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Premium membership - Do SL Premium member homes allows scripts

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Dear Readers

The reason I ask is that I have a script for a game Tiny Empires that I need to run.  I have been told that the homes for Premium members are in a no script area and therefore that text based game cannot run and needs to run elsewhere.  Is this true? If it is how can the issue be fixed?  If not are  there other areas for Premium members that will allow scripts to be used?









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Scripts can be "on or off" at the discretion of the Premium Home owner (at least in Belli and I am guessing the older homes also).   However ----- inviting a bunch of folks over to stand there all day LOL and take up sim resources would likely get some abuse reports going.  There is no issue to fix.   


Why don't you ask in a "tiny empire" group?  They would know where you could go.   Just beware that mainland sims SHARE their resources so taking them all up is a no-no.  :D.  You could certainly rent your own private land. Then you would have no issues.   IF this is just for YOU alone, then likely you would be fine.  

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