Bioscope Posted July 27, 2020 Posted July 27, 2020 Hi! Hope you all doing well! Script question here. This is a full song player script, for multiple songs, it uses sound files from the content. It plays song only once and then stops. And I need it to loop song. I would appreciate any help on how to do that. list songs = ["SONG1", 9.9, "SONG2", 9.8]; integer volume = 10; integer lis_count; integer playing; integer busy; integer part; integer lis; integer sl; float delay; list cancel = ["CANCEL", "STOP"]; list playlist; list waiting; list song; string vol_str = "Volume"; string song_str = "Songs"; string song_name; list StrideOfList(list src, integer stride, integer start, integer end) { list l = []; integer ll = llGetListLength(src); if (start < 0) start += ll; if (end < 0) end += ll; if (end < start) return llList2List(src, start, start); while (start <= end) { l += llList2List(src, start, start); start += stride; } return l; } list Volumes(integer vol) { integer v = 0; list l = []; do { if (v != vol) l += [((string) v)]; } while ((++v) <= 10); return l; } PageOne(key k, integer c) { llDialog(k, "\nAdjust the volume or select a song to play?", [vol_str, song_str] + cancel, c); } PlaySong(string n) { song = []; integer c = -1; string name = ""; do { if (llSubStringIndex((name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, (++c))), n) != -1) song += [name]; } while (name); delay = llList2Float(songs, (llListFindList(songs, [n]) + 1)); if ((sl = llGetListLength(song))) { llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, (part = 0))); if (sl > 1) llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, 1)); playing = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(0.01); } } integer Chan() { return llRound((llFrand(-5000000.0) + -500000.0)); } float ScaleVol(integer v) { return (v * 0.1); } Listen(integer c, key a) { lis = llListen(c, "", a, ""); } RemoveListen(integer b) { llListenRemove(lis); lis_count = 0; if (b) busy = FALSE; lis = 0; } SetListenTimer(integer p) { if (p) while (((++lis_count) * llRound(delay)) < 30); else { lis_count = 1; llSetTimerEvent(30.0); } } integer CheckWaitingRoom(integer c) { if (waiting) { key a = llList2Key(waiting, 0); if (!c) { RemoveListen(0); Listen((c = Chan()), a); SetListenTimer(playing); } PageOne(a, c); waiting = llDeleteSubList(waiting, 0, 0); return 1; } return 0; } default { on_rez(integer param) { llStopSound(); llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer nd) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { while (nd) { key agent = llDetectedKey(--nd); if (!busy) { busy = TRUE; integer channel = Chan(); SetListenTimer(playing); Listen(channel, agent); PageOne(agent, channel); } else { list a = [agent]; if (llListFindList(waiting, a) == -1) waiting += a; } } } } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { if (msg == "STOP") { llStopSound(); llResetScript(); } if (msg != llList2String(cancel, 0)) { SetListenTimer(playing); if (msg == vol_str) { llDialog(id, "\nChange the volume?\nThe current volume is set at \"" + ((string) volume) + "\"", cancel + Volumes(volume), chan); return; } if (msg == song_str) { string current = ""; if (playlist) { current = "\n\nThe songs currently queued are\n\"" + llList2String(playlist, 0) + "\" (currently playing)"; if (llGetListLength(playlist) > 1) current += "\n\"" + llDumpList2String(llList2List(playlist, 1, -1), "\"\n\"") + "\""; } llDialog(id, llGetSubString(("\nSelect a song to play?" + current), 0, 500), cancel + StrideOfList(songs, 2, 0, -1), chan); return; } if (llListFindList(Volumes(volume), [msg]) != -1) { llAdjustSoundVolume(ScaleVol((volume = ((integer) msg)))); PageOne(id, chan); return; } if (llGetListLength((playlist += [msg])) == 1) PlaySong((song_name = msg)); } if (CheckWaitingRoom(chan)) return; RemoveListen(1); } timer() { if (playlist) { if (!playing) { llSetTimerEvent(delay); playing = TRUE; } llPlaySound(llList2String(song, part), ScaleVol(volume)); if ((++part) == sl) { if (llGetListLength(playlist) > 1) { song_name = llList2String((playlist = llDeleteSubList(playlist, 0, 0)), 0); llSleep(delay); PlaySong(song_name); } else { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); song_name = ""; playing = FALSE; playlist = []; } } else if (part == (sl - 1)) llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, 0)); else llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, (part + 1))); } if (lis && (!(--lis_count))) { if (!(CheckWaitingRoom(0))) RemoveListen(1); } } }
Mollymews Posted July 28, 2020 Posted July 28, 2020 without testing anything, then a place to start would be in the timer event when the sound clips finish playing if (lis && (!--liscount))) { ... perform any set up needed and then call a repeatSong function which would be a modified/reduced version of function playSong ... } 1
VirtualKitten Posted July 28, 2020 Posted July 28, 2020 (edited) there is scripts t do this i think i put one on here a while back Edited July 28, 2020 by VirtualKitten 1
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