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scripting help needed willing to help? creating a chaos blast and more from Shadow the hedgehog in Sonic games


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Ideas about what?  If you are writing a script and want to trade ideas or moan about things that are not working the way you expected, you're in the right place. It helps if you are as specific as you can be.  If you're looking for someone to write a script for you, try posting in the InWorld Employment forum.  

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umm ok?  im trying to make a push are similar to that. i rezz the expanding object with the chaos emerald and it push others like i want but it keeps pushing me too :( if i make it hollow it dose nothing unless you touch it from the  inside..... hmm i dont know what to do

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21 minutes ago, kc11114444 said:

im trying to make a push are similar to that. i rezz the expanding object with the chaos emerald and it push others like i want but it keeps pushing me too :( if i make it hollow it dose nothing unless you touch it from the  inside..... hmm i dont know what to do

I don't either.  Please explain what you are trying to do.  If you are working on a script, maybe show us where you are having trouble.

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14 hours ago, kc11114444 said:

oh ok push script

    collision_start(integer num_detected)
        llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0),<0,0,100>, <0,0,100>, TRUE);

For the sort of thing you're doing it's possible there will be more than one collider at a time, this is where stepping through them in a loop is the best idea :


// in the initialisation
key owner;

// inside state_entry()

owner = llGetOwner();

// then the collision event

collision_start(integer num_detected)
	integer ii;
	integer iiMax = num_detected;
	key collider;

	for( ii = 0; ii < iiMax; ii++)
         collider = llDetectedKey(ii);
         if( collider != owner) llPushObject(collider, ...)



Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
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6 hours ago, kc11114444 said:

somethings wrong its not working still 😖

check that the parcel is set to allow pushing

menu: World \ About Land \ Options \ No Pushing (has to be unchecked)

if No Pushing is checked then the script will only work on our own avatar

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