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2 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Huh. I wonder if this is a "political"sign on my LL houseboat. I put this up a few days before being told here in the forums that I was making the KKK proud. (Yeah, I'm not letting that one go.) In other words, is BLM political according to LL? And "campaigning" is way different from having a political view, or saying "register to vote." 

"Fauci 2020" is campaigning (and a yard sign near where I live). "Any sentient adult" is probably campaigning (also sighted near me). "Have your voice matter, Vote!" isn't.


From other threads and comments here in the forums, your sign should be okay - but no guarantees. 

Also, from comments in the forums, the Fauci sign would definitely not be allowed & is thus AR'able.  The "any adult" one is probably okay because it isn't specific.


Though, to be honest, I'd be willing to bet that LL will let anything that isn't for Trump and possibly anything that isn't for Republicans stay unless really pushed on the matter.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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@Seicher RaeShe hasn't directly attacked me...yet...like the other Luna-tic.  I guess time will tell.  She may yet end up on my block list, too.

And you're right, I rarely even bother looking at what other people have posted on the music thread.  Unless it's right before I post or opens at the top of a page.  But...I will now.


Psst... I still think 2 for 1.


Edited by RowanMinx
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2 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

And that's the thing. Nobody credible says that everyone is going to experience the world like that, obviously it isn't so, as we see. But you have to appreciate that people's experiences are different than your own and if something being done creates harm for even a small class of those people, and your first instinct is to mock them, isn't that troublesome for the long-term progress in a civilization, be it virtual or material.



But mostly, nope. Not on a duplicate of a frikkin Youtube.

It is more troublesome that someone wants SO HARD to be offended that they'd get offended at THAT. 

Being alive causes damage to something, somewhere, and often to someone.

I do appreciate that other people have their own experiences, and it is rather arrogant of you to suggest otherwise.

I think the world, the Internet, civilization will get along just fine with me rolling an eyeball at someone so frikkin precious about a repost of a Youtube video. Again, I'm more worried about the prevalence of people so willing to be OFFENDED, I say, OFFENDED by every breath someone else takes.

You ain't the center of the world, sweetie.

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19 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:



But mostly, nope. Not on a duplicate of a frikkin Youtube.

It is more troublesome that someone wants SO HARD to be offended that they'd get offended at THAT. 

Being alive causes damage to something, somewhere, and often to someone.

I do appreciate that other people have their own experiences, and it is rather arrogant of you to suggest otherwise.

I think the world, the Internet, civilization will get along just fine with me rolling an eyeball at someone so frikkin precious about a repost of a Youtube video. Again, I'm more worried about the prevalence of people so willing to be OFFENDED, I say, OFFENDED by every breath someone else takes.

You ain't the center of the world, sweetie.

Okay, so there's no room in digital culture for higher expressions overlayed over mediums, even social media or forums, and people who are dealing with thoughtforms that ebb and flow over the course of a thread, well, they're just out of luck because you probably don't know what that means, and you certainly don't care to consider how there may be extra dimensionality to what's going on in front of you. You don't recognize the problem of interrupting someone's flow through your antisocial dissociative social approach to your own discomfort or think it's important there are intractable problems your ignore creates being left in your wake.

You dismiss all criticisms as people taking offense,  because obviously that is just to spite you, right?

It's not actually about youtube or even forums threads, at the end of the day it's about basic human respect and understanding of difference and plurality. In a multilateral world, there is no center.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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Does the President of the U.S matters for the rest of the world?
Yes but not really that much. In many cases croissant and coffee is more important than him. It has to do with priorities.
Will the world survive whoever president the U.S will have?
Absolutely! Global economy is also a mess for decades but we are still alive, enjoying our coffee and talking imaginary scenarios while sitting comfortably in our living rooms, about how the world will be affected by the U.S 2020 elections.
I am sure we can survive the next president, whoever that is..


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5 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Okay, so there's no room in culture for higher expressions, and people who are dealing with thoughtforms that ebb and flow over the course of a thread, well, they're just out of luck because you probably don't know what that means, and you certainly don't care to consider how there may be extra dimensionality to what's going on in front of you.

You dismiss all criticisms as people taking offense,  because obviously that is just to spite you, right?

It's not actually about youtube or even forums threads, at the end of the day it's about basic human respect and understanding of difference and plurality. In a multilateral world, there is not center.

You're a trip.

An annoying trip, but also a hilarious one. Whatever, dear. I think you're dealing with enough ebbing and flowing thoughtforms for several folks, so I'm ok with my dimensionality. Thanks for caring?

This was an interesting observation, "You dismiss all criticisms as people taking offense,  because obviously that is just to spite you, right?"  based on (I'm not sure what), to get to such global proportions because I block annoying people on the SL Forum and think it is pretty petty and frankly, weird, to get one's knickers in a twist over a reposted Youtube video. But hyperbole does seem to be your friend. Funny how that word comes up again, almost like... nah.

/me pats the bench of my block list, seeing that there are still one or two slots available before rendering this place just too silly for words. I'm sure you'll enjoy the company there. All the very best people...


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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

You're a trip.

An annoying trip, but also a hilarious one. Whatever, dear. I think you're dealing with enough ebbing and flowing thoughtforms for several folks, so I'm ok with my dimensionality. Thanks for caring?

This was an interesting observation, "You dismiss all criticisms as people taking offense,  because obviously that is just to spite you, right?"  based on (I'm not sure what), to get to such global proportions because I block annoying people on the SL Forum and think it is pretty petty and frankly, weird, to get one's knickers in a twist over a reposted Youtube video. But hyperbole does seem to be your friend. Funny how that word comes up again, almost like... nah.

/me pats the bench of my block list, seeing that there are still one or two slots available before rendering this place just too silly for words. I'm sure you'll enjoy the company there. All the very best people...


I enjoyed the challenge of sending you these rejoinders. The "you dismiss" comment was specifically aimed at your certainty that you're correct in your understanding of what they're actually trying to communicate, and it might in fact not be out of some desire to be angry but instead to bridge gaps of understanding for perfectly valid reasons.

Anyway, experimental art on traditional media like forums shouldn't be taken seriously, not at all. But people still shouldn't ignore each other, if only for the sake of hilarious annoying trips.

I guess bringing this the long way around to on-topic, I'm left with the lingering funky aftertaste of a question: But how is anyone going to put the world out there back together again after all this? If we can't even agree that people should talk through their differences and understand one another enough to see the bigger picture, it's probably hopeless to expect any desperately overdue progress in the next decade or more.

It looks like no matter what the incumbent and manifestly subverted pro-oligarchy-pro-nuclear-hegemony-pro-sixth-mass-extinction one party two brand system establishment is capable of scripting, everyone loses this November without some deus ex machina. Meanwhile, all the terrible worthless things grind on against our will like an ungovernable nation of functionally psychotic immortal corporations above most laws most of the time, illiberal noxious allies attacking freedom and equality everywhere at once like a stupid bum rush shock blitzkrieg, systemic political attacks on globalism and equality from the incumbent minority power of receding relevance to anything actual, and destructive unsustainable economic models that grind up and extract the value of everything like rust or fire consumes, but without end.

Of course the completely preventable pandemic purge continues while people are given a handful of reasons to believe it's something else, choose your favorite. You can't wave your hands and make it disappear in a political conversation this year.

People have been AI-analyzed by the likes of Cambridge Analytica and brainwashed by vast teams of behavioral psychologists being paid to sow division and cognitive dissonance on a mass scale and who are scripting a false political reality into a kind of lively animation, albeit the people at the far end of those puppet strings aren't looking so good. None of us are under any obligation to conflate Psychological Operations with a legitimate activity in a Constitutional republic. Because money is not protected speech no matter what SCOTUS says, and because more speech through more money is not more equal or more balanced in any way that serves our best Enlightened interests, and can buy PACs and international conspirators and extralegal actions that run on dark agendas to disrupt democracy by any means necessary. Therefore, everything that results also lacks legitimacy due to the transitive quality of illegitimacy in an electoral process that refuses to patch its 0-day exploits because of all the lucrative side deals thus enabled for the operators of The People's system together with its sworn natural enemies who are, in fact, not a nation-state at all.

Isn't late-stage capitalism exciting? Better make sure you're not underneath this sucker when it falls because it casts quite a shadow across the landscape and it's likely to leave a crater that is visible from the moon where it crashes. And oh by the way, I'm deep in its shadow and this is definitely not the place for someone like me to find themselves, and yet I don't know where to flee or even how, or even at what point is the point where I cut loose for anywhere not-here. But sure, then, one day long after that, we can have a nice polite level free market economy that operates with a social spirit for the equal benefit of all participants under laws applied uniformly to all as a shield to protect the integrity of equality and Universal Human Rights from the endless undead pernicious intrusions of pathological slaver culture's "great again" great great grandchildren: unregulated capitalism and feudalistic or cannibalistic neocolonialism at home and broad, and the pyramid schemes they tend to erect at the expense of everything and everyone.

Who needs peace, prosperity, the pursuit of happiness, and goodwill among all humanity when they can have a red plastic cup of this almond-scented kool-aid on offer from their illiberal princes instead?

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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5 hours ago, Chroma Starlight said:

I enjoyed the challenge of sending you these rejoinders. The "you dismiss" comment was specifically aimed at your certainty that you're correct in your understanding of what they're actually trying to communicate, and it might in fact not be out of some desire to be angry but instead to bridge gaps of understanding for perfectly valid reasons.

Anyway, experimental art on traditional media like forums shouldn't be taken seriously, not at all. But people still shouldn't ignore each other, if only for the sake of hilarious annoying trips.

I guess bringing this the long way around to on-topic, I'm left with the lingering funky aftertaste of a question: But how is anyone going to put the world out there back together again after all this? If we can't even agree that people should talk through their differences and understand one another enough to see the bigger picture, it's probably hopeless to expect any desperately overdue progress in the next decade or more.

It looks like no matter what the incumbent and manifestly subverted pro-oligarchy-pro-nuclear-hegemony-pro-sixth-mass-extinction one party two brand system establishment is capable of scripting, everyone loses this November without some deus ex machina. Meanwhile, all the terrible worthless things grind on against our will like an ungovernable nation of functionally psychotic immortal corporations above most laws most of the time, illiberal noxious allies attacking freedom and equality everywhere at once like a stupid bum rush shock blitzkrieg, systemic political attacks on globalism and equality from the incumbent minority power of receding relevance to anything actual, and destructive unsustainable economic models that grind up and extract the value of everything like rust or fire consumes, but without end.

Of course the completely preventable pandemic purge continues while people are given a handful of reasons to believe it's something else, choose your favorite. You can't wave your hands and make it disappear in a political conversation this year.

People have been AI-analyzed by the likes of Cambridge Analytica and brainwashed by vast teams of behavioral psychologists being paid to sow division and cognitive dissonance on a mass scale and who are scripting a false political reality into a kind of lively animation, albeit the people at the far end of those puppet strings aren't looking so good. None of us are under any obligation to conflate Psychological Operations with a legitimate activity in a Constitutional republic. Because money is not protected speech no matter what SCOTUS says, and because more speech through more money is not more equal or more balanced in any way that serves our best Enlightened interests, and can buy PACs and international conspirators and extralegal actions that run on dark agendas to disrupt democracy by any means necessary. Therefore, everything that results also lacks legitimacy due to the transitive quality of illegitimacy in an electoral process that refuses to patch its 0-day exploits because of all the lucrative side deals thus enabled for the operators of The People's system together with its sworn natural enemies who are, in fact, not a nation-state at all.

Isn't late-stage capitalism exciting? Better make sure you're not underneath this sucker when it falls because it casts quite a shadow across the landscape and it's likely to leave a crater that is visible from the moon where it crashes. And oh by the way, I'm deep in its shadow and this is definitely not the place for someone like me to find themselves, and yet I don't know where to flee or even how, or even at what point is the point where I cut loose for anywhere not-here. But sure, then, one day long after that, we can have a nice polite level free market economy that operates with a social spirit for the equal benefit of all participants under laws applied uniformly to all as a shield to protect the integrity of equality and Universal Human Rights from the endless undead pernicious intrusions of pathological slaver culture's "great again" great great grandchildren: unregulated capitalism and feudalistic or cannibalistic neocolonialism at home and broad, and the pyramid schemes they tend to erect at the expense of everything and everyone.

Who needs peace, prosperity, the pursuit of happiness, and goodwill among all humanity when they can have a red plastic cup of this almond-scented kool-aid on offer from their illiberal princes instead?

Jesus! This is like reading the complete works of Shakespeare, the difference being I can understand some of Shakepeare's stuff! 

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5 hours ago, Chroma Starlight said:

You don't recognize the problem of interrupting someone's flow through your antisocial dissociative social approach to your own discomfort or think it's important there are intractable problems your ignore creates being left in your wake.

Oooh! Someone new to ignore! 

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1 hour ago, RowanMinx said:

And all the whole wall of words simply because someone posted the same music video.   SMDH

No, it seems in your desperate scramble to degrade others you couldn't even be bothered to understand what was being described well enough to emulate it intentionally despite all the necessary elements being laid out, you still couldn't narrow you scope enough. You're like an unfocused projector of lower frequencies, aren't you? But I like how you went on record. So, good luck with that and your predilection for pointless empty cruelty for cruelty's sake. You certainly didn't gain anything else from your efforts. I've always been open about my tendency to ramble about the things important to me. Have you always been open about your cruelty?

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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7 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

No, it seems in your desperate scramble to degrade others you couldn't even be bothered to understand what was being described well enough to even emulate it intentionally despite all the necessary elements being laid out, you still couldn't narrow you scope enough. You're just an unfocused projector of lower frequencies, aren't you? But I like how you went on record as being willing to at least attempt to do something intentionally to someone that they just explained to you caused them distress. So, good luck with that and your newly-forged social reputation for pointless empty cruelty for cruelty's sake, because you certainly didn't gain anything from your efforts.

Yet I'll still stand by what you quoted.  

Now I'm up to 5 @Seicher Rae

And by the way, I stopped reading after the rant about the video FWIW.  

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Ok i dont even know what LL posted.


The Goebbels propaganda machine represented by Fox Nyp and it seems also Nbc, besides all the Q anon pedophiles and evangelic cultists will end in 20 days! To make sure that will happen we need to keep on voting massively.
Edited by foneco Zuzu
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oh my oh my.. such drama in this thread its so thick you can cut it with a butter knife.. its hilarious what some people will argue over at times and what others will get offended by. Just proves that no one here is superior or better or more enlightened or mature or adult than anyone else no matter how much they might want to think or claim they are.

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2 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

Now I'm up to 5 @Seicher Rae


That just reminded me, sounded like, kids with some kind of collectibles. (Showing my age, I thought baseball cards.)

Ooooh, I'll trade you two of these for one of those.

Darn, I don't have that one yet.

Pretty much what it says in my sigline "collect 'em all"!

I'm up to 10, but a couple look like they are temporary, one-off sort of things, new accounts created just to annoy and who appear to be gone. 1 is an old, oldbie, there for sentimental value. :D


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