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Gacha Items not in folder?


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So... I recently played gacha in a seller's store and didn't receive the items. I played 3 times for 3 different gachas and only got 1 item, rather than 3 items for the amount of times I played. What do I do?

I don't think this is an unboxing issue, as I went to a non-laggy region to rez the boxes and copied the items to my inventory, only to notice that there's nothing in the folders except a notecard or landmark, or a script. This is my first time playing gacha, so this is a little upsetting and discouraging to say the least. I would've thought that playing gacha inside a reputable seller's store would've been the safest option.

I've attached screenshots of what I was playing for and what the folders I received looked like when I unpacked.

Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 4.03.36 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 4.08.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 4.11.00 PM.png

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Welcome to the Forums 🥰

First thing to do is make sure the seller is the creator not a reseller..if creator contact them explaing what happened..if reseller you could have been scammed...it's all I know that can be done. hope it helps🥺

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If you do not delete gacha boxes after you unpacked them, but take them back to your inventory, you get empty boxes that are still named as the gacha price. They contain only the notecard, landmark and unpacker scripts.

Many "take" the gacha box instead of "delete" it, because they are afraid when they get the warning, that they are about to delete a no-copy object.

When you want to try on the price, it is very easy to select the empty gacha box, drag it to the ground and copy the contents to your inventory. The box will give you a folder with the copy items, but not the gacha item itself.

Since it is the first time you have played a gacha, do a double search in your inventory. Things can happen, like the first folder that includes the gacha price can be named wrong. Or the gacha price goes in the objects folder.

You successfully got one item, so I am not saying this has happened to you. Stores and creators make mistakes. I second what @Sassy Keninsays, go back to the store, check this is the creator and see how he/she will be contacted, by notecard or IM. The creator will then take out the boxes and inspect them, to see if they contain the prize.


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If you still have the boxes, rez one out and choose edit, then check contents.  If the item shows in contents along with the other stuff in your picture, you can click on it and drag the item into the appropriate folder that you already have.  If in edit, you see the cranberry shoes along with the other items in your picture, drag the shoes into that folder from the edit window.  If you rez out the box and do NOT see the item in there, contact the seller.  I'm not sure how they handle gatcha refunds but she can surely look inside the box herself and see what's in there.

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I note that in the pink heels folder shown in your screenshot there's an unpacker script. Did you actually right-click > open that box, or just rez it and the items automatically went into your inventory? With any scripted unpacker - either rezzed or worn - there's a very strong chance that a no-copy item contained within will remain in the box or bag that it was originally packed in. Since so many unpackers are in HUD or wearable bag format these days, it's quite common to automatically attach first of all - at which point you receive only the copiable items in the folder - and only then do you realise you need to rez the item and open it manually to drag the no-copy gacha item into the inventory folder.

I know that you said you copied the items to your inventory, but just double-check that one by rezzing it, to ensure the object isn't still in the box. One thing I always do with gacha items is rez them and check the contents before I unpack, just as a quick reassurance that there is an object inside.

As an aside: it's also a bit strange that the folder name contains the words "Rez&Open" when there's also an unpacker script included. You would normally have one or the other, not both.

If rezzing and checking the contents brings no joy, then I would also suggest searching your inventory for various terms that might dig the items out, in case they are in there somewhere. Example:

off-line + shoes
shoes + cranberry

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I'm at that store right now, to pick up some weekend sale items. I notice that directly under that gacha on the desk there's a clickable box that says "Having issues getting your gacha? Click here". Clicking it gives a notecard that states the following:



      Having trouble receiving your gacha? // The folder you received is empty?

                                            Here's how to fix that!
                             Follow these steps to receive your gacha:

        1) Drag and drop your winnings from your inventory onto the ground
                      ( In a non laggy environment that allows scripts )
                              2) > IGNORE < The prompt to unpack

                            3) Right click the package on the ground
                                4) Click "Open"
                                    5) Click "Copy to inventory"



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