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Forum error messages since last night

Chic Aeon

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Not sure if it is "me" or this is a general thing going on but I have been seeing this message as well as similar ones since last night. Thought it would be good to bring to someone's attention. I ended up at one page last night that said if I was the owner of this forum I needed to update (much longer message than that really).   



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3 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Not sure if it is "me" or this is a general thing going on but I have been seeing this message as well as similar ones since last night. Thought it would be good to bring to someone's attention. I ended up at one page last night that said if I was the owner of this forum I needed to update (much longer message than that really).   



I've seen that too.  They were doing updates again yesterday so that might have caused it.

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