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1930s hair?


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Hi folks,

I'm looking for high quality vintage style hair that would be suitable for a 1930s roleplay setting; my long modern hair just doesn't cut it.

I've seen others wear hair like Truth Hair Labyrinth and Doux Zoe which work quite well, but I don't want to be seen wearing what's obviously the same hair as someone else;

I'd like to find something different, does anybody have any suggestions on hair that could work? 

Thank you very much,



- Charlotte Sinclair 



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6 minutes ago, Laurel Aurelia said:

This is an old hair but one of my faves. It is a gacha from Lamb but you can sometimes find it on MP for not too much. I recall her still having the machine in her store, but it might have moved locations.


Check out Tram for some shorter, vintage inspired hairstyles too.

I want that!

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