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Derezzed, blocked, muted person showing up in my local chat again

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I have had a certain person muted, blocked, and derezzed for months and all of a sudden they have started showing up grayed out in my local chat again. My settings have not changed. I have unblocked and reblocked to see if that works to no avail.  If anyone could help me figure out what has changed, that would be great :) I've tried everything i know to try.  

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Same happened to me , yet not with the only other person i ever blocked if only until he left the area which was a nuisance newbie ?

But because i could still see a greyed out "IT" and everything "IT" said in public chat i was still aware of the constant verbal attacks directed at me though i chose to ignore them anyway .

So i ask what good is it to block someone when they can still see and hear you ? more than 2 years later they still follow me from sim to sim slagging me off in private to anyone who might talk to me when they don't use alts to do it directly then block me before i can reply .

I erased them from my life but i can't erase myself from theirs without quitting , how is that a positive ?

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On 10/30/2020 at 8:14 AM, cunomar said:

Same happened to me , yet not with the only other person i ever blocked if only until he left the area which was a nuisance newbie ?

But because i could still see a greyed out "IT" and everything "IT" said in public chat i was still aware of the constant verbal attacks directed at me though i chose to ignore them anyway .

So i ask what good is it to block someone when they can still see and hear you ? more than 2 years later they still follow me from sim to sim slagging me off in private to anyone who might talk to me when they don't use alts to do it directly then block me before i can reply .

I erased them from my life but i can't erase myself from theirs without quitting , how is that a positive ?

I understand your point, but that's how it is.  Most people feel that if an annoying person can't be seen or heard, that's good enough.  They may even feel a bit of vengeful satisfaction in knowing that the other person can see and hear them, and imagining how frustrated that blocked person must be, now that they can no longer get a rise out of them.

If that's not good enough for you, you can always create an alt.

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18 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

If that's not good enough for you, you can always create an alt.

Scum create alts to continue their vendetta , i've blocked the same person 7 times (alts) though it should be more like 25 , that's why its pointless me trying to report it - who do i report everybody ?

Edited by cunomar
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16 minutes ago, cunomar said:

Scum create alts to continue their vendetta , i've blocked the same person 7 times (alts) though it should be more like 25 , that's why its pointless me trying to report it - who do i report everybody ?

in each abuse report include a reference to the previous report. In this way a paper trail of incidents is created. A trail which Linden can follow, and should there be a pattern of observable behaviour Linden can take remedial measures

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Yeah maybe i should have kept a diary but it didn't bother me much as i'd already quit my regular hangout of over a year and i figured the brain dead muppets would soon grow bored of me and move on to the next victim .

But i've been told by a few people who have been in SL 10 years or more Amy's (tacticalbtch) sim destroying methods are well known . I guess it pissed me off most that nobody i have ever spoken to who knows the name has anything good to say about her/him/it but nobody ever tried to do anything about it .

The Saddest part is that i never invited her into my SL , she was the friend of what turned out to be a fake friend but who at least i had some fun with . It was eventually revealed they swapped login details so i never really knew who i was talking to . Copying and altering chat before sharing it is another of her hobbies .

Oddly enough what actually turned me negative is meeting someone i was instinctively inclined to like , we had some fun and should have had more but i found myself reluctant to get to know her . I stopped to think , stopped talking and decided somebody needs to fix this C*** .

I'm not the deceitful kind , a neanderthal in a computer geek world so i will make my hatred known and hang around because sooner or later some deviant will give me some details on how or where to find the thing that needs fixing .

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8 hours ago, cunomar said:

Yeah maybe i should have kept a diary but it didn't bother me much as i'd already quit my regular hangout of over a year and i figured the brain dead muppets would soon grow bored of me and move on to the next victim .

But i've been told by a few people who have been in SL 10 years or more Amy's (tacticalbtch) sim destroying methods are well known . I guess it pissed me off most that nobody i have ever spoken to who knows the name has anything good to say about her/him/it but nobody ever tried to do anything about it .

The Saddest part is that i never invited her into my SL , she was the friend of what turned out to be a fake friend but who at least i had some fun with . It was eventually revealed they swapped login details so i never really knew who i was talking to . Copying and altering chat before sharing it is another of her hobbies .

Oddly enough what actually turned me negative is meeting someone i was instinctively inclined to like , we had some fun and should have had more but i found myself reluctant to get to know her . I stopped to think , stopped talking and decided somebody needs to fix this C*** .

I'm not the deceitful kind , a neanderthal in a computer geek world so i will make my hatred known and hang around because sooner or later some deviant will give me some details on how or where to find the thing that needs fixing .

You need to remove the person's name.  It's against forum guidelines to name and shame.

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OK done and sorry about that .

I expect i will be reported to LL for all sorts of things from all sorts of people now and all originating from the same computer because thats how she gets people banned from sims but hey ho i can come back with an army of alts to because its just a game .

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