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Thread for no multiple alts Linden Home seekers

Ethereal Silvercloud

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Just out of curiosity, what are we considering "mega home owners"?  Three houses?  Ten?  What's the criteria?

I understand the frustration, but at the same time, people are paying for the privilege of having more than one Belli house.  They spent actual real time in the real world working to earn the money they spent on those pixels.  So I mean we can be sad about not getting houses all we want, but at the same time we also have the opportunity to go earn the money to get a second (or third, fourth, etc) paid account.  As far as "mega" owners and GoH players, in a way that's kinda the beauty of SL.  We play however we want.  If you want to be a land baron and own an entire region of traditionals, then you go for it.  I don't personally see the attraction (since you can't rent them out), but for some people it's gotta be fun or they wouldn't be doing it.

I feel like people tend to disassociate and forget that this is a game and not our real lives.  It's not as if you're living out on the street for real.

Edited by Adrianna McArdle
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5 minutes ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

Just out of curiosity, what are we considering "mega home owners"?  Three houses?  Ten?  What's the criteria?

when drill down into the complaints, is that the complaints tend to be about the number of houses in desirable locations, not so much about multiple houses in less desirable locations. Desirable is subjective, but by complaint usually means adjacent to waterways and larger openspaces. Is not new this wanting. Has always happened even on classic mainland and with the old Linden Homes. So sometimes people get a bit grumpy when they can't get one that they consider to be desirable

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3 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

when drill down into the complaints, is that the complaints tend to be about the number of houses in desirable locations, not so much about multiple houses in less desirable locations. Desirable is subjective, but by complaint usually means adjacent to waterways and larger openspaces. Is not new this wanting. Has always happened even on classic mainland and with the old Linden Homes. So sometimes people get a bit grumpy when they can't get one that they consider to be desirable

Even then, nothing is stopping people from abandoning and trying again.  I had to do this to get spots I loved when switching between house types.  Took forever to get a traditional as nice as the houseboat spot I had, and in the meantime I was "homeless".  And again, it's not as if you are literally living on the street if you don't have current possession of a Linden home.  The only difference between having one and not is the ability to rez your own furniture somewhere.

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2 minutes ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

Took forever to get a traditional as nice as the houseboat spot I had, and in the meantime I was "homeless"

this is the bit that underlies the complaints at the moment. That the supply of homes has yet to meet the demand, so the GoH being random assignment, just contributes to some people's frustration levels.  Frustrated enough to vent about it on the forums

LDPW moles are beavering away and in time there will be heaps of homes. But even should there ever be an oversupply, I think that it won't stop the desire for 'desirable' and the venting when this is not obtained

and yes is not a RL home but I think a more better RL comparison is like going to the supermarket for blue top milk and finding there is only green top milk or none. And the store manager says try coming back tomorrow, we might have some blue top then. But maybe not either, so keep coming back when you can, because you never know

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1 minute ago, Mollymews said:

and yes is not a RL home but I think a more better RL comparison is like going to the supermarket for blue top milk and finding there is only green top milk or none. And the store manager says try coming back tomorrow, we might have some blue top then. But maybe not either, so keep coming back when you can, because you never know

Serious question.  What's the difference between blue top milk and green top milk?  My current container of milk has a clear top, should I be concerned?

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9 minutes ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

Serious question.  What's the difference between blue top milk and green top milk?

where I live, milk has four cream thickness content levels. Silver top full cream, blue top next level down, light blue top next down, and then green top which has pretty much all the cream removed

is a first world consumerism problem, when we can't get exactly what we want, when we want it

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1 hour ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

They spent actual real time in the real world working to earn the money they spent on those pixels.  So I mean we can be sad about not getting houses all we want, but at the same time we also have the opportunity to go earn the money to get a second (or third, fourth, etc) paid account.

There are two massive assumptions here: one, that all wealth is earned through hard work, and two, that all of us have the opportunity to go and earn more money through said hard work. Nope, and nope. People are born into money, people marry money, people win the lottery, people have disabilities, people have caring responsibilities, people are living through a global pandemic which has led to their industry shutting down.

I don't pretend to know the individual circumstances of every premium member, but I suspect the percentage without full-time RL jobs is rather higher than the general population. Most people with well-paid RL jobs don't have the time or the inclination to invest in pixels, let alone monitoring the land page 24/7.

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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

I think a more better RL comparison is like going to the supermarket for blue top milk and finding there is only green top milk or none. And the store manager says try coming back tomorrow, we might have some blue top then. But maybe not either, so keep coming back when you can, because you never know

So.... like we were are all trying to get Toilet Paper or Paper Towels when the stores first started getting re-stocked after all of the hoarding?  There is an example many of us can probably relate to.   :D


While I did get mad at the TP Hoarders in RL, I still don't get mad at either the folks holding the various homes or the Lindens for the way home delivery works.  There are a few things I'd love to change about that 'claim a home' page, but nothing bad enough to get my panties in a twist over.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 hours ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

As far as "mega" owners and GoH players, in a way that's kinda the beauty of SL.  We play however we want.  If you want to be a land baron and own an entire region of traditionals, then you go for it.  I don't personally see the attraction (since you can't rent them out), but for some people it's gotta be fun or they wouldn't be doing it.

I really do think that the fun of it for a minority of people is taking the homes so nobody else can have them. I'm not talking about the GoH players who fish for homes as a sport and throw them back as soon as they've taken a picture of their latest catch. That seems kind of pointless to me, but it doesn't really harm anyone. It's more the ones who have far more houses than anyone can possibly have time to decorate or enjoy, and just hoard them. I mean, yeah, when there's enough homes for everyone, knock yourself out, but in the meantime don't pretend you're not being selfish.

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1 hour ago, usagihara said:

I really do think that the fun of it for a minority of people is taking the homes so nobody else can have them.

Given what a Premium account costs, I have a hard time believing that anyone is paying that kind of money just to keep Linden Homes from others.

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I will say that the supply of homes will never meet the demand (that started this thread).

The demand is: Located direct by water, nothing ugly in view, be it to the front, sides or backyard. Perfect landscaping. What is ugly or perfect should always fit the personal belief. If you have a beef with an avatar or a group, they must not be in the same region.

Unless the LL homes are made so we get an island each, the demand will never be met.

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17 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

The demand is: Located direct by water, nothing ugly in view, be it to the front, sides or backyard. Perfect landscaping. What is ugly or perfect should always fit the personal belief. If you have a beef with an avatar or a group, they must not be in the same region.

Unless the LL homes are made so we get an island each, the demand will never be met.

One of the delights of Belli for me is that my tastes change over time playing GOH, as I experience more places.  I got busy RL and forgot to downgrade Nika, and now she's premium for another year, Grr!   But of course that means I have someone to hop after a spell without, and she soon landed a boat which isn't an ideal parcel.  But the owner graciously stayed around to welcome her, expressed hope that she would enjoy it and then left, so I didn't feel like I could just dump it lol.  It's centrally located on a pretty busy channel, attached to an atoll, other houseboats, Vics and Trads in <300m sight, no lighthouse, neighbors on both sides (though offset).  Doesn't sound great, does it?  I've let go so many "better" houseboats!  But the neighbors have light furnishings and aren't around, the region has half as many homes as usual, there's an unencumbered long water view down the channel, it's right on big water, not far from a big park, and having all that varied landscape in view when you bump up your DD is kinda neat.  You feel part of something, and there aren't many houseboats available to choose from anyway, so I began to furnish it rather enthusiastically.

In Logland, my preferences are different too.  i was joking around in the SSP thread about highly desirable ocean view cabins, but actually I prefer the foresty feel of mountainous inland landscapes there.  We have one tucked into a hill overlooking a lake with a tall-peaked island, so calm and beautiful, some of you came there to get fireflies.  We only meant to keep one cabin, but my partner also has a really interesting one that isn't fully built out yet.  His Grand View looks out over a railroad track bed, and behind the track is a long 'mountain' range heading off diagonally for a few regions, bordering a large plain that will doubtless fill with homes.  The ocean is on the other side of those hills.  The back of the parcel has exactly the opposite feel - tucked into a cute little dell on a stream, kinda private.  We cannot get ourselves to abandon that yet, we're so curious about how it will eventually 'feel'.

Are we selfish to keep these, and a few others?  We do go to them and enjoy them, conscious that we are lucky to be able to afford a few  'homes'.  As you see, we often find ourselves liking parcels that not everyone would like.  We do not feel like selfish monsters ... but even if others feel we are, we probably will continue to simply enjoy our homes, until we tire of each and let it swim away.

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7 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Given what a Premium account costs, I have a hard time believing that anyone is paying that kind of money just to keep Linden Homes from others.

Given the defensive vitriol aimed at anyone who dares to criticise the practice, I don't have a hard time believing it at all. People spend silly amounts of money on their hobbies all the time.

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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I will say that the supply of homes will never meet the demand (that started this thread).

The demand is: Located direct by water, nothing ugly in view, be it to the front, sides or backyard. Perfect landscaping. What is ugly or perfect should always fit the personal belief. If you have a beef with an avatar or a group, they must not be in the same region.

Unless the LL homes are made so we get an island each, the demand will never be met.

Especially since I WANT neighbors lol

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On 9/3/2020 at 8:44 PM, usagihara said:

There are two massive assumptions here: one, that all wealth is earned through hard work, and two, that all of us have the opportunity to go and earn more money through said hard work. Nope, and nope. People are born into money, people marry money, people win the lottery, people have disabilities, people have caring responsibilities, people are living through a global pandemic which has led to their industry shutting down.

I don't pretend to know the individual circumstances of every premium member, but I suspect the percentage without full-time RL jobs is rather higher than the general population. Most people with well-paid RL jobs don't have the time or the inclination to invest in pixels, let alone monitoring the land page 24/7.

1) We're not talking a ridiculous amount of money or buying a RL mansion.  Max it's what, $99 a year per account?  That's like $2 a week, or if we even if we wanted to stay within the confines of SL, less than $300Ls.  There are ALLLLLL sorts of opportunities for people to earn extra money out there, including online.  If you're that into Bellisseria/SL as a hobby, you can do it.  You don't have to be Paris Hilton or X Æ A-Xii Musk to afford multiple accounts.

2) I work between 44-84 hours a week.  I have a special needs 5 year old and a husband, as well as community responsibilities.  I *still* pay for SL and make time for SL things.  Most of my SL friends have similar circumstances.  Hell, some of the biggest content creators and event hosts in SL also have full time jobs and families.  It's ridiculous to assume that because people have a life outside of SL that they don't make time for their life in SL.

3) I doubt more premium account holders are income-less than not.  That makes no sense.

I wondered if someone would go the wealth inequality route with their argument.  It seems so ridiculous in this context.  We're not talking healthcare or food or, as previously stated, actual shelter.  It's just a damn game.


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3 hours ago, Emma Krokus said:

I do understand the frustration of home seekers who see this happening and just wish them lots of luck in finding what they are looking for... SOON.

Also, same.  Not judging anyone for wanting something cool, just think it's silly that people get so damn upset about not getting it RIGHT NOW.

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2 hours ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

1) We're not talking a ridiculous amount of money or buying a RL mansion.  Max it's what, $99 a year per account? 

No, that's not the max. I spent more than that on my annual premium and I didn't even buy a last name. Not everyone is in the US and prices vary. Obviously if you're paying from month to month it works out more expensive, and obviously if you're also getting last names for dozens of premium alts we're talking thousands rather than hundreds. Now, that would be a ridiculous amount of money for me to spend on pixel houses, but as I said I don't know everyone else's individual circumstances.

Believe it or not my concern isn't primarily for myself; it's for people who hear about the new homes, go to the land page and find only old 512s they can't even use for a skybox. They're paying for premium too. They may have been paying for it for many years, but apparently they're less deserving of a new house than some random's eleventeenth alt, because they don't necessarily have a spare couple of days to spend refreshing the land page. It's OK, I get it. I do understand that a lot of people prefer living next to empty houses, because more privacy and less lag, and that they like homes to be in limited supply because it makes them seem more desirable. How boring would GoH be if there were always Bellisserian homes on the land page? So yes, collectors are being helpful in that respect. I still think it's going to result in oversupply in the long term, when GoH gets boring, but we'll see.

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@usagihara, I do appreciate your concern for new residents, but getting a 1024 Linden home not a challenge anymore and they can get one they same day they upgrade to premium. It is not the same situation as when Bellisseria was released

I have helped lots of new people who have contacted me inworld, explaining how to get them just by simply refreshing the LP, and they all have got one. Of course it might not be the ideal one, but actually, it took me two months to get my first Trad and other few more months to get a dream parcel. 

We are all part of the same community, with different approaches to Bellisseria, 

Edited by Elena Core
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31 minutes ago, usagihara said:

obviously if you're also getting last names for dozens of premium alts we're talking thousands rather than hundreds.

Dozens of premium alts??? 

How many people do you think have dozens, or even 1 dozen, premium alts?  One of the two of us has a misconception about the scale of this issue, usagihara!

And why are last names suddenly part of this discussion?   Let's not confuse people, you do not need a last name to get a Belli home.

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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

Dozens of premium alts??? 

How many people do you think have dozens, or even 1 dozen, premium alts?  One of the two of us has a misconception about the scale of this issue, usagihara!

And why are last names suddenly part of this discussion?   Let's not confuse people, you do not need a last name to get a Belli home.

Oh, it's not that many people with premium alts in the double figures. Three or four, maybe? Except that this then adds up to 30-40 premium accounts, which is... a couple of sims. Throw in everyone who has to have five or more because they need to own a house in every style, and that's a few more. And I do know of people who routinely invest in last names for their premium alts; same as they kit them out in L$5k mesh heads and bodies, which also isn't necessary to get a home. It's just another way of showing off how much money you have. That's an integral part of the game for some, just as it's important for certain people in RL.




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