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I am waiting for Premium Plus and Stilt homes, I am not a patient person

Marianne Little

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You may be at that exact moment Patch was talking about, Dallasclay, where it is time to depart Belli's untra-civilized, limited usage model, and go out and find a nice estate somewhere that will ensure that you aren't next to an eyesore, but grant you more build permissions on your parcel.

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I did not play the GOH, I originally had a house in Fofita, which was landlocked and I really wanted some water close by and then was lucky enough to get my Vic on an island. I paid my Premium account for a year as it was much cheaper, and I use my stipend to fund the rent of my little Gatcha shop, So all and all I am satisfied with my Premium. The extra groups and the marching into any event unhindered is a total winner for me.

Yes the prims are low, and I have had to decorate really carefully. I would pay extra for some extra prims..500 prims.. I think would be a more realistic number.

I would have loved a houseboat, but they never are available, I think with the runaway success of this particular model, LL might of considered building more.

I have explored extensively on Belli, on my moped  and on a final note I do feel really sad at the amount of empty homes, and some are on exceptional plots... undecorated and unloved.. seems selfish, especially when so many people are just trying to get one home.


Edited by Samsara Capalini
repeated sentence
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Lemme preface this by saying I'm no expert in AWS or database administration. But. Second Life is a very old and probably very large pile of data. In order to get it onto Amazon's servers, they have to go through that data and the code that runs it to make sure it'll still work once it's in the cloud instead of on their own devices. Then they have to prepare the data and make sure it's as optimized as it can be so the transfer will go as smooth as it can. Considering how much and how varied the content in sl is (textures, mesh data, primitive data, item data, avatar data, inventories, regions, items in that region...) That is a lot to prepare. And it can take a while. And that's the easy part.

Once the data's ready, they'll have to upload it. How fast it goes depends on internet speed and quality, etc, like normal uploads. But they have to keep an eye on it, lest it suddenly corrupt and then we're left with nothing. A dataset of around 700 terabytes can take two months to upload in optimal conditions, with a team working to ensure good latency, give or take because I'm not sure if it's changed. And need I remind, California is on literal fire and there's a plague going on. Service probably isn't optimal right now.

Basically/tl;dr: it's probably going to take a solid couple of months to test things, and then a couple more to upload everything. It's very complex, and very, very easy to mess something vital up.

Edited by Artair Glendullen
added tl;dr
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8 hours ago, Samsara Capalini said:


I did not play the GOH, I originally had a house in Fofita, which was landlocked and I really wanted some water close by and then was lucky enough to get my Vic on an island. I paid my Premium account for a year as it was much cheaper, and I use my stipend to fund the rent of my little Gatcha shop, So all and all I am satisfied with my Premium. The extra groups and the marching into any event unhindered is a total winner for me.

Yes the prims are low, and I have had to decorate really carefully. I would pay extra for some extra prims..500 prims.. I think would be a more realistic number.

I would have loved a houseboat, but they never are available, I think with the runaway success of this particular model, LL might of considered building more.

I have explored extensively on Belli, on my moped  and on a final note I do feel really sad at the amount of empty homes, and some are on exceptional plots... undecorated and unloved.. seems selfish, especially when so many people are just trying to get one home.


Send me a friend request inworld, I am 90% sure that I will abandon my boat. I am in Europe, if we agree to a time this weekend you can sit ready. It is easier to talk in SL than through personal messages here.

I have a very nice location! I don't really want to abandon it, but I am not there so the free tier can be spent elsewhere...

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Thing is people want RIGHT NOW, they could care less about the tech behind it, they go on thinking LL can snap fingers and make it so. I goes along the lines of photography. People see a pretty photo and right click it to rip it from the net thinking they are entitled to it because they see it on their computer. With people stuck at home, they want entertainment and they want it knocking on the door with little to no effort. I have seen this syndrome many, many times, reason why so many leave SL because they get bored rather than being creative enough to make their own entertainment. You give a man 5 dollars a hour to work and he will complain the wage is too low, you raise that wage to 25 dollars a hour, in a year he will complain the wage is too low, why is this because he has not learned anything about living within his means. Nothing has changed but his spending habits. The Lindens, even  if they raised the Prim limit, people will still not be happy, you give them a homestead to play on they will want a full region. You give them anything they still wont be happy with what they have, they will always be unhappy for what they have not. Think about the improvements in just the last 5 yrs and people STILL complaining. it is nice to have nice stuff to play with we all could still be playing DOS games with monochrome screens and listening to modem dial-up tones. If you are that bored with SL you have to post a warning to "gimme" or else, then something is indeed wrong and it's not the program, granted SL does have issues but you take those issues with a grain of salt and fire up the imagination because that's what it is about, not getting a bigger better deal, if you don't feel you are getting your moneys worth, log off and invest that money to actually renting a region or buying a homestead down the line or.... so many choices.

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16 hours ago, Gem Oxygen said:

Thing is people want RIGHT NOW, they could care less about the tech behind it, they go on thinking LL can snap fingers and make it so. I goes along the lines of photography. People see a pretty photo and right click it to rip it from the net thinking they are entitled to it because they see it on their computer. With people stuck at home, they want entertainment and they want it knocking on the door with little to no effort. I have seen this syndrome many, many times, reason why so many leave SL because they get bored rather than being creative enough to make their own entertainment. You give a man 5 dollars a hour to work and he will complain the wage is too low, you raise that wage to 25 dollars a hour, in a year he will complain the wage is too low, why is this because he has not learned anything about living within his means. Nothing has changed but his spending habits. The Lindens, even  if they raised the Prim limit, people will still not be happy, you give them a homestead to play on they will want a full region. You give them anything they still wont be happy with what they have, they will always be unhappy for what they have not. Think about the improvements in just the last 5 yrs and people STILL complaining. it is nice to have nice stuff to play with we all could still be playing DOS games with monochrome screens and listening to modem dial-up tones. If you are that bored with SL you have to post a warning to "gimme" or else, then something is indeed wrong and it's not the program, granted SL does have issues but you take those issues with a grain of salt and fire up the imagination because that's what it is about, not getting a bigger better deal, if you don't feel you are getting your moneys worth, log off and invest that money to actually renting a region or buying a homestead down the line or.... so many choices.

Wow. I can be cranky, but you are never cranky, are you? Take a look in the mirror and see the beam in your eye. People can comment on things in Second Life. Like you did here:


You may think you are superior, the opposite to me who know I am flawed and not afraid to admit it.

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3 minutes ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

I don’t mind the wait, but is there a reason why the SL team can’t drop a launch date? I would like to take some holidays from work and partake in the festivities. Surely they have an idea when it’s closer to launch time, when stilts would go live. 

LL will never give an actual date for something - they have said that many times.  In IT, you just never know when something will go wrong - and pretty much all timelines take longer than originally anticipated.  LL doesn't want to pop a date out there and then have to retract it.

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On 9/30/2020 at 5:07 AM, Marianne Little said:

What the title says.

I have said before that I am going to stay in Bellisseria for ever. I think the honeymoon period is over, and a divorce is looming in the distance.

I have used all the types of homes and all the add-ons. It is nothing new.

I have cheated on Bellisseria with other land.

I feel no remorse for the 2 Bellisseria homes I have, because I pay for every ounce of land I have in SL. But I am tempted to break free from at least one. Because the day has a fixed amount of hours and I can't use time everywhere. So pay for what I do not use is annoying me.

I really need something new to stay Premium..... I need more prims as a reason to be Premium. I think the 351 is just crumbs. Why does LL keep all that abandoned land and pay for servers to run it, while paying members live on a minimum of prims?

The problem the Lindens have with Bellissaria is like the problem that game developers have, about which Raph Koster and other designers have written: the customers burn through content faster than you can make it.

In fact, it's the same problem as Bellissaria is a version of the game "playing house".

If they had the stilts tomorrow and you won one in the refresh-page sweepstakes, a month from now you'd be asking where the next thing is. They are unlikely to add prims because then the economy of it for them starts to lose the point -- they need a rough equivalent of premium accounts per sim to be like a single account with a private island. On Nautilus they had easements to provide extra prims and sold the land for opening bids that were young fortunes (and the price is still high). But if they don't sell land and don't have a set-up fee, there's nothing in it for them.

So rent on the Mainland.


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25 minutes ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

Not asking for right this minute, or even this month or next month. Whenever the regions go live on the map... just something to add to the “wish” list. Even a “we might launch it some time in the next 10 days” works for me!

I don't know whether you know this, but many do ... in all previous large releases, there have been hints from Patch ahead of time.  Certainly those hints are enough to judge when LL feels they are about 2 weeks out from a release. [ Note: to date, there have been zero whispers of a hint about stilt homes release dates.  ].  Hints can be dropped in both the forums or in early morning Belli chat.  Regardless, wherever hints are dropped I'm very sure they will end up in an unmistakable thread of their own.

This release may be rather unique in that the LDPW may have two new themes fully developed and ready for release, particularly if it doesn't happen until 2021.  How they'd handle that is anyone's guess.

Usually hints impart increasing degrees of "soon™" .. i.e. "very soon"  "really very soon" (IIRC, 'really very soon' means something like 'tomorrow'!).  But part of the fun is that hints have never been precise enough that you could use hints to schedule vacation time :)

Here's something to remember: the much-anticipated Victorian release was on Dec. 16th 2019.  I would be startled if LL chose to do a major release any closer to Christmas than that, for fear of distracting people from festivities!  But who knows, in these days of covid.  I've been startled many times in my life, lol.

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We also have to remember that Patch's home releases are currently completely dependent on the cloud migration, which is Oz's project, if memory servers correctly.   Oz has mentioned multiple times that he will not give us anything more that super rough estimates --- this fall, this winter, by end of year, etc....   Even if he gives more precise dates internally, if he won't give anything more specific to external folks, then Patch sure as heck can't give anything more specific.

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I would be just as happy to get more availability for the traditional houses, and a stilt home release would achieve that. 
The lindens can't want this situation, any more than we do.

I have been looking at mainland plots, and so many would be more desirable if different decisions had been made about the covenant in the past. There is also a lot of wasted space which has to be maintained and paid for, at the same time as we are so stuck for new land . I have to think that some mainlanders are living their virtual lives with their view distance set to 32m and a derender list the size of a encyclopedia listing.

Anyhoo, having migrated here from a different grid that went belly-up I am still grateful that this particular ship is afloat, and if thumb twiddling while waiting for new developments is the cost of that I'll have to put up with it. I am also somewhat fed up though.

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5 hours ago, Madeline Mysterious said:

As long as they let bloggers make multiple accounts and horde houses it's never going to be fair.

I am confused as to your reasoning here. Bloggers are not given free premium accounts, nor are they allowed to select a home of their choice. You are perfectly free to make as many accounts as you are willing to pay for, and take your chances like the rest of us. I fail to see how paying for premium for multiple homes is considered hoarding. I think the creation of the new LL homes, is one of the best things they have done, in a long time. I choose to support them, and encourage further development. This is a much more affordable option for me then owning a region, and still enjoy various locations and houses.


If you want a better location, then work harder at it, support the content development with your wallet, instead of crying that its unfair. The more premium accounts LL has, the more they can develop both houses and additional content. Development is not free, hiring people to create new homes, landscape is not free. SL is something I have participated in for many years, and I spend a great deal of time here, developed many friendships along the way. It is certainly worth more to me then the cost of going to Starbucks a few times a month.

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16 hours ago, Love Evermore said:

 The more premium accounts LL has, the more they can develop both houses and additional content.

Actually it doesn't matter how many premium subscriptions you buy, stilt homes aren't coming any quicker. If money were the issue here I am pretty sure it'd be more lucrative to start selling private regions again, rather than expecting people to 'buy' their own sims on Bellisseria by means of multiple alts.

But they haven't done that, for the same reason that stilt homes aren't coming anytime soon; they need to get cloud uplift done, and that takes as long as it takes.

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50 minutes ago, usagihara said:

for the same reason that stilt homes aren't coming anytime soon; they need to get cloud uplift done, and that takes as long as it takes.

QFT.  I do find it encouraging that, as of this month's user group meetings, the goal of year-end to complete Uplift appears to still be in place.  The closer it gets to that time without any rumblings about slippage, the more likely it is that LL is actually making it.  Oz has publicly cautioned SL web service developers  twice (once in June, again just lately) about the need to upgrade services to not use a check on server domain to verify that messages are actually coming from the grid.  Third party viewer developers have a test region running in the cloud on the main grid, and there are a few other Linden regions as well.  You can verify that a region is running in the cloud by looking at your viewer's About screen for the full region name.  Don't bother looking in Belli, tho; no residential regions that people are paying for are running in the cloud, and probably won't be until LL does a full switch-over.


(thank you, @Inara Pey )

All very promising.

One assumes that there will be a small gap in time before the LDPW is cleared to create new cloud regions and a Stilt Home release, but I'm sure all have been preparing to make that gap as short as possible.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

<sorry, I guess the 'quote' button is where the 'edit' button used to be, argh.>

If you accidentally hit quote and notice it before you actually "Submit Reply", just refresh your screen and then click into the normal reply box again.  It will pre-populate with that accidental quote, but will also give you the following at the bottom of the reply box - just above the area where you drag pictures:


Then just click that 'Clear editor' link to clear the reply box.  You can then leave the Reply box without causing any hanging post.  Then go back and Edit the post you wanted to edit.


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