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Wanting a neighborhood like Riverside County. Any suggestions?


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You could try looking around the Skybeam sims.. They have a few different sims with a mix of different types of communities..

Some are double prim and some are single prim..

They have quarter sims as well or even a first land sim which is smaller lots..

Other than my sims I used to have, I haven't really lived in many other places to really give many more options..


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Sorry Alwin. Not quite sure where to post when looking for a specific kind of area to rent. Would it fall under "land", I guess?  Or would it fall under Places & Events? Or would it fall under Commerce since there's linden transactions involved? Or would it fall under People if I'm searching for a specific person that can offer the right land?  Should I just post in all forums to make sure I get help. I've posted questions in specific forums and never got a response back. General discussion seems to get the best results. Posted a URL radio station question in the Art, Music, Photography forum and never got a response back. It wasn't until I posted the same question in General Discussion did I get a response.....thanks to Ceka. She was so helpful. 

but thanks for the heads up

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here is the link to the land forum directories..

the path to the different forum sections is in the menu just under the site header on the left under Forums.. Click that and then choose forums under the menu and it will take you to the full directory of categories of all the forum sections..

This first link is the main section and below it is the land forum..




Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Thank you, Ceka. :)  I posted in Land.... Homesteads to Rent.... and didn't hear anything.... I know I need to be patient for answers. You've been very helpful tonight, however. Very quick and patient with me. Thank you so much.

Edited by whitneyryshae
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12 minutes ago, whitneyryshae said:

Thank you, Ceka. :) I posted in Land.... Homesteads to Rent.... and didn't hear anything.... I know I need to be patient for answers. You've been very helpful tonight, however. Very quick and patient with me. Thank you so much.

You're welcome..

If you haven't already, Give the skybeam sims a look at.. There is some good variety in their sims.. See if there is anything there that you may like..

That is if you haven't looked there already..

I'm not sure about how they compare with prices.. I just know, they have been there for most of my SL which for me is a good feeling..:)

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1 hour ago, whitneyryshae said:

I posted in Land.... Homesteads to Rent.... and didn't hear anything...

it is confusing :) but homesteads are private low impact regions with only a very limited amount off prims/Land impact ánd low amount of avatars allowed :)  Most communities are at full impact regions at the mainland or private estates.
In things concerning land it mostly has faster results when you actively look for it inworld, not the forums. It can take several hours or days before a forumpost gets replies. And often answers are easy to find using google or the search function ( not the best tool ... there are so many posts stored on these forums, nearly everything is asked hundreds of times but burried deep)
Communities are more related to lifestyles and RP, landrentals mostly are just that... land, no home, no neighbourhoods. Lively neighbourhoods/ real communities are rare on sl, there are so many users out of different timezones that it's sometimes impossible to meet your neighbours.
If you really look for a kind of village type perhaps the premium Linden Homes are something
to have a look at.

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Thanks, Alwin. That's very informative and makes sense. I've been searching "In World" for the past 5 hours and can't find anything compared to Riverside's vibes and choosing you're own home along with landscaping. I've been in all the "options" I've been a SL'r for 5 years on and off. I've owned Mainland and rented many options....im just frustrated at the options... lol.  Maybe I need to invest in my own land and make it the way i want and then rent parcels out. lol  Thanks for your help tho. :) 


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11 hours ago, whitneyryshae said:

Pretty place. Seems like they must rent here??:

'Home Rental Community, Riverside County (60, 100, 22) - Moderate'

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverside County/122/97/23

Currently full or almost so it seems, though...

Edited by CaerolleClaudel
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