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low rezzing

Krystel Gagliano

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You may want to define low rezzing... Slow rezzing as in taking a long time, more than 5 minutes? Or only low quality rezzing, as in blurry?

In general, I think rez speed has dropped. It takes long for regions to fully render. Avatars take longer to render. What I recall happening in 1 to 2 minutes may now take 1 to 5 minutes. It varies a lot from place to place. Some are still fast but other times even those are slow. So, it is hard to know if it is SL, the viewer, or my connection and computer.


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Oh, and also check your draw distance.  Several times, I have been frustrated by an extremely low frame rate and things taking forever to rez, only to finally notice that I'd set my draw distance very high for something, and then forgotten to turn it down again to a reasonable level for everyday use.

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