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Changing Linden Homes and add prims


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29 minutes ago, GabrielleDeShaAmor said:

I wanted to know do we have the luxury option of changing our Linden Homes and adding a little more prims?

You are able to change the home within the theme through the mailbox/sign on the property.  There is no way to have more Land Impact (prims) on the land.

If you want a different theme home (e.g. victorian rather than traditional), you would have to abandon the current and try for another.  Thus begins the Game of Homes.

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38 minutes ago, GabrielleDeShaAmor said:

I wanted to know do we have the luxury option of changing our Linden Homes and adding a little more prims?

The Linden Homes are starter homes, so if you’re wanting more prims and greater flexibility in building design and location, it’s time to move to the Mainland.

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2 hours ago, Sister Nova said:

The Linden Homes are starter homes, so if you’re wanting more prims and greater flexibility in building design and location, it’s time to move to the Mainland.

Or, if you want a nice neighborhood with an enforced covenant, without the bother of messing with tier, rent from a private estate (there are some on mainland, and many elsewhere on the grid).  Estates will give you varying degrees of control over your property, up to and sometimes including terraforming.

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