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Dear Boots Cognoscenti: What Are These Boots????? [Resolved — Thanks Eddy!]

Scylla Rhiadra

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Greetings O Incredibly Generous and Knowledgeable Forumites!

@Eva Knollerand I -- and there may be other interested parties -- are searching for a make of Chelsea boot. Eva spotted them on Flickr, where there were unfortunately no credits, but DMed the Flickr page owner. She said they were Addams, but an extensive search seems to reveal that that is wrong. These are the boots:


Eva, employing her incredible detective skills, located another, somewhat similar pair, by Equal ("Adam Chelsea Boots"), but they have seams and appear to be a bit different.

You have probably deduced at this point that we want these boots.

Does anyone recognize these?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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  • Scylla Rhiadra changed the title to Dear Boots Cognoscenti: What Are These Boots????? [Resolved — Thanks Eddy!]
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