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Can't log into Market Place


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Is anyone having a problem getting into Market Place?  I can log into my SL account okay, but when I try to go to MP it just takes me to MP's main, not logged-in page.  If I try & log in from there it just refreshes back to that same page.  What's going on?  I was probably in there okay a week or so ago. 

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4 minutes ago, Xeraphon said:

Is anyone having a problem getting into Market Place?  I can log into my SL account okay, but when I try to go to MP it just takes me to MP's main, not logged-in page.  If I try & log in from there it just refreshes back to that same page.  What's going on?  I was probably in there okay a week or so ago. 

Lots of people having an issue.  The lab are aware and working on it  https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/33tshl3y0rny

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