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Do Any People from Your RL Come to SL?

Prokofy Neva

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The only person I know in my original real life who has come to SL is my own RL son, who was on the teen grid originally, and now occasionally drops in to help me with rentals but isn't really interested. 

Absolutely no other person in my RL -- and I have many friends and colleagues all over the world -- has ever come into SL, sometimes, even despite being given formal proposals during the pandemic about how they could do this and save money and aggravation. I think there are deep reasons for this.

I say "original real life" to distinguish it from those people I might meet in SL, and then later meet in RL and keep up with it. It's funny how some of my original SL friends are people I talk to now on Twitter and Facebook but they don't come to SL any more. Some of the people I met, if they are still alive, I might very rarely meet in RL but generally not.

I could tell you my whole theory of that but let's see if anyone has a different experience.

So the criteria is  -- again -- a person must have been originally rooted in your RL -- a sibling, a parent, a boyfriend, a work colleague, a neighbour -- and you then interacted with them in SL.

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I brought my RL mother into SL, back in my early days, and she stayed for many years.  She stopped logging in years ago when she was dealing with some long term health issues.  Now that her health is better, she has considered coming back a few times, but it doesn't hold the appeal it once did and her computer is so old it would barely run today's SL.

My RL husband was here for a short bit many years ago, but he only joined because I talked him in to giving it a try.  In those days he much preferred playing things like QUAKE, DOOM, and such.  He only stayed in SL for a few months.  

The only other people in my RL that know about SL are my two children and they have no interest at all in SL.

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Not really, but I have come across a few RL Queer/trans friends who used to have accounts in the past. They tend to be people who found SL helpful to explore their identities at the time but have since been able to move that into RL fulfillment.

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My RL daughter joined SL about six months after me. She still plays now and again, though not so much in the last couple of years since she became a mum.

I introduced two RL friends; one of them logged in once, realised his computer wasn't up to the task and never came back. The other left for a while and returned a couple of years ago, and as far as I can tell, he's on just about every day now.

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Me and my two RL sisters and cousin registered on the same day back in 2009, we were so noob, one of us was wearing a shoe on her head, and the other was wearing a billboard as a dress, and none of us know how to remove it, we spent a month or so in SL life then we all quit the game.

years later I created a new account ( this one ) and started playing since then, my sisters and cousin still interested but they don't have computers that can handle SL but they will join again someday as they say all the time.

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I talked my husband into it a few years back, but he barely lasted about a month at most of trying to like it but,it just isn't for him..

I have to give him credit for at least trying to try to get into it.. He has to be out there building stuff with his hands to really be in his escape..

Other than him, I don't know anyone else that has tried it or is in it.

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I was brought to SL by RL colleagues, friends, and teachers. And for about three and a half years, I worked pretty closely with them -- librarians, educators, and activists -- in-world. Occasionally we'd meet up for lunch or drinks in RL to discuss SL, and (sometimes) strategize.

Most of them are gone now, but there are still a few RL acquaintances here. SL definitely took on a life of its own for me, though, and I don't really think of it, as I probably once did, as an extension of my RL interests and friendships.

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I joined with a friend of mine in rl. But I don't really log on inworld anymore because doing so has been unkind to my computer.

What's interesting to me is based on some comments here and elsewhere, many people don't seem to want their SL involvement to be known in the outside world. Why is that? Why is sl something to be secretive about?

Edited by AdminGirl
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I once showed it to my best friend, who would (at least in theory) maybe find something here to enjoy, but he didn't really have the drive to invest time in SL. His conclusion was, that SL isn't bad, but looked like it would consume to much time and probably his money, once he got into avatar customization and I guess he is right about both.

I still bother him with screenshots of my decorated homes and avatar from time to time. 😄

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My husband.

Originally I made a male alt for RP and photography until three months into quarantine my husband noticed that I was spending more time logged-in on our gaming platform playing “dress-up games”. He thought it was The Sims lol and when I explained everything he thought it was comical and outrageous (which admittedly I do not entirely disagree with 😜) but later on got intrigued, especially when I told him about cars and the driving community on the grid. He enjoys motorsports irl and was lured by the idea that you could purchase and customize luxury models for only $15-20 and so I let him log-in under my former alt account and eventually he enjoyed spending time with me in-world driving, traveling, and diving ... things we enjoy irl but are on-hold due to the pandemic. We could have been touring Europe this year but for now we are content with virtual renditions of Paris, Florence, and Mykonos.

Besides him, my brother gave it a try years ago but he was unwilling to invest real money to enjoy SL to the fullest. He likes the concept of the Bellisserian homes though so I sometimes ask him to critique my interiors.

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7 hours ago, AdminGirl said:

I joined with a friend of mine in rl. But I don't really log on inworld anymore because doing so has been unkind to my computer.

What's interesting to me is based on some comments here and elsewhere, many people don't seem to want their SL involvement to be known in the outside world. Why is that? Why is sl something to be secretive about?

Nothing to be secretive about, but for many people SL is a private part of their lives in general.  Just as you may choose to maintain your RL privacy in SL (as I do), it would make for weird talk at the coffee machine "hey burpy how many noobs did you trick into falling 3000m into the water last night".

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