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Genus Head + Dancing issues


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I recently got the gift Genus Strong face head from the store. Its amazing and I love it, but there is an issue with the animations when I dance.. They stop and the face scrunches up.. I have to open the animations hud constantly and click stop, then I stop dancing, the face goes back to normal and I start to dance again, this happens every 30 seconds or so and is so annoying.. how do I stop it from doing this? any help greatly appreciated as I want to carry on wearing the head, but its getting difficult..

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   It's not the head itself, but rather conflicting and/or interrupted animations.

   I'd advise you go through what animations you are using and try to limit them. The best way to deal with animations are to turn off whatever facial AO came with the head and set up a Firestorm AO (if you're in Firestorm that is), or find a free HUD in which you can put whichever animations you want included in your AO (as most AO HUDs that come with all these nifty functions tend to be scripted to Hell and back, which contributes to lag and increases the likelihood of issues). If the dances include facial expressions in their animation (i.e. being fully bento animated) that may short-circuit the head's running animation and cause it to freeze.

   With a simple on/off AO HUD or using FS AO, all you need do when you want to dance is toggle it off with the click of a button. If doing so causes an animation to freeze rather than reset to default (i.e. the 'leaning tower' noob stance), you can right-click your avatar and go: Appearance -> Reset -> Skel & Anim.

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