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Anyone know about Sl Suspensions or bans?

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6 hours ago, WildBill March said:

To be clear i am not talking about sim owners banning people, I am talking about, Linden Labs/ Second life when they ban people or suspend them. And how do they notify the person who is suspended or banned, do they?


They sometimes send an e-mail and sometimes don't. You will be directed to a screen where you can appeal (which is difficult if you don't know the reason). They may respond and give more information, but according to the ToS they don't have to. They can ban or suspend you and never communicate with you again. The most obvious reason for an account lock is owing them money for too long. It can be very tricky to give up land or a premium account without owing another month of tier. If you violate a more substantial rule, you may never even get a reason so don't do those things.

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6 minutes ago, Crim Mip said:

They sometimes send an e-mail and sometimes don't. You will be directed to a screen where you can appeal (which is difficult if you don't know the reason). They may respond and give more information, but according to the ToS they don't have to. They can ban or suspend you and never communicate with you again. The most obvious reason for an account lock is owing them money for too long. It can be very tricky to give up land or a premium account without owing another month of tier. If you violate a more substantial rule, you may never even get a reason so don't do those things.


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