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The Shelter

Lewis Luminos

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5 hours ago, Mollymews said:

i think that was its name yes.  Was a post quite a while now on here about Chou Chou closing down and Patch Linden came on here and said he was reaching out to the owners to see what could be done about preserving it. Not sure of the exact details of how that turned out tho

Yeah I'm not sure either but I hope it's still there. I always feel sad when sims (regions?) close even though it's inevitable 😔

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12 hours ago, AdminGirl said:

 I always feel sad when sims (regions?) close even though it's inevitable 😔

The difference with this one is the Shelter is not on a private region that's disappearing; it's on mainland (in Isabel, next door to the infohub) so in this case it's simply a matter of Governor Linden taking control of the land and leaving it all alone. My guess is that everything currently in place will stay, except possibly the dance machines as dances are often no-copy and presumably the owner will want to claim them back. I would guess the music stream will also be turned off; I've never come across any Linden-owned parcel outside of Linden Realms that had music on by default.

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Yes I have come back on sl after a 7 year absence, a couple of weeks ago and only learned today whilst at this venue that its closing tomorrow.  I'm glad that i got back online in time, its a shame but its indicative of sl.  Look at linden's own residence that has not changed in my 7 years absence.  It seems Linden is only interested in cashing the cheques and not finding a way to increase people coming to sl.  

It's a shame so many sims have gone, but in reality what is this place, a fantasy; you have to go an live out your REAL life not spend money on second life for something you cannot touch but treasure the memories.

The new platform Sansar which was to replace sl has been sold so don't know what linden are intending to do; charge everyone to even access sl, that would seem the way but i wouldn't pay.  I've been on internet for 25 years, originally you would pay for stuff you wanted or find a free way but then you realise that it's not tangible and therefore wasting your money on wrong things.  If Linden are to save sl the need to try looking at it from a gaming point of view, that's where the money is.  I wouldn't spend money on vr as you will get bored of it, you need to do things interactively with it.   Some of the sims i visited on sl were interactive for this reason kept me coming back.

I know nothing is immediately happening but RIP Second Life, whenever it happens!

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On 8/27/2020 at 4:38 AM, Seicher Rae said:

Did it say WHY they are closing?

The notice didn't, but I have discovered the reason; the main tier-holder withdrew their tier at the beginning of August.

A couple of the volunteers have created a tribute venue called the Shelter Lounge, with a copy of the main build, and there's also a "Shelter Museum" with information about the rise and fall.

Here's their explanation:


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I to spent a lot of time there in my early days. I once got kicked out for being indecent. I had a fairly long skirt on, but the dance animation involved some high kicks, and though i couldn't tell from behind which was my view of my avi. Apparently you could tell from the front that I had no panties on. Suddenly poof I was flying and got a warning about being fully covered at all times. I did not get banned though so I was able to go back in.

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On 8/25/2020 at 2:56 AM, Conifer Dada said:

I always assumed the Shelter was owned by Linden Lab.  You learn something every day!  Anyway, sad to hear it's closing. Maybe LL could make the preserved Shelter into an open-stage location.

It was owned by FireEyes Fauna who bought it from it's original creator. FE left SL around 2015-16, and Wacoede Unplugged took it over.


The Shelter was one of the first places I visited when I joined SL in 2009, and despite being banned from it by FE for objecting about inconsistent rule enforcement during Second Fortune, and creating an alt account to get around it, I was eventually allowed back in. I loved using the upside down sit poseball on the hanging seating platform.

Seeing it close hit me real hard. It felt like a real friend, and a place to relax. But now another piece of my SL life is gone. (I did try the new replica place, but it just isn't the same)

Edited by TyVulpine Buccaneer
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On 8/28/2020 at 2:58 PM, Mollymews said:

i think that was its name yes.  Was a post quite a while now on here about Chou Chou closing down and Patch Linden came on here and said he was reaching out to the owners to see what could be done about preserving it. Not sure of the exact details of how that turned out tho

Whatever happened, it's still there and looks unchanged.

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Just a quick comment . The Shelter Lounge  was never  intended to be a  replica of The Shelter,  but a to carry  on the original aim of The Shelter to provide a  non threatening evnviroment  in SL. It is also there as a place for regulars to crash out for some down time  in SL just like the original shelter was. Another role of the Shelter Lounge was to provide an entryway to the museum which due to space cosntraints was built  above  the club as a sky box using the old Wingo build.

Due to the short notice period the  Lounge and the Museum were constructued  in  two weeks.

Having been virtualy born in The Shelter and worked there for  11 years  I couldnt let  it  just end up as  it  now is an empty shell and had to build a tribute to both the  club itself and the people invloved in volunteering and running the  place over the years a work that is ongoing  at the museum.

Edited by camy Ulrik
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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Foggypebble Muircastle said:

I missed out by a month! I’ve never been to The Shelter.


On 9/22/2020 at 11:29 AM, alexmindstorm said:

I am so sad, my first ever SL friend was found at the shelter. I always found comfort and safety going to the Shelter plus everyone there was SO nice and had the biggest heart.

Where are we meant to go now while its closed.

You are not too late! Some of the volunteers have rebuilt it in another location.  It looks exactly the same and all the old regulars still go (including me). 



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  • 1 year later...

This is old topic...but in case someone wonders...

The Shelter is still there and open. It is now owned by Linden Lab but maintained by Shelter group members and volunteers.

Every week events are still on, volunteers still help newbies and old regulars still hop by from time to time.

All main spots are looking same like on old times, some nooks have bit refreshed look and some has completely new purpose.

The Shelter was and is nice place to spend idle time, meet friends, play games and dance a bit or take some snapshots on poolside.

Volunteer board is up and volunteers can be called for help anytime.

See ya in The Shelter :D !

SL_2022 the shelter_041.png

Edited by Vihmakass
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/29/2022 at 11:01 AM, alexbluesea said:

Just to be clear - it's called Abitibi now?

No....it was and is The Shelter, temporary copy build is now gone.

All who want visit The Shelter, taxi is here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isabel/57/194/71

Sansara continent, Isabel region, The Shelter. It is biiiiiiiiig build, hard to miss :D

The Shelter had its 18 birthday on this weekend, 20.august !!! 


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