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Purple Sloth Productions seeks ADVERTISER


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Purple Sloth Productions seeks an ADVERTISER to promote its weekly event as well as its monthly hunts/events.  The right candidate will be fluent in written English.

Duties will include:
- Posting 2 times per week for PSP's Steal of the Week event in at least 5 in-world groups.  
        -The first post must be made between 6 AM by noon SLT on each Weds
        - The second post must be made between 4 PM and 9pm SLT
-Advertiser will be tasked with writing their own ADs
-When another event, hunt, or hunt/event combo is happening at PSP, the Advertiser will post once per week in at least 5 groups        
-Advertisers will provide the date and place of their advertisements along with a screen shot once they are completed via provided template.

-This is a paid position.  Wages and details will be discussed in a face-to-face interview with PSP owners at an agreed upon time.  Please prepare one example of an AD you would write for the attached PSP event  based on this image .  Please include this example in a note card titled "PSP Advertiser Request - YOUR NAME" 

Also, please include your SL legacy name and the 2 best days and times for your interview before Oct 25th.  You may also include anything else you would like in this card!

Send your note card to Beyonkah Resident for review.  Fitting candidates will be contacted directly.  Thank you for your time and consideration!

The PSP Team♥

Beyonkah & Nikki


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