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Test Out New Search, Delivering More Relevant, Faster Results

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ItsJusta Littlething wrote:

i think it is great except for those of us who can not update there viewers....i guess we are expendable, even after several years as a paying resident. Oh well 

Old Mac?

I've got a PowerPC Mac myself. And frankly - that's so old of technology that SL's 1.23 viewer was about the only thing left supporting it. An eMachine at Costco goes for $350 I think, and has better specs than a lot of gaming machines just a few years back.

I gave up on keeping a Mac when I realized I couldn't keep spending 10x the money for only 3x the quality in software but 1/2x the quality in hardware. I love Mac, but it was time to move on.

If you can't afford even an eMachine, you need a second job or something rather than time in SL. And if its been so long since you upgraded that your machine can't run anything above the 1.23 line - you need to upgrade... You can't expect a company to support outdated technology forever. It'll be sad to see my Mac finally have no use at all... but every computer has its time...



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Its very disappointing...I try to do some easy (and relevants searches) like look just for "freebies". (G and Mature search)

¿The traffic is more relevant now....? Nope


The first one result its ranked over 2300 in traffic..
And the secod one... ¡21! Yes , 21


AND, the better,

the second one have just 2 Freebies (!!!) Yes its all just 2 freebies around all the place. 2 box with some anodine couple of freebies.


So it seems, the new search, until now,realy do easier their "Job" to spammers.


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Okay, dumb questions. The idea is that one downloads and installs a new viewer - the search viewer - but how does this work if one already has a viewer installed? Does the search viewer run independently of the normal viewer? Is the search viewer a beta version of V3? Is the search viewer an add-on to the normal viewer? Does one run two viewers simultaneously? Do the two viewers merge somehow? I can't make any sense of this. Could someone please explain this new search viewer and how it relates to normal viewers?

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Paulyta Miles wrote:

thanks a lot i can use phoenix viewer... 90% of the resident uses phoenix viewer

http://search-beta.secondlife.com/ works just fine without the annoying security warning

and try about half that number of phoenix users, with variations depending on how newbie saturated an area is... and believe me, 45% is still plenty embarrassing since it represents nearly half the userbase and more than that of experienced users... it means there are huge unmet needs in V2 despite it's goodies, and a not small number of quick converts among the new.



it should install and run as a completely separate viewer, and list itself as Beta Second Life.... but it could potentially replace the current instance.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Okay, dumb questions. The idea is that one downloads and installs a new viewer - the search viewer - but how does this work if one already has a viewer installed? Does the search viewer run independently of the normal viewer? Is the search viewer a beta version of V3? Is the search viewer an add-on to the normal viewer? Does one run two viewers simultaneously? Do the two viewers merge somehow? I can't make any sense of this. Could someone please explain this new search viewer and how it relates to normal viewers?

Its a project viewer. Sort of pre-beta. It is a test viewer - it connects to the main grid in the same way the official viewer does, but they are not the same. Its like using the LL viewer and Phoenix, a third-party viewer. They can all be on your system and you can run either one to connect to the grid. They are independant of each other.

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I downloaded and installed 'it' and 'it' is a V2 Release Candidate with a new search engine, plain and simple. In other words, it is V2, which annoys me because I didn't want to install V2 (because it causes mayhem when I uninstall it). Why it was not referred to as a V2 Release candidate is beyond me, but what's done is done. Hopefully it will uninstall without destroying all my settings.

As for search, the category filter does not seem to work. Modelling agencies, dance clubs and shopping centers are showing up top of the list in the real estate section results.

Damn! It did destroy all my settings during uninstall. Bah. V2 is a nightmare.

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Cerise Sorbet wrote:

To whomever put a switch next to the maturity icons and even made it persistent, THANK YOU!

I agree. Unfortunately at least for Real Estate it doesn't seem to work (yet). Real Estate always seems to show results for all maturity ratings. Maybe still work-in-progress?


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New search fails  in a bad way.

A name of a store- group- person  with a sign  included  not be found  in  not 1 way think thats a very  bad thing that need to be sort asap or alot people wil be furiuos

i pay classefied adds  for that to  and i cant be found , no group, no  stores, nothing:

Your search for "G&T creations" did not return any matches

You can try:

  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.

No close matches found for "G&T creations", expanding to a broader search.

and than i tryed a few more i no that use a  sign in them  name.......none shoes up 

it cant be that way we all be forced to choose new brandnames because of a new search that proberly cant search proper.

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Really, new Search?  What's the point when we can't even get all our events into the SL Events listings, because they don't allow us to post a running event two days in a row, or a similar event running at different times on the same day, because there's a bug that makes it read as the SAME event posted (are you aware of this problem Blondin?).

As has been said many times in many forums, why doesn't LL fix the things that are wrong before bringing out "new" things?

And I'm with the others who say this isn't going to make me interested in V2.


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Regarding the new Search, I was disappointed to read that "you can still use the 1.23 Viewer, but search functionality will be impaired once new search is released into general availability".

Even though many of us still use Viewer 1.23 (having tried and rejected V2), you're saying that it won't be supported.

Well, the old Search didn't work very well in 1.23 anyway, so I guess it's no great loss.

But you're restricting the new Search to the newbies who don't know any better than to use V2.

Maybe it's time to take another look at Phoenix et al.


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Deltango Vale wrote:

I downloaded and installed 'it' and 'it' is a V2 Release Candidate with a new search engine, plain and simple. In other words, it
V2, which annoys me because I didn't want to install V2 (because it causes mayhem when I uninstall it). Why it was not referred to as a V2 Release candidate is beyond me, but what's done is done. Hopefully it will uninstall without destroying all my settings.

As for search, the category filter does not seem to work. Modelling agencies, dance clubs and shopping centers are showing up top of the list in the real estate section results.

Damn! It did destroy all my settings during uninstall. Bah. V2 is a nightmare.

It wasn't referred to as a V2 release candidate for 3 reasons:

1. Project Viewers are intended to test a specific major project, such as search in this case, or mesh in another example. It isn't about the viewer as a whole. Eventually the new search will wind up in a V2 beta release, followed by an official V2 release.

2. They haven't released a Viewer 3 yet, so the fact that its a V2 release goes without saying. Are you still clinging to the hope they might abandon V2? After 16 months, its time to let go. Every time they release a viewer in any form, it WILL be V2, until Viewer 3 comes around.

3. They don't do release candidates anymore. They do project viewers, betas, and official releases.

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"2. They haven't released a Viewer 3 yet, so the fact that its a V2 release goes without saying. Are you still clinging to the hope they might abandon V2? After 16 months, its time to let go. Every time they release a viewer in any form, it WILL be V2, until Viewer 3 comes around."


Half the SL population does not use V2. It is simply one viewer among many, in the same way Sony is one of many companies producing MP3 players or Nokia is one of many cellphone makers. Needless to say, Linden Lab develops the server side for all viewers, but the company must not assume people use the LLV2 viewer. For example, a huge section of the population will eventually migrate from Phoenix to Firestorm. Others are following the Kirsten development stream. Linden Lab needs to climb down out of its ivory tower and see the world though the eyes of its users.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

"2. They haven't released a Viewer 3 yet, so the fact that its a V2 release goes without saying. Are you still clinging to the hope they might abandon V2? After 16 months, its time to let go. Every time they release a viewer in any form, it WILL be V2, until Viewer 3 comes around."


Half the SL population does not use V2. It is simply one viewer among many, in the same way Sony is one of many companies producing MP3 players or Nokia is one of many cellphone makers. Needless to say, Linden Lab develops the server side for all viewers, but the company must not assume people use the LLV2 viewer. For example, a huge section of the population will eventually migrate from Phoenix to Firestorm. Others are following the Kirsten development stream. Linden Lab needs to climb down out of its ivory tower and see the world though the eyes of its users.

It does realize many are using third-party viewers. Don't forget, it was Linden Lab that made its viewer code available so that other people, like the Phoenix team, could be able to make alternatives. The viewer side of things is not a competition. The Phoenix team has said that if LL put out a viewer that was exactly like, or better than,Phoenix, they would consider that a good thing, not a bad thing. So why should LL care if they aren't the ones developing the best viewer in the eyes of many right now? Its constantly evolving, and no matter what viewer you are using, you are still connecting to Linden Lab's service. Rightly or wrongly, the goal with V2 is to obtain and maintain new memberships. Older residents have alternatives. Time will tell if that approach will work. Viewer 2 is an alternative, that has its support, even if not as much as Phoenix.

The point I was making is that V2 isn't going anywhere. LL developed it, LL is sticking to it. That was clear a year ago.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

[...] Linden Lab develops the server side for all viewers, but the company must not assume people use the LLV2 viewer.[...]

there is a misconception here. LL develops it's servers to work with it's viewer, no more. it's up to TPV's to be compliant and compatible with that, just like any other aftermarket tool.

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Since I started using the search function on here, including the 'teleport here' function, I can no longer use the search function in game (the box just comes up blank!! I'm so frustrated because it means I can't search for land, shops or destinations in game. The 'help' search function also just comes up with a blank box where text etc used to be). I've tried to find out what's going on, restarted my computer etc, to no avail :(

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Just another thank-you for this viewer. It works so well on my MacBook Pro, it has eliminated so much lag, that I am touring some places I haven't visited in a year. It's my fourth rez-day, and it's wonderful to have so much of the pleasure of exploring SL back! Best-behaved viewer since 1.23.


Rusalka Writer

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The new search sucks.  Half the time when I search for resident, it comes up with irrelevant results and not the residents name.  Bring back the old 1.23 style search that actually works, at the very least for searching for residents.  This new thing is nice and all, but when it comes to just searching for a resident's name so you can IM them.. its terrible.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

Hello. I downloaded and installed the Seach Project Viewer. I try it now and i have 2 questions:

1) Why we haven't any mention about the traffic when we search for places? Is it possible to be added this option? I believe that is very useful maybe more than the size of a region or club for example (sq m2).

Traffic has not been used by the V2 community for over a year. It only impacts V1 search, which soon won't exist.



Seems the V2 community is a small one...

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I don't use V2, but downloaded it so I could check out the new search.  And yes, I'm not surprised that it doesn't work very well. 

I logged in to SL with V2 and Phoenix to test the difference.

Phoenix has search much like it always was with the 1.23 and later versions before V2. I am easily able to select Events and select say, "Arts and Entertainment", select my maturity ratings, select a date and click on Search and every event in that category for that date comes up in order according to the time of the event. 

I didn't have to put any words into search, and I found 23 events with a search of Nightlife and Entertainment for 06 23 11, which is where I posted my Solitaire AUTO SHOW event, and it was there.


Now, to list the problems with Search in V2

I was able to tick general and moderate when the “FIND” page opens, but as soon as I start ticking other boxes and clicking Search, the moderate box is unchecked and I am unable to recheck it.

I click “Events” and choose the date I want to search, choose the category, click Search and it changes back to “all Categories” and changes back to today's date.

I didn't put any words in search because when I search events I’m not looking for something specific, that would narrow it down and I want to see all the events listed in Arts and Entertainment or whatever category I choose for that date.

I even put cars in search and not only did my event not show up, but no events showed up for 06 23 11.

The reason I did this test is because I'm a live musician and I post my shows (when I'm allowed since the new rules have changed that), I also put on events like the Auto Show which I posted in Events, and I'm concerned because I believe that not all events show in search in V2, and I'd like people to at least see my event to be able to choose whether to come to it or not.

In my opinion the most important part of Search, being able to see ALL EVENTS LISTED in the maturity rating, date and category chosen, is severely broken.

So, yes, as I said before, I won't be using V2, and I'm disappointed to see that it looks like a lot of people won't be finding my, and a lot of other, events there.

Love SL, strongly dislike V2, in fact when V2 first came out I was using it and when I found out about Emerald one of the main reasons I switched was because I wasn't able to find things in Search any more. 



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