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"The merchant has made this item unavailable for purchase."

Sven Nebula

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I'm trying to get an item from the Marketplace and when I try to get anything from a particular merchant, I get the error message seen in the title of this thread. From what I understand, this means I've been banned from buying anything from them. Thing is, though, I've never bought anything from them before, and I've never even talked to the merchant. Who knows anything about this?

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21 answers to this question

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18 hours ago, Vengeance Villota said:

Is this a new feature?

fairly new yes.  Linden provided it so that Marketplace stores are consistent with parcel and group ban controls. Anyone can ban anyone else from accessing their stuff/property for any or no reason at all

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2 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Rather than being a ban against you specifically, the merchant may have removed their items from the Marketplace.  Have you tried with an alt, or asked a friend if they see the same message?

I have asked others. They've done it just fine.

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9 hours ago, JondiDitto said:

I'm trying to get an item from the Marketplace and when I try to get anything from a particular merchant, I get the error message seen in the title of this thread. From what I understand, this means I've been banned from buying anything from them. Thing is, though, I've never bought anything from them before, and I've never even talked to the merchant. Who knows anything about this?

If they have an inworld store, try to visit it.  You can also try sending the merchant an IM or notecard.  If you don't get a response it is possible the merchant has banned you - possibly accidentally while trying to ban someone else.  In that case, you could try using an alt or friend to check with the merchant about the ban.

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On 9/1/2020 at 12:17 AM, JondiDitto said:

I'm trying to get an item from the Marketplace and when I try to get anything from a particular merchant, I get the error message seen in the title of this thread. From what I understand, this means I've been banned from buying anything from them. Thing is, though, I've never bought anything from them before, and I've never even talked to the merchant. Who knows anything about this?

I just noticed this as well and realized the vendor had banned me for leaving a negative review oO. Is this a new feature? God forbid shoppers let other shoppers know a product is bad or not as advertised.

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You were banned by the shopkeeper. He doesn't even want to see you painted in gold! Just like Cat * a banned me for criticism. But as the world goes around, today who dominates the head market is another company! LOL
And please let us know if you have entered the store in the world! If the problem was solved. Thank you.

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4 hours ago, WarmAnimations Lisa said:

@Jaulistine the moral of story its there is stupid ppl on each side of the field... Here i send you an example of a costumer giving 2 stars because the product don't have something she wish even so was no on the product description that it have such thing... 


Your comments are legitimate, but you need to redact the customer name in your image.  We are not allowed to Name & Shame here on the forums --- not Merchants, not Customers, not any other Resident.

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Your comments are legitimate, but you need to redact the customer name in your image.  We are not allowed to Name & Shame here on the forums --- not Merchants, not Customers, not any other Resident.

I Just share the image that is already public in my marketplace. I would not share if it was a in-world or even a discord or skype chat but the review its posted in public..

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10 minutes ago, WarmAnimations Lisa said:

I Just share the image that is already public in my marketplace. I would not share if it was a in-world or even a discord or skype chat but the review its posted in public..

I know, but just because it is available for all to see on the MP, we still can't post such here in the forums.

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This recently happened to me, and I have to say that it is beyond a situation where the creator banned me for a negative review.  That level of censorship without oversight is just as unfair as customers leaving an unnecessarily harsh and unconstructive review.  I left a negative review because the product did not work as advertised, and I explained my experience specifically so that others would know what to look for.  Turns out, the point in this case was to not only silence a bad review, but mask the creator's own behavior in response to my review.  The creator replied in the comment section by insulting me.  I'm glad I copied and pasted the whole exchange to a notecard; I could not believe it when I saw it.  Giving creators the ability to ban customers just opens the door wide for abuse, and the incentive to abuse that feature is huge.  I asked a friend to see if they could see the review, and it appears as though the creator has removed the listing, she can't see it, either.  I'll be curious to see if they create a new listing, thereby effectively deleting the whole exchange.  Consider as well, that the rationale for allowing creators to ban customers from their land and MP sites is flawed.  The basis for allowing individuals to ban others from their property in-world is not set in the context of customer service, and erring on the side of the creator, again, opens the door to abuse.  There may be stupid people on both sides of this issue, but there are also genuine and constructive people on both sides of this issue.  The problem is that it's the creator that gets to decide what's reasonable and what's not reasonable, and that serves only their interests, not the customer's.

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All above answers are incorrect.


It's not because the merchant has "banned" you, its because they blocked/muted you...

Note to LL, to avoid confusion, try and change the wording of the message. It is confusing by nature. "made unavailable for purchase", no, just say "you have been muted by this merchant, they don't want you to buy from them"... or something along those lines. Why make it needlessly difficult and confusing?

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On 5/3/2021 at 4:30 AM, Zavhrow said:

This recently happened to me, and I have to say that it is beyond a situation where the creator banned me for a negative review.  That level of censorship without oversight is just as unfair as customers leaving an unnecessarily harsh and unconstructive review.  I left a negative review because the product did not work as advertised, and I explained my experience specifically so that others would know what to look for.  Turns out, the point in this case was to not only silence a bad review, but mask the creator's own behavior in response to my review.  The creator replied in the comment section by insulting me.  I'm glad I copied and pasted the whole exchange to a notecard; I could not believe it when I saw it.  Giving creators the ability to ban customers just opens the door wide for abuse, and the incentive to abuse that feature is huge.  I asked a friend to see if they could see the review, and it appears as though the creator has removed the listing, she can't see it, either.  I'll be curious to see if they create a new listing, thereby effectively deleting the whole exchange.  Consider as well, that the rationale for allowing creators to ban customers from their land and MP sites is flawed.  The basis for allowing individuals to ban others from their property in-world is not set in the context of customer service, and erring on the side of the creator, again, opens the door to abuse.  There may be stupid people on both sides of this issue, but there are also genuine and constructive people on both sides of this issue.  The problem is that it's the creator that gets to decide what's reasonable and what's not reasonable, and that serves only their interests, not the customer's.

As far as i know,  a creator is not allowed to take down and relist it. But they would also shoot themselves in the foot because they would loose their ranking in the listings. As far as the system being biased to the creator; i am glad it is. You have no idea how much nonsens we have to deal with. So i am glad that i can pick who i dont want to do business with.

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11 hours ago, Jules Catlyn said:

i am glad that i can pick who i dont want to do business with.

This is the creator's version of the landlord's situation: "She who owns the land, makes the rules". For creators, it's "She who makes the stuff, makes the rules."

Seems fair to me.

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6 minutes ago, Zequ Quartz said:

Getting the same thing after leaving a negative review for a badly made other product.  The creator removed the listing, relisted it and banned me. 

If you know it is a relisting, rather than them successfully getting LL to remove your review, then you can Flag the item  (Disallowed Listing Practices / Item Was Disabled and Relisted)


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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If you know it is a relisting, rather than them successfully getting LL to remove your review, then you can Flag the item  (Disallowed Listing Practices / Item Was Disabled and Relisted)


Been there, done that, did diddly squat.

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A best selling product was griefed with a one star review. After a real close look at the one starrers it dawned on me a heap of them were all 'manga' or 'anime' character avatars. you know, cartoony style avs or like cartoony animal avs, and I began to suspect it was alts of the same person.

Other one starrers turned out to be selling similar products. One starring can and does get used as a griefing tool.  Sad to say. Ebay put the brakes on one starring without a prior resolution protocol taking place first. The MP needs a similar process. 

A one starred product can never again reach a 5 star rating no matter how good that product. That shameful too, frankly. Personally my wall clock freebie got one starred for being too big to go on their table. Its a wall clock. Its free. Like wta ? 

Then there's the no mod gripers. Well I sold a skydome yes mod, customer re-textured it, ruined it, and came back and one starred it as his texture looked bad. Like wta ? Then there's the 'no delivery' one star gripers. Sheesh we've all had to suffer them. Glares at LL. Rant over.


Edited by rasterscan
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13 hours ago, rasterscan said:

A one starred product can never again reach a 5 star rating no matter how good that product.

This might have been true in years past, but now there is allegedly a round to the nearest 0.25 star calculation in effect.

If there wasn't any rounding method in effect, making ANY star review other than 5 would jeopardize a product from ever having an overall 5 star rating again.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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I just found out this happened to me. I've never had any interaction with the merchant though, never bought anything from them previously either; so never left any negative reviews. The only thing I can think of, is I bought a product similar to something else they sell from another store, and left their product a 5 star review. So, they blocked me because I bought competition? I am so baffled lmao. 

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The moral of the story is designers cannot take negative reviews....we must bow to them, kiss their feet & worship their all mighty power. I have NEVER left a review out of hate. Every review I've ever left was because an item didn't fit and or wasn't as the AD said it was...more then not creators will not assist with this. I left a review at a shop because the skirt that was rigged to my body stuck 2 inches away and still managed to clip, when I brought it up to the creator they said to not wear it then. So yes I left a bad review not only because the skirt didn't fit but also because the creator has no interest in fixing it. They banned me. I'm sorry but if you can't handle that someone doesn't like your product or someone leaves a bad review because your product isn't good, you shouldn't create then. Simple! Too many sensitive people who think they should be loved by all out here in the world.

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