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Can anyone tell me where i could get this eyes?

Resi Pfeffer

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is Arise, the photo in your original post...I got some nice eyes from Izzie`s, she does great work, updates regularly and doesn`t overcharge (some creators seem to be going crazy with sets of eyes for 400L, utterly ridiculous and I say this as a creator)....When it comes to lashes,  I would suggest okbye store, they seem to hand-draw lashes and it shows in all the good ways! 

btw, you can always search MP or in-world groups/places if you know the store name but not the owner and from there find the store link...most times MP store is not updated as regularly as in-world store, plus current events stuff is never in stores until round is over, meaning if you can`t find certain items, always check in-world store or even better store flickr..

Hope this helps:)

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