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GTFO in Belli

Rabid Cheetah

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The GTFO! group sent out a list with rez zones and stuff earlier today. Just join the group and go through its notices.

Group chat is horribly broken for a large number of people, so if asking there does not work for you or if the notecards and stuff does not answer your question,  you can join the official GTFO! discord at https://discord.gg/QYNxvzV and ask there.



Edited by Fritigern Gothly
Changed invite link to official invite link and fixed some typos.
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1 hour ago, Elena Core said:

I am sorry, but I am sure I am not getting the right meaning of GTFO... What does it stand for apart from the ... traditional one? Thanks

What Nika said. 

The game is about transporting goods (which are so virtual that they are invisible) from point A to B. You get to choose your freight, your destination and in return you get some XP points and some "money" which really are just points, the "money" has no value and can not be used to buy anything.

Still, the game is wildly popular. I like it because it gives me an excuse to sail, fly, or drive around and visit places I never would have seen otherwise, and I have seen some beautiful spots!
There is no punishment for not playing for a while. There is a free version of the system which is fully functional, and lets you get up to level 5. Once you reach that level you can still use that system, you just won't level up any further.

The biggest catch is that the vehicle of your choice should be modifiable, and its model must be known to the system. There are free vehicles on the MP which will work with the system.

There, I think you are all caught up now 😉

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12 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

What Nika said. 

The game is about transporting goods (which are so virtual that they are invisible) from point A to B. You get to choose your freight, your destination and in return you get some XP points and some "money" which really are just points, the "money" has no value and can not be used to buy anything.


Does it work if you're a useless driver?  I've won horse, chariot, and balloon races, but I can't keep a car under control.

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6 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Does it work if you're a useless driver?  I've won horse, chariot, and balloon races, but I can't keep a car under control.

Yup, even though you have a certain timeframe to complete the task, you can be a completely rubbish driver as long as you make it on time (I only missed my deadline once, and that was over a year ago when all the region crossings were so bad that I had to give up).

Do note that you can use a wide variety of vehicles for GTFO!. The makers of the game itself do not make vehicles, they do provide a script to put in your vehicle (free or paid for) and you can use boats (sailboats, motor boats, cargo ships, etc), aircraft (planes, helicopters, even balloons), land vehicles (cars, trucks, motor cycles, bicycles) or hybrids like hovercraft. A recent addition is that you can now also use spacecraft and transport cargo between space stations.

If you want to know if your particular vehicle is supported by GTFO!, have a look at https://sl-gtfo.com/vehicle-creators/ and do a search. Note that even if it's not there, you can request the vehicle to be added. The requirement is, however, that the vehicle must be modifiable because you will have to be able to put a script and a notecard in it.

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On 8/23/2020 at 2:36 PM, Rabid Cheetah said:

I just started trying out GTFO, and was wondering if there are any hubs in Belli.

Now that is a real shame. You would think they would keep Bellissaria nice looking by not letting in the GTFO spam and uglification.

Since commercial activity is not allowed in Bellissaria and other Linden Home areas, how do the Lindens tolerate it?

I suppose on a technicality. Everyone playing GTFO has to buy a kit from the makers for a few hundred dollars. That's one way they make money. Another way is to put up ad sign boards (and surely the Lindens won't allow that in Bellissaria).

But at an individual GTFO location, there may not be any vendor or anything for sale. It is just one venue in the game. There could be, but there doesn't have to be. So that may let them slip through. But since the entire game does have a commercial component, the Lindens should not allow it.


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On 8/23/2020 at 4:45 PM, Nika Talaj said:

Something that advertises on the MP and requires payments for a script or HUD should not be allowed in Bellissaria. Why is it?

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  • Moles

AFAIK no L$ changes hands during the game. The "points" aren't exchangeable for anything of value, just levels and bragging rights. Hosting a location doesn't provide you any income. So playing the game not really a commercial enterprise. It's just for fun, right? Or am I missing something?

As long as nothing else in the Bellisseria covenant is being broken (i.e. your home doesn't look like a warehouse and there are no huge signs spoiling the view or cluttering up the world map), I'm not sure what the problem might be.

Perhaps this is opportunity for the creators to expand the game. Maybe instead hauling large amounts of freight between hubs the goal is package pick up or delivery to and from homes and a hub/distribution center? That might be an interesting variation on the game that would fit right in with the residential tone of Bellisseria. 

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is an interesting question tho

i think in terms of the paid version then is no real difference between it and any other item we might buy/mount on our Belli parcel

if there was a question then I think a sign that announces that a Belli parcel is a GTFO hub could fall under the no-advertising rule. On the basis that if we order a Domino pizza delivery then we don't put a sign on the roof of our house saying Domino Pizza so the pizza delivery person can find us more easily from halfway down the street

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1 hour ago, Abnor Mole said:

Perhaps this is opportunity for the creators to expand the game. Maybe instead hauling large amounts of freight between hubs the goal is package pick up or delivery to and from homes and a hub/distribution center? That might be an interesting variation on the game that would fit right in with the residential tone of Bellisseria. 

Actually, my robotic Mole friend, it has been very much possible to pick up small packages in GTFO! There are bicycles, motorcycles and other small vehicles which are GTFO! ready, these can pick up small parcels. Cars and perhaps small trucks could also fit right in. Maybe even helicopters or hot air balloons, small water taxis and jet skis. 
To the best of my knowledge there are currently no GTFO!-ready horses but a planned future update should take care of that, fingers crossed.

Now, I seem to remember that Belli only has one GTFO! hub, and that's Dogbone Island in Coral Waters but perhaps that has changed. (EDIT I think the Fairground is also a hub, but that's as far as my knowledge goes)

As for all the other things you mentioned, this is absolutely correct. No money (L$ or otherwise) is exchanged in the process of the game. Some people may choose to buy a different vehicle to gain an advantage in the game but at no point is this required, nor do the team behind the game get any form of kickback from these "upgrades". The team only receives payment for sold GTFO! HUDs. No player, whether hub operator or driver/pilot/etc. gains anything, other than fun and an enjoyable pastime. 

I think that much of the GTFO! community is also aware that sky signs (or whatever they are called) are disallowed in Belliseria under the covenant. However, a yard sign, a flag or something of the sort should be allowed because not only does it signify a hub (if there are any in the homes), it also is a show of hospitality, an invitation to come into the house and enjoy. All GTFO! hubs which I have come across so far ar publically accessible and allow rezzing with a varying autoreturn timeouts between 1 minute and infinite. 

Having said all that, if I recall correctly., the GTFO! team had been talking to either the LDPW or LL about allowing hubs to be operated on Belliseria, but my information is well over a year old and I don't remember what came out of this. 

Edited by Fritigern Gothly
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2 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

Perhaps this is opportunity for the creators to expand the game. Maybe instead hauling large amounts of freight between hubs the goal is package pick up or delivery to and from homes and a hub/distribution center? That might be an interesting variation on the game that would fit right in with the residential tone of Bellisseria. 

All I will say is stay tuned and watch for GTFO Generation 2!

Meanwhile get the free game and give it a go in what ever type of vehicles you like (there is an extensive list of supported vehicles on https://sl-gtfo.com/vehicle-creators/ ) and watch for the next updates which will bring it closer to GTFO Generation 2

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1 hour ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

To the best of my knowledge there are currently no GTFO!-ready horses but a planned future update should take care of that, fingers crossed.

*** Watch for updates!

Now, I seem to remember that Belli only has one GTFO! hub, and that's Dogbone Island in Coral Waters but perhaps that has changed. (EDIT I think the Fairground is also a hub, but that's as far as my knowledge goes)

******At the moment All lighthouses and both airports are set up as HUB locations as well as SS Galaxy is a drop Zone

******With GTFO there is no actual in-world item needed to mark a HUB so they can be anywhere, normally places with a rez zone and publicly accessible

Having said all that, if I recall correctly., the GTFO! team had been talking to either the LDPW or LL about allowing hubs to be operated on Belliseria, but my information is well over a year old and I don't remember what came out of this. 

*****The talks in the early days of Bellisseria was based on if sky signs were allowed which of course they are not, and there was a small discussion about if LL would allow a specific area for GTFO use as well as other groups like SLCG


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New poster here, forums stalker....my 2 alts are Belli residents.  With the increased number of people and obviously vehicles, won't this effect residents in those areas that aren't interested in those type of things or the activity that comes along with it?   Right now, there is still a classy feel and look to the homes, the ability to sit and enjoy the peace and the definite lack of clutter & obnoxious builds that exists elsewhere.  People respect each others privacy and homes.  Outside of a few exceptions, there are very few people just randomly tp'ing into your yard.  Allowing GTFO is allowing commercial activity then you have to allow it all, where does it end?   If someone decides to operate a strip club in their home but keeps the tip jars out of Belli, does that count since technically no money is changing hands there?  What about a music club with the same concept?  GTFO doesn't exist for free, there's someone making money behind it, the method of making that money or the amount is irrelevant...for profit in SL = commercial.  Not everyone is interested in this type of rp and the traffic alone from the "wildly popular" game already makes it something that residents will have to deal with whether they like it or not.  Hate to be the pessimist here but the rules are pretty clear about commercial activity in Belli and its apparent why those rules exist.  Allow GTFO, you have to allow all commercial activity just because they are attempting to come up with technicalities doesn't mean others won't as well.  You can't just start making exceptions for one group.

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Dude.  You clearly don't understand what the term "commercial activity" means.  No less than Abner Mole even clarified this, above.  So.  Go read your Covenant.  Pay particular attention to the part about where your domain over your parcel resides.  That's right:  At your parcel boundary.  Folks can walk, drive, ride a horse, or fly a UFO right next to your place.  There's nothing wrong with that, because the public land ISN'T YOURS.  We could hold an hourly parade down the street in front of your house.  It's not a Covenant violation.

There is very little clutter in Belli.  That IS a violation, but is swiftly handled upon discovery by a simple IM to the owner and/or AR about the offending object.

Upset about people daring to cross your precious pixel boundary?  Use the Linden Home Security System, available at participating WalMarts.  It's even compatible with The Clapper!

There ARE music clubs in Belli.  They don't charge money.  Some of these clubs are so well known and established that it just wouldn't be Belli without them.

Strip club?  Behind closed doors, with entry limited to a private group you have to ask to join, and you're not violating the Mature rating of the land.  Strip down to just bathing suits, and it can be open to the public *GASP!* even right next to YOUR home!  Either way, without the exchange of money, it's noncommercial, and therefore totally legit.

You even refuted yourself, dude.  You yourself said "Not everyone is interested in this type of rp" -- You realize it's RP!  You just called GTFO roleplaying!  So you KNOW it's not ACTUAL commercial activity!  It's just pretend.  Other peoples' fun doesn't hurt you in the least bit, but that's not how things work in your world, do they?  Tough.  Your domain ends at your parcel boundary.  Get over it.  Or should I say, Get The Freight Over it.

Edited by Rabid Cheetah
me hate typos
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26 minutes ago, maddisonave said:

GTFO doesn't exist for free, there's someone making money behind it, the method of making that money or the amount is irrelevant...for profit in SL = commercial.

Your furniture was probably also not free, someone made money selling that furniture. By your reasoning, you should get rid of your furniture and never use it again until you leave your Linden Home!

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36 minutes ago, maddisonave said:

With the increased number of people and obviously vehicles, won't this effect residents in those areas

I have yet to see any significant increase in travelers across Belli, that could be linked to GTFO. I can also not recall any complains about a negative impact, here or inworld.

38 minutes ago, maddisonave said:

Right now, there is still a classy feel and look to the homes, the ability to sit and enjoy the peace and the definite lack of clutter & obnoxious builds that exists elsewhere.

But if thats still the case, then GTFO hasn't negativly impacted Bellis apperance, as its not coming to Belli, but is already there. I'm not quite sure what kind of clutter or obnoxious buildings you have in mind. Anything that goes against the covenant of Belli can be ARd, then the Lindens decide if its a violation or just a matter of taste. Allowing GTFO in Belli has no impact on this matter.

41 minutes ago, maddisonave said:

People respect each others privacy and homes.  Outside of a few exceptions, there are very few people just randomly tp'ing into your yard.

And this won't change... unless they actually want to visit your parcel. People playing the game will go only to other players homes, not wander randomly into other peoples homes. If you are worried, there are security tools.

43 minutes ago, maddisonave said:

Allowing GTFO is allowing commercial activity

Its not. Where do you see the commerical aspect in playing a game?

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53 minutes ago, maddisonave said:

Allow GTFO, you have to allow all commercial activity just because they are attempting to come up with technicalities doesn't mean others won't as well.  You can't just start making exceptions for one group.

I'm not sure you understand commercial activity. From what I can fathom not a single L$ changes hand in GTFO gameplay so it is not commercial activity as per the covenant. If you put a vendor, tip jar or anything that allows others to pay you L$ on your property that is commercial activity. I don't see any great problem allowing GTFO in Bellisseria, It's not something I personally see much activity of on mainland. so I don't think it would impact Bellisseria much more than existing road traffic does

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Belli created a distinct social class in SL, most think they own everything. I love to fly with my small GTFO water plane ... I fly low and start receiving ORB notices ... and then I get IMs accusing me of breaking into people's homes ... LOL ... when I'm already far away with my plane ... They hate "poor" ... what an ugly thing!
Later I will go there again to see the mansions and super social class ... I will play GTFO with my seaplane again ...
OK, I just wanted to join the post ... lol
GTFO is in danger of falling out of favor, for those who enjoy realism, it was fine, but now they invented UFO GTFO ... they left the original purpose, the original creator, who transferred the game to another group. I don't even know the rules prohibit UFOs from flying low, but it must be horrible to be at home simulating your peaceful life and suddenly a 50 meter-sized UFO appears ... lol

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There are many groups who use Bellisseria for their Role Play, be it the Bellisseria Boat parade every week, other boating groups who sail around Bellisseria, driving groups who drive and fly around in teams or even our own riding groups. 5 of the top 10  Bellisseria groups are vehicle (in some way) role play groups.

GTFO being the nature of the game might add 1 more person to a region every few days on average.

GTFO is not like other "games" in SL where you advance in the game with bots etc, as can be seen with the circles of green dots seen on the maps, or have to buy items to keep some "living" thing alive, or extras you buy to give yourself an advantage in the game for example some fishing games.

GTFO has always been claimed to be the reason for region lag because there is one of their "hubs" on the region. Where in fact the game uses no rezzed objects at all, and is all run from a HUD worn by the person playing the game with all the "hub" information being stored on a database that the HUD accesses.

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Plus, and this is just me and my places, every parcel I've ever had, including in Belli, has adhered to a personal philosophy that dates back to when I beta tested The Sims Online, prior to Second Life even existing:  Be friendly and welcome visitors.  So fly over my place any time!  🙂

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