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Pearl Worried


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This is an even weaker excuse for starting yet another thread all about you than the "hey guys, is it all right to take intimate photos of people who don't know I'm doing it?" one.

I do get it. You want to cultivate a persona of a misunderstood escort who faces so much terrible abuse and prejudice from closed-minded, prudish people who are all completely wrong about you because you've got a heart of gold really. The saying "tart with a heart" springs to mind. I don't like that phrase for using the word "tart", but it's a term for the kind of character you're trying to be. You're Tina McCoy in The Fix, Vivian in Pretty Woman. The good-hearted woman who is constantly misjudged by ignorant people because she's also very sexual. I get it. I certainly agree with not judging women for their sexuality, and actually pretty much nobody on here does judge you as such. 

Speaking solely for myself, though, I think you miss your mark. Asking us, for example, if it's ok to take and publish sexual pictures of people who don't know you're doing it doesn't present you as someone in a moral quandary who's trying to do the right thing. It makes you look like someone who doesn't know the very obvious answer to this question, and you'd think anyone with good sexual ethics would not need to ask. (I'm very sure you knew the answer, by the way.) Then there's this thread, which is just...why? If you're that concerned that people will be victimised for their friendships with you, why draw everyone's attention to it, increasing the very presence and persona that you think are going to cause trouble to your loved ones? I haven't seen a single person attack anyone for being friends with you. It hadn't even occurred to me that anybody would. It looks like another excuse to promote yourself and your chosen character, while pretending it's really all about a concern for other people and actually overestimating your influence a bit. Describing yourself as "controversial" kind of implies that you're just too hot for us to handle, which I really don't think is an accurate way of looking at some of the things that have happened. 

When you're trying to present yourself in a certain way, you would do better to show and not tell. Don't keep telling us the kind of person you are; let us draw the conclusion ourselves from the general things you do and say. 

You're right that people could just ignore you, but you post frequently (which is no problem, I do too) and it will affect the overall tone of the place; indeed, it often looks as though that's your aim. You've said upthread that you're honest about wanting to be the centre of attention. I think it is fair to ask, then, that you have a little two-way interaction in this, and ask yourself what sort of effect you're trying to have on the place and why. 

Anyway, to put your mind at ease: most of us on here are nice enough people, even if we're not all on the same wavelength, and I can't think of a single person who will cause trouble with X just because X is friends with you. I'm also very sure that the people who have publicly expressed their liking for you (all of them intelligent, kind and self-possessed) are at least as capable as you are of looking after themselves.



Edited by Amina Sopwith
Correcting my grammar, what was bad.
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47 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

I  am quite aware of that The forums are a place of hostility in a lot of ways. But thank you for the advice!!!

can't you just sometimes take something thats said as advice.. now you directly stick something negative on it that's not even happened on you, comment and disagreement isn't hostility or hate. If your view on this forums is to find hostility, you'll read it in ever post, but thats not on "us" but you. Most nastiness in your threads comes from yourself by not taking other opinions as honest.

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32 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

Ren sits and just enjoys the thread while sipping coffee (too early for popcorn), but the obsessive-compulsive in her is tempted to ask @Orwar if there are sadists who aren’t gleeful, or is he just like a Premium Sadist?

And if so, she also wonders how can she apply.

   Orwar announces that the 'gleeful' part was to emphasise how it wasn't as much 'I want to hurt you' as 'You hurt yourself and I giggled'. 

   He also wishes to inform, that to apply to become a Premium Sadist one must send the admission fee of L$1,999 to the sadistic secretary (Nephtyria), and a recurring subscription fee of L$299 monthly or L$666 quarterly to retain the title and the perks* that come with it.

   *No perks included. 

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56 minutes ago, Amanda Crisp said:

We live in a world where substantial segments of the population can’t see the difference between “Disagree” and “Hate” and the increasingly common solution to “Disagree” is to ignore the person and their life’s work.

Wisest of wise words.

Love everyone, even those you disagree with.   It is the only way to be utterly happy.

I even love Bumbling Boris, Tweetie Twump, Cuddly Jinping, and Vlad the Upstager.  Honest!

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Ren acknowledges and starts saving for @Orwar’s sadistic—in more than one sense—fees, but just witnessed @Amina Sopwith’s dissection in undisguised (if still third-person) awe, and is now in an ‘oooo, shiny!’ kind of dilemma.

She can’t help it, she likes things well-roasted.

Edited by Ren Toxx
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I’m too tired in life anymore to work up the moxie to hate anyone in general.  Anywhere.  Or worry about if anyone gives 3nough time out of their day to hate me.  Or maybe I’m just finally to that stage in life where the opinions of others, especially strangers really have & should have zero impact on my existence.  
That’s not to say that I don’t care if I offend others, in fact I apologized last week on the forums for being knee-jerky with my responses in the past.  I just think (yes my opinion) that you (Pearl) are giving far too much of your energy & time to strumming up unusual thread topics because even tho you admit you bask in the attention it creates- it’s not wholly positive attention.

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12 minutes ago, Anna Nova said:

Love everyone, even those you disagree with.

   I disagree.


4 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

She can’t help it, she likes things well-roasted.

   Orwar has a mental image of people being scalded and flayed by demonic tormentors in Hell and displays a vague grin as he reclines in his chair with a happy sigh.

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   Orwar announces that the 'gleeful' part was to emphasise how it wasn't as much 'I want to hurt you' as 'You hurt yourself and I giggled'. 

   He also wishes to inform, that to apply to become a Premium Sadist one must send the admission fee of L$1,999 to the sadistic secretary (Nephtyria), and a recurring subscription fee of L$299 monthly or L$666 quarterly to retain the title and the perks* that come with it.

   *No perks included. 

Permaruthed thinks that offer is a reasonably priced bargain.

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4 hours ago, Bagnu said:

I never would have asked you to meet inworld if I felt hatred. I understand you refused, but it would have been nice to have a realtime conversation

Don't take that personally.  I'm in a dark place at the moment and don't really talk to anyone inworld.

Yes, cept you creepy third person @Orwar.  I do reply when you pop in my IMs to say "hi".

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Haven't seen anyone actually "hating" you, it really needs a lot of effort to actually hate someone especially when there is no financial profit involved.

It's more of people disagreeing with some things and that's fine, it is a forum after all and people expose their ideas. Some will agree , others will disagree, others will criticize them etc. Everything seems normal and at the end of the day we all just spend some time here talking about random internet stuff and sometimes real stuff as well and that's it.

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7 minutes ago, Nirvana Robbiani said:

You deserve every bit of hostility you get.


You obviously have an issue with Bagnu judging by your posting history and only joining the forums 14 minutes ago.  Take it to IM or inworld and leave it out the forums

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2 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Yes, cept you creepy third person @Orwar.  I do reply when you pop in my IMs to say "hi".

   Orwar would like to have it pointed out that he does not pop in people with a mere "hi". He's fairly certain that it's usually either "Hello there, how are you doing?" or "Peekaboo". 

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1 minute ago, Orwar said:

   Orwar would like to have it pointed out that he does not pop in people with a mere "hi". He's fairly certain that it's usually either "Hello there, how are you doing?" or "Peekaboo". 

Jordan is going to kick the bejebus out of Orwar when SL let's her log in again for making her refer to herself in the third person (which is STILL creepy!) and for always peeking-her-boo!

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Just now, Jordan Whitt said:

and for always peeking-her-boo!

   Orwar figures that, considering the overhanging threat of having the bejebus kicked out of him (which he can't help by question whether it isn't a good thing? Expel the saviour!), there can't be much harm in pointing out that he reckons Jordan rather likes it when he peeks-her-boo. 

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4 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Orwar figures that, considering the overhanging threat of having the bejebus kicked out of him (which he can't help by question whether it isn't a good thing? Expel the saviour!), there can't be much harm in pointing out that he reckons Jordan rather likes it when he peeks-her-boo. 



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6 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Orwar announces that the 'gleeful' part was to emphasise how it wasn't as much 'I want to hurt you' as 'You hurt yourself and I giggled'. 


Please, no giggling if you're over the age of 12.  Thank you.

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