/

I never seen so much free in mah life!!

It took forever and a day to finally get all that junk out of my inventory..although, I did keep the worlds largest flying pancake.. I can't get rid of that, it's just too funny of a thing to let go of, plus a good reminder of how out of control i was with the free stuffs..hehehe

Ya that brings back some memories mate. lol It's like wow so much free stuff. lol I got a little crazy with the shopping too. Who am I kidding I still get crazy with the free stuff. Especially when I get dragged to those gacha events. lol The only difference between us I think is I still got all my useless crap stored some place in my inventory. I swear I think some days I am trying to see how high I can make that number actually go. lol I'm jealous though. I don't think I have a flying pancake in my collection. lol That just totally rocks. Lmao!!!! :D

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44 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I was sold when I found out how wonderful flying was.  I didn't really care how I looked for ages, I just zipped here, there and anywhere exploring the mainland.  I remember even appreciating the fact it has a whoosh sound and how wonderful that was.  Without exposure to that aspect early on during Orientation Island, I may well not have stuck around.

My first trip in I actually got stuck in Linden water and couldn't get out because the cursor was in the chat log window and therefore wouldn't allow me to use the arrow keys or wasd to move around. I finally closed the window out of frustration and didn't try again for months until Imvu again deleted all my adult contraband and I got angry enough to again brave the learning curve. I didn't find out about the flying until the third login.

That first experience makes me wonder how many actually give up on S/L for little things like that. I don't think I have ever seen a beginners tutorial mention anything about window and cursor focus and the ability to even walk.

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2 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

Ya that brings back some memories mate. lol It's like wow so much free stuff. lol I got a little crazy with the shopping too. Who am I kidding I still get crazy with the free stuff. Especially when I get dragged to those gacha events. lol The only difference between us I think is I still got all my useless crap stored some place in my inventory. I swear I think some days I am trying to see how high I can make that number actually go. lol I'm jealous though. I don't think I have a flying pancake in my collection. lol That just totally rocks. Lmao!!!! :D

One of the first things I did buy was an outfit.  Some leather monstrosity from I don't know where.  What was interesting thinking back on it now was that it included a shape and skin.  I'm sure they were some freebie things but I actually wore the shape (modified along the way)  for ages.  The skin?  Not so much but then I wasn't even sure how to see the front of my avatar for the longest time.  I can't even imagine what I looked like.  Probably a good thing I didn't know/

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You Are Here.  No, seriously.  This is where you are, but, since you have not yet defined your self image you are not visible.  We have provided this handy map marker you can use in the interim.

I'll link this from another thread:


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10 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

It is quite clear that you never wanted an actual answer concerning the Appearance Editor and its functions, let alone a historical/factual answer.

Have a nice day.

I never asked for one in the first place, let alone I'm sure there are people in SL right now who don't even know about the windlight nor care.  I've already told you there was a thread where people said they mostly use MIDDAY.  So do I for almost all my SL - I have used Midday nor does it have anything to do with anything that you need to quote me about!

You jumped in, trying to force your way into something I was replying about Ceka to as to the early days and then you are making weird posts and being a nuisance.

If you want to say something about appearance editors or historical dates you can do so without a stupid post that says "you were not here in the early days" stuff you were going on and on about.   You just simply say "in the early days, the appearance editor...etc..."

Seriously, geeeeeeez-us.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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12 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

One of the first things I did buy was an outfit.  Some leather monstrosity from I don't know where.  What was interesting thinking back on it now was that it included a shape and skin.  I'm sure they were some freebie things but I actually wore the shape (modified along the way)  for ages.  The skin?  Not so much but then I wasn't even sure how to see the front of my avatar for the longest time.  I can't even imagine what I looked like.  Probably a good thing I didn't know/

Ya I ran around a while too before I learned I could even cam. I felt stupid too because people would play gestures saying perv cams active and I'm scratching my head going what the bloody heck is a perv cam? Is that something I got to buy and what do ya do with it? lol I learned a lot of things on here the hard way and felt stupid afterwards. lol For example one time me and my mate who started with me tped to an urban sim. Well out of the blue this lady comes up to us and she asks my mate if he could sell her. So when he tells me this I am like wait, what? They sell people on here? lol We don't even know the going rate on the people selling prices. lol They got forums for that where we check those prices? lol Long story short we didn't realize the urban sim we tped to they had people rping as hookers. We didn't even know that was a thing on here. Lmao!!!!🤣

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2 hours ago, Dakota Linden said:

 If you are starting to post a comment, stop, take a breath, and ask yourself "is this worth possibly getting suspended for"?

If the answer is no, then do not post the comment. 

If the answer is yes, I strongly recommend not making the post and instead taking a break and going and sitting outside in the sun for 20 minutes and getting a bit of Vitamin D. 

So what you saying is don't make a post ever. Nobody should post ever. But then this forum loses any reason to exist. 

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34 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

  I've already told you there was a thread where people said they mostly use MIDDAY.  So do I for almost all my SL - I have used Midday nor does it have anything to do with anything that you need to quote me about!

Oh Midday is horrible for showing some avatar imperfections especially on cheaper mesh heads. Nam's or CawL is much nicer at hiding and smoothing out some of the mesh/skin issues.

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28 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Oh Midday is horrible for showing some avatar imperfections especially on cheaper mesh heads. Nam's or CawL is much nicer at hiding and smoothing out some of the mesh/skin issues.

It's good for building, that's why I use it.  For my photographs I basically use Annan Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow to view skins.  If it's an art photograph, I will experiment with many lightings and even tweak those.  

However, the thread I read the vast majority of users said they used MIDDAY.   I use it too but for building as the rest are just not enough light to see.  However, I've seen some pictures and even avatar badge pics come through the forum with the av's not even turning on Annan Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow for their portraits here.  Annan Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow is a world of difference for your avatar. 

I've only encountered one windlight setting I find absolutely spectacular for SL and that is Butterfly Hollow.  What a gorgeous build and windlight that is on Butterfly Hollow.  

EDIT:  I wonder with all the people who say they use MIDDAY if they are old users who don't even know about the ENVIRONMENT EDITOR and that you can change your windlights with just clicks now.  You don't have to go through all that rigmarole of setting each windlight manually and then worrying about losing it and/or backing it up which was a total pain and not worth the time, imo.  Now, it's just a click to one windlight to another.

Edited by FairreLilette
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6 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

It's good for building, that's why I use it.  For my photographs I basically use Annan Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow to view skins.  If it's an art photograph, I will experiment with many lightings and even tweak those.  

Yah I sort of figured that you might be using Midday being a creator as you'd want to see the imperfections. Curious though that it seems to be set as a default in the viewers. Terrible choice imo.

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43 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

It's good for building, that's why I use it.  For my photographs I basically use Annan Adored Optimal Skin No Shadow to view skins.  If it's an art photograph, I will experiment with many lightings and even tweak those.  

However, the thread I read the vast majority of users said they used MIDDAY

Bolding is mine, but...

Both of those bolded items are windlight settings. Yes, the environment editor actually uses windlight settings. That does not mean that every setting makes use of all possible options (such as actual lighting, desptie the name windlight, they don't all actually use specified lighting techniques/modes...it's complicated, I won't bore you, lol). 

However, what Solar was saying about those av tools, and I agree completely with it was that those avatar creation tools you were going on about, were once the ONLY tools we had to make avatars for a very long time (in the scheme of sl, anyway). In fact, even in 2005, when you state that you first started, those were the primary avatar creation tools in use by pretty much everyone. Those tools were implemented in sl long before the option to create (read: upload) skins and other various body parts and clothing. They were, in fact, our creation tools, from the very beginning. They have since been added on to, and creators were slowly given more freedom on what they could create as far as avatars (skins, clothes, etc..) is concerned. But those tools you hate so much and keep going on about, WERE the only avatar creation tools, and definitely were in use in 2005, hell even in 2008-2010 (pre-mesh times) they were still quite popular for making clothing, either entirely or with the added assistance of prims and sculpts when those too were added. People even still use them today for different things, they still have their place. 

I am fairly certain that Solar responded to you because you were making claims that simply were not true about avatar creation way back when. Perhaps, as you said, you're remembering it wrong, or perhaps you haven't actually been in sl since 2005 (but I can sure understand why it might feel like it, lol, haven't we all been here for ages anyay?). You both can argue about what is and is not the early days of sl (though it's a rather ridiculous argument). But the fact of the matter is, those avatar creation tools are a homage (although, again, they ARE still used by people today, whether or not they are your cup of tea) to the early days of sl and avatar creation. You can't really change that by defining what the early days means to each of you.

Those were the tools we had, that's what we used. We used them to make our avs, and our clothes...and we were darn happy to have them! 

I still have every piece of clothing, shape, hair, etc.. I made with those tools and I don't care how cringey it is to some, lol. I'm actually very proud of my earliest clothing creations (again, all created using those tools). 

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2 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

In fact, even in 2005, when you state that you first started, those were the primary avatar creation tools in use by pretty much everyone. Those tools were implemented in sl long before the option to create (read: upload) skins and other various body

I don't think I ever stated a time I was first here...I've said a long time ago in almost all my posts and I think it was very near 15 years ago.  

I was able to buy a skin within a very short timeframe with my first avatar a long time ago.  I also was able to purchase clothing and hair.  I do remember being one of the first to buy a flexi hair from Damselfly as my second hair ever in SL.  The owner of Damselfly has been here almost 17 years.  I also rented at Butterfly Hollow and shopped at Coconut Ice - the owner of those has been here 15+ years, almost 16 years.  I just looked them up.  Also, in a remembrance thread I said one of my favorite spots to shop was Antique Artistry.  Antique Artistry I believe was established in 2007.  I found Antique Artistry about a year after joining SL.  

Exact time frame I started here I'd say is about 1 and half years pre flexi hair and even that could have variables as it may have been "around" but that is how I remember it - I was one of the first to buy a flexi hair as Damselfly just opened after I had been in SL awhile.  Damselfly's owner is 16+ years.  It's difficult to say my exact arrival date.  

Most of the people I knew bought their own skins and hairs and clothes and very, very few made skins or hairs from those SL system tools.   

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2 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

They were, in fact, our creation tools, from the very beginning. They have since been added on to, and creators were slowly given more freedom on what they could create as far as avatars (skins, clothes, etc..) is concerned. But those tools you hate so much and keep going on about, WERE the only avatar creation tools, and definitely were in use in 2005, hell even in 2008-2010 (pre-mesh times) they were still quite popular for making clothing, either entirely or with the added assistance of prims and sculpts when those too were added.

I wonder if there is an info-graphic timeline on the history of such things, I need to look. That would be fun! I love posts like this. I came in Feb 2008 so I’ve seen some things but pioneer-type stories from how things developed in times before I arrived are really interesting. If the people who came at the beginning hadn’t stayed and done the things they did then, we who came afterwards wouldn’t have what we have now to enjoy.
And yes, I love the newest things, too. I got a new avatar just today. But I just set out some sculpted fence pieces today as well because they fit the scene. And I make and use prim projector lights all the time.

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17 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

I wonder if there is an info-graphic timeline on the history of such things, I need to look. That would be fun! I love posts like this. I came in Feb 2008 so I’ve seen some things but pioneer-type stories from how things developed in times before I arrived are really interesting. If the people who came at the beginning hadn’t stayed and done the things they did then, we who came afterwards wouldn’t have what we have now to enjoy.
And yes, I love the newest things, too. I got a new avatar just today. But I just set out some sculpted fence pieces today as well because they fit the scene. And I make and use prim projector lights all the time.

I would like to see something like that if ever anyone created it. I think it would be quite awesome. As misguided as I think LL has been on many a subject over the years ( they have and still remain, many is the understatement of the year), I can still honestly say my life has been all the better because of LL and SL...but now I'm digressing again.

(Below is unrelated to the above quote, I'm merely consolidating my posts)


I don't particularly care when (or why) anyone came to sl, why, or what tools they used when they first got here. Nor do I care what products anyone did or did not buy. I was simply pointing out a falsehood regarding avatar creation (which, wasn't cool and came off entitled and snobish as hell) and why those tools still exist today. I'm not keen to continue with the intentionally obtuse, deflective and all too often offensive nature in which some choose to express themselves, though.

Personally, I'm grateful the tools both existed then, and still exist today. I'm grateful people were able to use those tools to then go on and develop even better tools, methods and assets. I'm grateful that I learned on those very tools and still hold them in high regard rather than snub my nose at their very existence.  Lastly, I'm grateful those tools do still exist for the folks that like using them and that those folks don't have to give a flying rat's left nut what other...(insert whatever you want to here, my word choice would be extremely offensive, and I do have some restraint) think about those outdated tools. 

As to the OP, I think choices are pretty damn good, but LL does have some limitations, or rather, they need to. That is why we DO have a rather large variety of choices to make once we're inworld to select our avatars, or update them, or whatever we desire. I watched someone go through the new account creation stuff earlier this year, and yes there is an option to choose which avatar you want when you come in (it was that person's  second av they forgot their old account info, so the option exists for all). Unless that has changed in the last few months, that is still part of the process when signing up and running through all of those initial steps at the beginning (someone tell me the name of the starting point again, because I forgot it in the time it took me to type this). Anyways, it's one of the steps when you come in, just like the learning how to jump, walk, buy crap, change, etc.. You can also change relatively easily by using the library or the even easier option pointed out earlier via the menu. Either way, it's super simple to change your av and the range of avs available is far, far more extensive than it has ever been in sl. So, yes, other skin, gender, species, theme, etc.. avs are definitely there and not hard to find, even for noobs. 

Back to my corner again :D






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7 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I would never have stayed if avatars looked like the ones you can make with the SL built-in tools of making your own skin and hair 

Which was the case up until when....2007? 2008? Are you counting flexi hair, or only mesh hair. Because Mesh hair wasn't a thing until 2011 or so -which is 8 years after SL opened. 

Windlight is the renderer; meaning the engine that gives SL its' look. I feel safe in assuming that it's from before your time.  

It's fine to be a mid-bie and not an oldbie, it's even ok to be a newbie (but not a noob). 

Solar Legion's right.

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5 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

That's nice.

Once again, the time period was specified: Pre-Windlight (and most other 'modern' features) and then further narrowed to make it quite clear/easy to understand.


^This is the part he is correct about. Not that he isn't correct about other parts; but this is the only one I'm paying attention to.


...as you were.

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