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Blake Sea History - Tale of an imaginary sea. Dale Irata Interview

Stex Auer

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Dale Irata, like the different people interviewed in this series dedicated to the Blake Sea, is gifted with a predisposition to the imagination, necessary to have a vision of opportunities and organizational skills. Characteristics that distinguish entrepreneurs and that generally do not believe to be essential in a virtual world.
Yet inreal, inworld, the two sides of the mirror are not only close and communicating, but are and will always be more and more parts of the same reality.
Dale’s work has gone in this direction, the creation of the virtual Summer Sailstice in Second Life is an example of this path, today that the pandemic acted as an accelerator, but was already a reality.
I admire Dale’s work and however small my contribution may be, I will try to help him in his endeavor. Even with an interview.

Read here the post by Dale 


dale irata.jpeg

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