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Noob Question - What do the following avatar descriptions mean?


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  • Mesh Body—add on body other than system. More refined 
  • Mesh Head- same as above but head
  • ***** Hud—controls for adjusting above
  • Mama Alpha—yeah you can get prego for women and ejaculate for men
  • Mesh *****
  • RLV—restraint system for those into bdsm
  • Sex Hud(s)—for mama allpa would be controlling the settings for above actions. or maybe be for something else that I don’t have yet hehe

just off the top of my head. Hope it helps

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****** HUD would be the HUD (control) for the Mesh ****** which we can assume is either male or female genitalia

ETA:  there are huds you can use to have sex anywhere you can res without having to use furniture


Edited by RowanMinx
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You will meet the description HUD in so many different products. It is short for Heads up Display and mean an scripted object that attach to your screen instead of an avatar.

You can purchase clothes with a HUD that let you change the fabric/color. Jewelry that change the metal and gems. Hair with HUD both for the hair color, the attachment fabric (if the hair has a scarf or bow) and also style HUD if you will wear the hair over left shoulder, right shoulder or back.

This is the advanced hairs. Simple unscripted hairs comes in a pack of colors like a blonde pack, where you take off and add so you can switch from peroxide blonde to sand blonde. Same for clothes and other things. Not everything is scripted.

And for avatars: For heads, you can change skin, eyebrows, use built in makeup... and this is just the start. Advanced heads have so many controls, I can not list them. And if the head has an expression HUD, you can select moods or static poses.

For bodies, the most common change is feet height, from flat via medium to tiptoe. Some bodies have more. And also to make parts of the body invisible.

For adult bodyparts, there are change in stages and other things. Ehem. Demo and see.

Some terms:

Makeup HUD - let you wear other makeup than the default ones with a head.

Nail/Manicure HUD - let you change polish on the nails the body has, or comes in addition to nails you buy.

Alpha HUD - makes parts of the body invisible.

Short description: A scripted object that attach to your screen, you click it to change the item you bought it with. It is found in the same folder.

Edited by Marianne Little
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Mesh is a way of building things. If something says it's mesh, it's talking about the "material" it's made out of. 

Mesh genitalia is genitalia built using mesh. (Mesh here isn't talking about the criss-cross, netting type of fabric material you might think of IRL, it's just a building tool.) This is true of anything mesh - bodies, heads, clothes, furniture, etc.

A mesh body is a body-shaped object worn on top of, and therefore covering/hiding, your regular, "classic" avatar body. Mesh bodies are smoother and more refined than the classic system body, but respond to the same system shape sliders so that they can be customized. 

A mesh head is the same concept as a mesh body, but for your face and head. Not all mesh heads work with shape sliders, though! Always read descriptions (if you want something you can truly customize, look for the term "fitmesh") and demo.

A HUD is a display that attaches to your screen - not to your avatar -and is only visible by you. It allows you to control the appearance and/or actions of the attachment it's made for. In the case of clothing, this may be the color or style of the item. For genitalia (which, given the censoring, seems to be what you're asking about?) it could be state of arousal, accessories such as piercings, etc. The exact capabilities depend on the specific object.

A sex HUD is, well, probably exactly what it sounds like. There are lots of different things that could do depending on the exact item.

Mama Allpa (not Alpha; this matters in search) is a HUD that allows you to either simulate a female cycle and pregnancy, or to get someone pregnant, depending on whether you have the male or female version. 

RLV is Restrained Love Viewer (I think that's the term) and it allows objects or people to control certain aspects of your avatar, such as locking you to a piece of furniture. 



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Mesh bodies and heads are third party mesh add-ons which you can wear to create your inworld look. There are several different brand with different looks to mix and match. The look is completed by your shape (figuratively the underlying skeleton and muscles to form your appearance), skin (the textures on head and body), hair (usually another mesh component) and so on...

***** HUD and Mesh ***** are hard to explain due to the censoring.
A HUD in general refers to a "heads up display", something sitting on your screen and meant to control the options of another component.

"Mama Allpa" is a roleplay tool focused on female and male fertility. If you're familiar with pen & paper roleplay, you can think of this tool as a set of dice to decide over reproduction and also to track the status of a pregnancy. Popular among certain sorts of roleplayers, but in the end, it's an optional add-on.

"RLV" acts like some kind of remote control over your avatar. It is mostly used for control in erotic roleplay, as mentioned, but it can also be used for tasks like managing your look. It isn't available in every viewer out there and it has to be switched on intentionally. You can get by wonderfully without ever touching it.

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Just now, riverjoy said:

Thanks all for your responses. Loving this community already :)

So avatars are already pregnant during sex services or they get that way afterwards?

Still learning 

No one actually gets pregnant.  It's a role play accessory.  You have to adjust the shape of your avatar to simulate being pregnant.  Then, role play birth and whatever.

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   HUD is an abbreviation for 'Heads Up Display', it's something that appears on your screen, like an interface. Within SL it refers to attached objects that appears on your screen that aren't part of the 'world', usually with the purpose of having button panels that allow you to do various things, run scripts primarily, to change colours of certain items, run animations, control vehicles, etc.

   When it comes to avatars, mesh vs. 'non-mesh' is a somewhat misleading term as all avatars are made out of mesh, even prims are meshes in pre-determined shapes that can be manipulated - but it refers to the third party bodies that replace the Second Life 'system' avatar. The censored mesh attachments refer to genitalia that either is there for aesthetics, or has different functions for 'adult funtime' stuff. 

   Mama Alpha is a system that works a bit like a mini-game which accommodates pregnancy role play. Can't say much more about it as I've never had any experience with it myself, its primary users tend to be family role players or people with pregnancy fetishes. 

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@riverjoy I'll give you the longer and more techy answers. I think that may help you more in understanding how SL works and how to use it. Some of the items you ask about are easily explained and have been. But the simple explanation may not be what you need to understand SL and make life here easier.

First, understand we use an SL Jargon. No one thought it up not is there an official version. It just sort of evolved. And not everyone will provide the same definition for each item in the jargon. Not everyone understands what words in the jargon actually mean or refer to. So, you can get conflicting explanations.

The word in our jargon bent the most is the word MESH. In common use the word mesh means this dictionary-wise. We mean that too in SL Jargon but we mean more than that.

First every thing rendered in SL’s 3D real time world is made of mesh. Press the keys Ctrl-Shift-R to see the wire frame view of SL and the mesh. Press again to turn it back to a rendered view. But, it is all mesh. So, what do SL peeps mean when they say mesh?

An item you did not ask about is key to understanding SL the meaning of mesh in SL, The Prim. Which is why the slogan “It all begins with a cube” is part of SL history.

Understanding MESH

Things made from Primitives were the beginning of Second Life. Because computers and the Internet were slow the engineers used Primitives, aka prims, to make things faster. Prims were built into the viewer, meaning the list of points making the mesh object are in the viewer and never have to be downloaded (Well, once the viewer is downloaded.). We call those points the vertices of the mesh as is common in 3D modeling.

If you open the Build Panel (Ctrl-B) it opens to show the 13 primitives originally used to build everything in SL, except the avatar, which is a special case. It also shows trees and grass, which I’m not sure about how they are implemented just that they were built-in.

Obviously, these prims can be manipulated. Cubes can be twisted, scaled larger or smaller, colored, textured, and more. Look in the Build Panel’s Object tab to see the geometry controls. These are parameters that are attributes of the cube one is working with. So, SL was known as a 3D parametric world. The parameters were all that had to be downloaded.

To see all the things done with prims and how visit the Ivory Tower Library of Primitive, found in Natoma.

About 2013 what we refer to as MESH was introduced to SL. This is a ‘prim’ that does not have its vertex list built into the viewer. We create the list in a 3D modeling program and upload it to SL. We can make heads, bodies, cars, houses, and… anything we want. When we view such a mesh-prim the list is downloaded. It can take a minute to render. We can do that because computers and the Internet are much faster now.

Mesh heads, bodies, and other mesh named things refer to this type of mesh-prim.


In the Build Panel you can see the controls for working with the basic prims. These work with the mesh-prim too but, in a complex limited way. With buildings and things, we can use all the controls. With mesh-bodies and clothes, we cannot. That is because prims DO NOT bend. Mesh-prims do not bend. So, a jacket on an animated avatar would have the arms coming out of the sleeves when the avatar moved its arms…

The solution is a basic 3D modeling-animation thing called rigging which ties the mesh-prim to the avatar armature (skeleton) so the jacket will move with the arms. Presto a bendable prim. This idea has been extended to animesh, which is a whole other thing.

When people build these bodies and clothes they put lots of work into them and want to avoid having them ripped off. So, they make them No-Mod. We can only change them via an included HUD, Heads Up Display. Which just moves the Build Panels controls into an on-screen control panel we call a HUD. They are customized for the specific item they control rather than the generic controls in Build Panel.

Mama Allpa

It isn’t Mama ALPHA. No such thing. Mama Allpa is an item (HUD) for simulating a women’s menstrual cycle. They base it on the original 4-hour SL day, 6 times faster than RL.

It is for females (primarily, there is a male side) that want to do the sex, pregnancy, and birth thing to have children in SL. The HUD does a game thing decision on whether the coupling ‘took’ and tracks the days to birth.

A Mama Allpa doctor or midwife usually gets involved in the process on request.

It is a good simulation of the RL process. But, one can take the HUD off and stop playing. It is an RP accessory. The SL System does not have a pregnancy system built in. So, avatar pregnancy is an RP thing only.


This is short for Restrained Love Viewer. (Once Restrained Life Viewer but the Linden legal department objected and it changed.) While I suspect the majority of SL residents think of RLV as a BDSM/sex thing, it is more than that. But, sex is the primary use. There are loads of fun toys using RLV.

RLV is a specific viewer. But, the special programming in that viewer has been included in other third party viewers, like Firestorm. So, RLV is now more a 'viewer capability' than a single viewer.

The short explanation is it gives in-world scripts (programs) control over a person’s viewer. A user has to enable RLV for it to work and some type of RLV (script communication) Relay has to worn as an attachment or HUD. This is control like removing and adding attachments. So, clothes on, clothes off.

If you have played with Stargates in SL, you have seen the permission problem RLV was designed to solve. Without RLV you touch the gate and it asks if it is OK to teleport you… every time and at every gate. With RLV enabled you can walk into the gate and get teleported, no extra click or popup questions. Without RLV one can still remove another's clothes but it is often a tedious process of repeatedly asking permission. A mood spoiler.

RLV and the SL Experiences System are similar.

Sex HUDs

For SL avatars to simulate having sex in SL someone has to make and provide the animations. To control when those animations are played and which ones. Various methods are used. Sex HUDs are one way.

The HUDs can get very complex. Getting two avatars to fit together is actually a challenging programming problem, considering all the different size avatars. So, sex furniture is often a simple solution to a complex problem. Pose-balls another but, lately those are falling out of fashion.

Be warned sex HUDs are often filled with old and/or free sex animations. It is easy to get ripped off. Demo any sex thing before you buy it.


Edited by Nalates Urriah
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9 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

No one actually gets pregnant.  It's a role play accessory.  You have to adjust the shape of your avatar to simulate being pregnant.  Then, role play birth and whatever.

I think there is an add on that adjusts so you don’t have to now. Walked past it on the Mama Allpa sim and saw briefly 

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