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Fixing Text Topology (Blender 2.8)

Resplendent Starlight

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I didn't look at the video but when I was doing this I am pretty sure I highlighted the part to be "simplified" (like the front face of the letter A for example) and then used LIMITED DISSOLVE (under the X key).   You need to do fronts and backs in most cases and it does take some time. But it also gets the LI down by a lot. 

Good luck. 

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  1. Make your text
  2. Convert to mesh
  3. Beautify faces
  4. Tris to Quads
  5. Cleanup
    • ...by hand, by manually selecting and deleting/merging things off
    • ...using modifiers or tools like Limited Dissolve (especially sharp edges), two seconds of work:
    • ???
  6. Solidify
  7. Double-check
  8. Export
Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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Check Exoside QuadRemesher  for stuff like this  (retopo in general). There is a Blender version now and it`s pretty cheap compared to other plugins and how big of a time/work saver it is (commercial license subscription 16 bucks/3 months, Perpetual license 110$, there is also a slightly more expensive version if someone needs this for multiple software)...Fully functional trial version is available..

Hope this helps!

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