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Thread for no multiple alts Linden Home seekers

Ethereal Silvercloud

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33 minutes ago, usagihara said:

Oh, it's not that many people with premium alts in the double figures. Three or four, maybe? Except that this then adds up to 30-40 premium accounts, which is... a couple of sims. Throw in everyone who has to have five or more because they need to own a house in every style, and that's a few more. And I do know of people who routinely invest in last names for their premium alts; same as they kit them out in L$5k mesh heads and bodies, which also isn't necessary to get a home. It's just another way of showing off how much money you have. That's an integral part of the game for some, just as it's important for certain people in RL.




Eva hit this one on the head a page back.  This sounds way more like pettiness and envy on your part.  I'm sorry you let a game get to you like this.

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looks up and now remembers why after almost 15 years  in SL, he still very rarely ever visits the forums.


One thing that seems to escape someone in here. All this stuff you're whining about is virtual property and decorations. If SL shut down tomorrow, you don't get to take it with you. so quit crying and go have some fun.

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As a single premium account owner I can understand some of the frustration expressed here, but experience has shown me that you can get great houses using just one avatar hopper! Maybe it takes longer, but it is definitely possible. There is a huge element of luck involved, but it is hard to be convinced of that while you are unhappy with your place. (negative thought cycle easily leads to 'there's no point trying')
Maybe I am just a tightwad, but it does feel more satisfying to find somewhere nice using the minimum cash, feels like you are beating the system somehow. As a consequence I am very grateful to those who are willing and able to spend to keep this virtual ship afloat.
I do hope that nobody is paying beyond their means for this, that would kill the enjoyment very quickly for them, and I don't want to have my own fun at the expense of someone else getting in above their heads because they got obsessed or out of control.

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In any game/on any platform, where one can get a fancy something or a real advantage through the means of RL money, there will be whales. A whale is a term first coined in the mobile game community. It describes players, who have bigger financial ressources and a bigger willingness to pour those ressources into the game, than the average player.

Considering how much money people in Second Life spent, I don't think there is any ground to debate if people with a truckload of premium alts exist or not. Just considering how many premiums could me financed from what some people pay in tier for regions they own.

But thats life.

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This kinda became a dumpster fire of insults, which is not really surprising when it comes to SL.

I guess maybe we should go back to positives.  For the people waiting for houses, keep waiting.  Your "promised land" will come up eventually, just might take a bit.  For the people mad that others have multiple paid accounts, again as Eva said, the bright side is that they're keeping SL well funded so you can play it for another 17 years (hopefully).

Full disclosure as to where I fall in this argument as well.  I currently have 4 premium accounts, each has a plot in Belli.  I also have a spot of mainland.  All plots are decorated and used by their owner avatar (with the library being the exception, that's for the entire continent).  Oh, and last thing.  I work for the US Federal government, so your tax dollars are paying for my premium accounts and tier.  If you're that upset about my multiple accounts, I suppose you could always just stop paying taxes if you want.

Edited by Adrianna McArdle
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I'll throw my 2 cents in. I have had this avatar for 14 years, haven't had premium for years until last month (I know I'm late to the premium boat party), but judging from the high popularity of certain homes on Bellisseria, I already knew there was a low chance of me finding the perfect home, let alone location. I did try with traditional, victorians and it didn't fit my modern sleek bachelor pad feel, so hence started my search for houseboats where I figured was a better look and fit for what I wanted. Yet as many are aware, houseboats are as rare as ever, especially living in a time zone where not as many of the residents are online, thus lowering my chances.

It's thanks by searching through other threads like 

and having friendly banter where I learnt that I can play the "Game of Homes" to keep searching for that perfect spot. Being kind does wonders instead of lashing out and kind residents messaged me directly, here and inward, offering to help. 

I'm truly grateful for that and maybe any other residents who are like me to give it a go and maybe let others know what you would want and try to help each other out. 

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Hi I'm the original creator of this thread, since beginning it I've had many nice people write me to explain how the process works to get the home I want as I was not clicking in the  right way for the homes all this time which would be 8 months. I still do believe it's greedy to go for more than two homes in a release but not much we can do about it. My husband and I still have fun hopping around on his account as we have a victorian now on my account through someone's kindness that is pretty much perfect, so nice after 8 months looking.  My intention also for this thread is that the have-nots the people with only one linden home each person could come and express how they felt about the competition and the process. I'm really pretty exhausted reading the posts from people that dress people down about how they should feel about sl and about owning our little dream parcels and questioning people's intelligence , etc..... If you don't like this thread and people talking about how frustrating it might be to land a nice property by water , etc... when you only have one account just don't come in here and read, problem solved. Take care. 

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2 hours ago, Eddie Hagoromo said:

I'll throw my 2 cents in. I have had this avatar for 14 years, haven't had premium for years until last month (I know I'm late to the premium boat party), but judging from the high popularity of certain homes on Bellisseria, I already knew there was a low chance of me finding the perfect home, let alone location. I did try with traditional, victorians and it didn't fit my modern sleek bachelor pad feel, so hence started my search for houseboats where I figured was a better look and fit for what I wanted. Yet as many are aware, houseboats are as rare as ever, especially living in a time zone where not as many of the residents are online, thus lowering my chances.

It's thanks by searching through other threads like 

and having friendly banter where I learnt that I can play the "Game of Homes" to keep searching for that perfect spot. Being kind does wonders instead of lashing out and kind residents messaged me directly, here and inward, offering to help. 

I'm truly grateful for that and maybe any other residents who are like me to give it a go and maybe let others know what you would want and try to help each other out. 

I have had the same experience in the same thread.  I just had one of the awesomes, from that thread, contact me the other day because she knew I was looking for a houseboat.  These forums have definitely been helpful and constructive for many of us and I just skip the parts that seem not for me.


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On 8/6/2020 at 3:32 AM, HylaRegilla said:

The log home was the one I did not want to try, but thank you, I appreciate it. 😊

I had a log home for awhile, it's nice that you can try all of them on your lot. I have wanted a victorian since they were released but none were available. I finally got one last week and I do believe it was pure luck.  I only have one account, could never get anything other than the original homes, then the log homes became available. Very happy that I got my victorian now, going to be hard to give this up for a chance on a stilt home. Think I'll stay put for awhile.  There should be a system that if you are paying for a premium account, you should automatically be able to aquire ANY of the LH homes and not have to compete in the lottery.  

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3 hours ago, Nikki Mathieson said:

I have had the same experience in the same thread.  I just had one of the awesomes, from that thread, contact me the other day because she knew I was looking for a houseboat.  These forums have definitely been helpful and constructive for many of us and I just skip the parts that seem not for me.

I think most GoH players want to see their discards go to someone who'll actually use and enjoy them,  and will go out of their way to make that happen. I found myself in the same sim as my first Vic a few weeks ago and it was quite sad to see that nothing had been done with it since I gave it up, apart from the new owner rezzing a plywood block in the hall.

(Yes, yes, of course, if they want their pet plywood block to have its own mansion that's entirely their own decision, and it's not like it was in a great location or anything. I just liked that house and would have liked someone else to like it too.)

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3 hours ago, Ethereal Silvercloud said:

yeah I've worked hard at having lots of homes I wasn't looking for
I was looking for a victorian on the sea
close to the water
not on a cliff,
A multiple alt person handed off her reject that had a view of houseboats,..was given the opportunity to have my dream spot
I had one good log home
one good trad,
and a few houseboats that after much looking I thought were prime

I'm a caregiver in rl and second life is important to me to get away from rl sometimes.
I consider you bullies

you seem to think the househoppers all have dream house locations the moment they click? ...ehm no
You had quite some good spots... shows only that you have the same chances as any other.

Your job gives you the right on a premium spot?.. there is no other reason to mention it otherwise
Yes there are bullies... but also lots of snowflakes..
you'r welcome.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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I've been following this thread for a few weeks now, reading the back and forth comments, but refrained from posting. It is regrettable to see a post go south, way south, but it happens pretty frequently on the forums, sadly.

There is one thing I want to say in all this.  I've been a Bellisseria home owner for over a year now. I played the fanatic, scrambling game in the beginning months, when it would take literally weeks or months to nail down a home; any kind of home, good or poor location, and you'd squeal with joy because you got one. My very first home I landed, an abandoned home, was right on a large river front. My husband's first home he landed, was on a bluff overlooking houseboats below and the sea, another abandoned home.  Both ideal locations. Dream spots? No, but great parcels, none the less.  We still have the one on the bluff and many have told us what a great location it is (the blues cafe), and I'm delighted to have landed it.  We've had other nice homes in very good locations. Never a dream home spot, that's okay.  Sure we've played the Game of Homes in Bellisseria and I hold respect for those that can do this for weeks upon weeks, into months upon months. 

My point is this, there are so many very nice parcel locations in Bellisseria, great locations in fact. Perhaps they are not one of the rare Dream home parcels.  I do admire those who have land them and I feel that they are fortunate and lucky. I've never considered them cheating the system, they just are diligent in their efforts and have figured out the best ways to nab the great spots, with a bit of luck tossed in.  Not once, never, have I sat here at my computer and begrudged those with better fortune than my own, who click away and landed their Bellisseria Dream home parcel. I'm happy with what I have, or have landed in the past.  To come onto the forums and put such effort into bemoaning their good luck and one's own bad luck, I can't comprehend the energy this must use up, its akin to 'letting them live rent free in your head'. Why do that to yourself?  You are missing out on enjoying your home, exploring all the beauty to see of Bellisseria's builds, or even engaging to meet the neighbors, make new friends, attend events and simply enjoy life in Bellisseria!  Its an awesome place to live, in any of the lovely Bellisseria homes.

Some quotes to ponder on:

"A glass half full mindset serves you better than spilled milk delusions every time."

"My expectations are too high, that's why I keep finding myself disappointed."

"Whenever I have good luck, I always worry I'll pay for it with bad luck, so for me, its bad luck to have good luck."

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2 hours ago, PrudenceAnton said:

My point is this, there are so many very nice parcel locations in Bellisseria, great locations in fact. Perhaps they are not one of the rare Dream home parcels.  I do admire those who have land them and I feel that they are fortunate and lucky. I've never considered them cheating the system, they just are diligent in their efforts and have figured out the best ways to nab the great spots, with a bit of luck tossed in.

My point is this. Someone with a single die has a one in six chance of rolling a six. Buy four more dice, and you just increased your chances fivefold. Nine more, and it's tenfold, Congratulations, you increased your odds of rolling a six to around 84%  The way the system's set up, you can just keep buying dice until your RL money runs out. Or you can roll your single die ten times; but obviously the ones who are rolling simultaneously have a better chance of nabbing at release time. And they can roll their ten dice ten times, so... whichever way you slice it, they have an advantage. Nobody would bother buying the extra dice if they didn't.

However, nobody's allowed to say 'that person's got more dice so they have a better chance of rolling a six' because that makes them 'envious and petty', and anyway if they have a problem with the odds not being in their favour they can always go buy more dice, so how dare they suggest the game might not be perfectly fair, or there might be a fairer way of playing it?

Hey, I know capitalism isn't getting abolished overnight. I'm just pointing out it exists, you know?

Fortunately none of this unpleasantness has at any stage prevented me from enjoying my lovely house. As for neighbours, the behaviour of some of the individuals in this thread has made me even more grateful that I have very few. 🙂

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2 hours ago, usagihara said:

My point is this. Someone with a single die has a one in six chance of rolling a six. Buy four more dice, and you just increased your chances fivefold. Nine more, and it's tenfold, Congratulations, you increased your odds of rolling a six to around 84%  The way the system's set up, you can just keep buying dice until your RL money runs out. Or you can roll your single die ten times; but obviously the ones who are rolling simultaneously have a better chance of nabbing at release time. And they can roll their ten dice ten times, so... whichever way you slice it, they have an advantage. Nobody would bother buying the extra dice if they didn't.

However, nobody's allowed to say 'that person's got more dice so they have a better chance of rolling a six' because that makes them 'envious and petty'

Your statistics are a little flawed, I think.  Rolling for a new home is a stochastic process: regardless of how many rolls you do, EACH ROLL has the same chance of rolling a 6.  During a release, the limit on homes  you can claim is imposed by how many browsers of different brands you can refresh simultaneously, not by how many avies you have. 

The reason to have more than two premium accounts free at any one time is indeed to get more rolls, more rolls during the day, because there's a limit to how many homes you can claim & abandon per day.  So I suppose if you have 10 premium avatars who each have 1 'claim' left on their account, you can end up with  5 homes at the end of a release -  as soon as you claim a home, you log in a different avie to the land page and keep trying.  I used to do that with 2 avatars on one computer when the pickle was releasing.   I wasn't able to be online much during that time, so I missed most releases, and made the most of those that occurred while I was watching. You can actually abandon parcels and try again during a release; one time I claimed 5 different homes within a release using 2 avies and 2 browsers.  Just gotta have both avies inworld (with 32m draw distance, Show Friends Only etc.), and be nimble.

The other, more common reason to have more than one or two accounts is so  you can hold onto more than one home at a time.  This is where resentment sets in, I think.

Pointing out how the system works does not make people seem envious and petty.  You just did so, and no one is calling  you  envious for doing so.  Insulting other people by saying that they are greedy, that their entire society is motivated by greed, that the only reason they claim multiple homes is to make others feel bad ... as  you have done ... that is what sparks suspicion that your motivation is simple envy.

I really don't think anyone bothers to claim multiple homes just to make other faceless strangers feel bad.  And I really hesitate to categorize their motivation as 'greed', when a disorder such as hoarding could easily be in play .  It could also be the case that some people have a lot of time to spend in SL, can enjoy a few homes at once, and have a few hundred $s available to purchase multiple accounts.  Or that they have little time to spend in SL, don't enjoy playing GOH over and over, and want to take their time decorating one home of each style.  Everyone has their own motivations, and reducing all those reasons to "greed" is going to make  you feel that you're surrounded by evil schemers.  Instead of by a diverse group of people with diverse motivations, which I think is closer to the truth.


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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

During a release, the limit on homes  you can claim is imposed by how many browsers of different brands you can refresh simultaneously, not by how many avies you have.

That's very true; but I wonder whether, say, opening multiple private windows in Firefox would allow you to log in multiple alts simultaneously, all running auto-refresh? Of course, you still have to click through to claim the home, which slows the process down. But if you miss that window and get the 'no longer available' page, you can keep refreshing that page and sooner or later the claim will go through on another house of the same type.

(I could test this hypothesis using my non-premium alts, but I really can't be bothered.)

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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

Your statistics are a little flawed, I think.  Rolling for a new home is a stochastic process: regardless of how many rolls you do, EACH ROLL has the same chance of rolling a 6.  During a release, the limit on homes  you can claim is imposed by how many browsers of different brands you can refresh simultaneously, not by how many avies you have. 

The reason to have more than two premium accounts free at any one time is indeed to get more rolls, more rolls during the day, because there's a limit to how many homes you can claim & abandon per day.  So I suppose if you have 10 premium avatars who each have 1 'claim' left on their account, you can end up with  5 homes at the end of a release -  as soon as you claim a home, you log in a different avie to the land page and keep trying.  I used to do that with 2 avatars on one computer when the pickle was releasing.   I wasn't able to be online much during that time, so I missed most releases, and made the most of those that occurred while I was watching. You can actually abandon parcels and try again during a release; one time I claimed 5 different homes within a release using 2 avies and 2 browsers.  Just gotta have both avies inworld (with 32m draw distance, Show Friends Only etc.), and be nimble.

The other, more common reason to have more than one or two accounts is so  you can hold onto more than one home at a time.  This is where resentment sets in, I think.

Pointing out how the system works does not make people seem envious and petty.  You just did so, and no one is calling  you  envious for doing so.  Insulting other people by saying that they are greedy, that their entire society is motivated by greed, that the only reason they claim multiple homes is to make others feel bad ... as  you have done ... that is what sparks suspicion that your motivation is simple envy.

I really don't think anyone bothers to claim multiple homes just to make other faceless strangers feel bad.  And I really hesitate to categorize their motivation as 'greed', when a disorder such as hoarding could easily be in play .  It could also be the case that some people have a lot of time to spend in SL, can enjoy a few homes at once, and have a few hundred $s available to purchase multiple accounts.  Or that they have little time to spend in SL, don't enjoy playing GOH over and over, and want to take their time decorating one home of each style.  Everyone has their own motivations, and reducing all those reasons to "greed" is going to make  you feel that you're surrounded by evil schemers.  Instead of by a diverse group of people with diverse motivations, which I think is closer to the truth.


^^ This is the best summary of my feelings on this. 


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17 minutes ago, usagihara said:

That's very true; but I wonder whether, say, opening multiple private windows in Firefox would allow you to log in multiple alts simultaneously, all running auto-refresh? Of course, you still have to click through to claim the home, which slows the process down. But if you miss that window and get the 'no longer available' page, you can keep refreshing that page and sooner or later the claim will go through on another house of the same type.

(I could test this hypothesis using my non-premium alts, but I really can't be bothered.)

It does work. You can have one avie logged in on Firefox and one logged in on a private window. This is what I do. 

I also wanted to add that I have heard you, and although I do not agree with some of the things you said, I do empathize with your general frustration. I think that's valid. You also debate fairly and do not hit below the belt. Thank you for what that is worth. 

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