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Jobs in SL


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12 minutes ago, AngelxBeam said:

hello i am new in SL and ive been playing for a few months now. im just wondering where or how do i apply for a job that pays good? around 1k above. i just want to be able to buy a new head and other stuff to complete my avatar :)

get usefull skills .. building mesh (clothes or other objects) go Host, or DJ ( but that won't go legal without quite some costs) ... or the adult industry, but difficult to get hired when you'r not having a meshed appearance.
Most easy way to get money is buy it at the Lindex.
Where to look... the employment forum

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Jobs that pay good in SL honestly do not really exist - there is no quick path to riches.

Content creators can make a lot of money but they need to have design skills, vision and money to start with.

DJ's need to have a great selection of music, good stream capacity, outgoing personality and be able to work the hours needed to get their name known - often for very few tips at the start.

Hosts need to work damn hard promoting the venue without stepping over the line of becoming a spammer. They need to keep the crowd active and not let it drift off into afk. Again often for very few tips.

Dancers - basically same as host but even less tippage and they have to have the looks.

Honestly the best thing to do is to get yourself a "starting fund" by purchasing some L$ in order to get a good look - then you will be able to seek work if you want to but take it from one who has been down the road of working in SL - once your SL becomes work it stops being fun and you lose freedom.

Edited by Rowdy Rover
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btw if you just want look, there are free mesh head for female avi at AK at group joining cost of 150L and there are few mesh bodies free (( or for 1 Linden)) . SL is full of freebies for female avatars for sure. After all this you will have a decent look. From that you can follow others advise and keep updating slowly as you get paid. This answer is with assumption that you do not want to cash-in RL money as Lindens. 


Edited by autonug
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You have to remember with any job, RL or SL, you have to provide some service someone is willing to pay for. So you need to be thinking along those lines. What can I do for others in SL that they would pay for. It is doable, I have a mesh body, mesh head, a good skin, and an extensive inventory of clothes and toys. All paid for with Lindens earned in world, but I have done it over many years in SL. It isn't a quick get rich quick thing, it's more a day to day grind like RL, the difference is you don't have to worry about not being able to eat, or getting evicted.

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22 hours ago, Caroline Takeda said:

Not sure about this one though.

Well not evicted as in having all your stuff piled out on the curb for everyone to pick through while you try to find a comfortable place to sleep under a bridge.

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