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We need help figuring out what's going on with our media

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Okay, so I'm not a land owner BUT I live on land my friend owns.
She wants me(and other residents on that land) and her husband (other owner) to have access to changing the media.
Her husband tried to change the url but he said he couldn't type anything in.
I have the same problem. The only one able to change the url is my friend.
She wants that to be fixed.. so does anyone know what could be the problem?
Is there a box she may have forgotten to check? 

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You don't have to deed the land. Just set the land to group, while keeping your ownership. Then you can set group roles for access. Alternatively, yes. Have a scripted object do it. Not hard to script something to only accept input from certain users and set it to the land media.

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Here's a really simple system that lets you change the channels from apopup menu


//=======Land Radio Script =======//  //  assembled for this purpose by//  sky Honey and Dianne Mechanique //  based on the work of others////===========9/12/05==============list    _radioURLs;list    _radioStations; integer _linenum = 0;string  _notecard = "stations";//-----------------------reset_radio() {    _radioURLs = [ "" ];    _radioStations = [ "off" ];      _linenum = 0;    llGetNotecardLine(_notecard, _linenum);}add_station(string line) {    list words = llParseString2List(line, [" ", " ", "="], []);    if (llGetListLength(words) < 2) {        return;    }    string url = llList2String(words, llGetListLength(words) - 1);    string station = "";    integer i;    for (i=0; i<llGetListLength(words) - 1; i++) {        if (llStringLength(station) > 0) {            station += " ";        }        station += llList2String(words, i);    }    _radioURLs += [url];    _radioStations += [station];}//-----------------------default {    state_entry() {        reset_radio();    }        changed(integer change) {        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) {            reset_radio();        }    }    dataserver(key query_id, string data) {        if (llGetListLength(_radioURLs) > 11) {            llSay(0, "only the first 10 stations are avaliable");        }        else {            if (data != EOF) {                add_station(data);                _linenum++;                llGetNotecardLine(_notecard, _linenum);                return;            }        }        llListen(93, "", NULL_KEY, "");         llSay(0, "touch to change stations");    }        touch_start(integer touchNumber) {        llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "pick a station", _radioStations, 93);            }    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) {        string newURL = llList2String(_radioURLs, llListFindList(_radioStations, [message]));        llSay(0, message + " ---> " + newURL);        llSetParcelMusicURL(newURL);    }}


Then you just create a notecard & you must call it Stations
And put the radio urls in it like this:

Ambient = = = http://scfire-dtc-aa06.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1035Chillout Dreams= Chan. 1 = Chan. 2 = = http://scfire-ntc-aa03.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1025Liquid DnB = = House = http://scfire-ntc-aa04.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1026Tech House = = =


Put those into a prim and deed the prim to your group then people can change channels.

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Put those into a prim and deed the prim to your group then people can change channels.

but only deed it to group if the land is deeded to group!  The prim should be owned by the landowner, whether that's a group or an individual, in order to work reliably.

Long term, there are major advantages to having land deeded to group, and there are also advantages to using a scripted prim to control parcel audio and media streams (notably, that makes it easy to control who gets to change the stream without having to mix that up with who's in the group in what role with what permissions).

(One other warning about deeding stuff to group: always make sure that the object and everything it contains is set to full perm for the next owner; not doing so is an easy way to brick your own creations.)

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