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Online / offline picture change script

Roma Violet

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Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone knew a way to script an online / offline indicator, that toggles between two pictures (awake and asleep) instead of floating text or a banner.

I've had no success attempting to alter any of the floating text scripts so far.

Any help on this would be much appreciated!


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Do you mean you have an online/offline detector that indicates online/offline status with floating text, and that works?  And then furthermore, you don't want the floating text as the online/offline indicator, but rather an image that changes based on online/offline status, but are unsuccessful, so far, in making that jump?

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Just now, KT Kingsley said:

Somewhere in the script (quite likely in the dataserver event) there'll be a call to the function llSetText. That sets the floating text. You'll want to replace that with a call to llSetTexture, specifying the online/offline texture as required.

lol! i been noticing that people on these boards get to the point so much quicker than i do.  Good answer!  :)  

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