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Would you date a "Rapunzel"?

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5 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

And then one year, I used Super Sun In on my hair. Oh yes, it gave my hair a sun-kissed look, and half of it, and the skin on my hands, fell off! Vanity vanity. 

God, I remember that stuff. Never used it (mother wouldn't let me), but I remember a few of the older girls did. It didn't create sun-kissed streaks, it just caused big blobs of brittle, dry, breaking hair. I mentioned it to my hairdresser once and steam started coming out of her ears. 

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being a dragon i have to say no. would be too frustrating getting it tangled in my claws or horns or around my tail or in my wings.

like who would want to suddenly fall from the air because someone got their hair all tangled up in your wings and couldn't fly anymore..

shoulder length or a little longer is fine. down the the calves or feet.. nope.

imagine getting it all tied up in your horns after you hugged and then your stuck together until you can untangle it.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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I just looked up the world's longest head hair, male and female - seems the female record has just been broken this year but I can't get the link to work. The previous record holder, though, is here.  Obviously her hair is her thing, and if I were a world record holder I wouldn't cut it either, but sheesh. I don't mean to sound like a cow but the last ten feet or so don't exactly look luscious and healthy. Would look so much better cut to about waist length.

Male holder had dreads; I guess when you do that, it doesn't matter so much and I can't really see the ends. Must have had a permanent headache though.

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23 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I just looked up the world's longest head hair, male and female - seems the female record has just been broken this year but I can't get the link to work. The previous record holder, though, is here.  Obviously her hair is her thing, and if I were a world record holder I wouldn't cut it either, but sheesh. I don't mean to sound like a cow but the last ten feet or so don't exactly look luscious and healthy. Would look so much better cut to about waist length.

Male holder had dreads; I guess when you do that, it doesn't matter so much and I can't really see the ends. Must have had a permanent headache though.

Goes to prove you CAN have too much of a good thing, whatever that thing is.  It would drive me up the wall having hair quite that long. Finger nails ditto. 

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I actually know someone who's not cut her hair for about 20 years. It's about waist length (not as long as I'd expect, considering), and it's dry, flyaway and split up to the scalp. Again, I don't mean to be a cow, but she hasn't maintained it or done anything to look after it; she's literally just not cut it in all that time. Even if you like your hair long, you really need to keep the dead ends trimmed. Split ends only grow...

I don't know what she could do at this stage, it's just so damaged right up to the root. Head shaving seems extreme but I don't know what else would work. If she just cuts it to a manageable length, it's still going to be split to the scalp and keep splitting. I'm not a hairdresser though, maybe there's an alternative. 

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3 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

The best conditioner I've ever found is olive oil. Especially warmed up and applied as a head massage by someone else (mmm). You can even wrap your head in clingfilm and sleep in it for a super deep condition before washing it out. Coconut oil, argan oil and all those are good too, but olive oil really is the best. 

I remember as a teenager, reading in a magazine that egg would make your hair shine. Unfortunately, the article didn't specify that you needed to use cold water and I omeletted my head. 


I used mayonnaise once, I had read it was a good conditioner.

Oooooooooh boy.  It’s not.

& it takes several shampooing to not stink like egg salad.

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in sl my hair is long-ish, but nowhere near as long as my rl hair.

In rl, I have had long hair my whole life, save when I was 3, cut my mid-butt length hair to my shoulders in the bathtub one day and got sent to grandpa's for a few weeks until it grew back out to just above mid-back again.

I like my hair long, I always have, and I always will. Right now it's about  top of the butt length on average, the longest parts, when wet, are about to the mid-cheek range.

Only four people have ever cut my hair in my lifetime, a family member, my mom, me, and about 5 years ago I went to the lady that does hubby's hair and had her trim some off after having not cut my hair in 18+ years. It made me sad, even though it was still mid- to lower back when she was done. I won't make that mistake again. I don't need it, and I don't like it. I do trim it, when it needs it, but if you maintain your hair properly and don't abuse it, you really don't develop as many dead ends as people seem to think you do, lol. That's some weird myth that can't seem to be expelled out of existence. Sometimes (imo, most of the time) those split ends are really just genetic and nothing you do, including trimming frequently, will help.  I have pretty *****ty health 90% of the time, but my hair doesn't suffer for it, thankfully. I don't buy expensive products, I don't use excessive products either. I simply use shampoo and conditioner as needed-in NORMAL amounts, and I don't fall for fads, trends or snake oil sales pitches-99% of the products out there are total crap. I don't blow dry it, I don't dye it, I don't use any kind of styling products on it, and I treat it as I would like it to treat me...kindly (and yes I realize how odd that sounds to people, lol).  I don't baby my hair, I just..dunno, don't abuse it I guess is the only good way to say that.

Hubby prefers his hair short. I prefer it however he prefers it, it's his hair, lol. I don't have a personal preference, and never have.  He likes my hair long, minus the fact that longer hair tends to shed a bit more obviously, and he gets smacked in the face with it quite frequently, in all kinds of situations. He's not particularly fond of me letting it drip on him when I get out of the shower, though it's mildly amusing to me....or when I take it out of a bun after being up in one for 8-12 hours and it's still wet and he has to sleep up against it when it's cold, lmao (again, mildly amusing to me... "babe, move the horse tail"....bwaaahaaaaaa, no)

My son had long hair most of his younger childhood years. He didn't get his first real haircut until he was almost 5, and he grew it out for about 8 years after that until he got annoyed with it one summer and asked me to cut it shorter. It wasn't the hair that annoyed him, but rather people and the way they treated him...'different topic for a 'different day. His hair was butt length when he finally asked for a cut, and even then, they were gradual every month until we got up to almost neck length.  He had absolutely gorgeous locks as a kid, it went from dark when he was born, to bald within the first month, then beautiful light blonde to a darker dirty blonde. His hair is absolutely luxurious though, even short. He has to get it cut at least once a month or he can't see because it grows that quickly and is in his eyes again, lol.  I'm the one that cuts his hair, a #2 on the trimmer :) 


Edited by Tari Landar
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21 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I have thick, relatively straight hair (it has some waves to it) that currently reaches my butt. Lemme tell you something: It's hot under there, it's heavy, it tangles super easy in the neck each night, I cannot do much with it because gravity. I dye my hair, and I need 6 (!) Packs of Dye everytime I redye. Washing it is a chore that takes ages. Airdrying takes ~6hours.
Currently I am at a point where I can't pull 'em up anymore because no goddamn hairtie is up for the task anymore.

It looks really good on me, tho.
But I'll cut it down again somewhat soon.

My hair was thick like that when I was younger. I wore it long (Butt length) starting in my teens and throughout my twenties.  In my twenties I suffered from killer headaches and finally learned that they were caused by the weight of my hair causing strain to my neck. wore it shoulder - chin length for the next 20 years and then let it grow out again.  Now my hair is long gain reaches my butt and I almost always wear it in a braid or bun, The headaches are gone because I only have about half as much volume now. It still looks as full but it's not as heavy.

In SL my hair is red.  I change the length and style constantly but it's always a dark red. In RL my hair started out the darkest of browns and stayed that way til my early 30's when i became prematurely gray.  It's mostly white now.

ETA, my first av had white hair, I tried to make her look as much like me as I could. Kali is my younger, braver, wilder self.

Edited by kali Wylder
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I'm sure everyone knows this but just in case: don't ever tie your hair up when it's wet. It's more elastic when wet and will stretch and then snap when it dries. 

I have a friend who does this all the time (her hair is just below shoulder length) and it drives me crazy. Her hair has the potential to be SO beautiful, it's thick with a lovely curl in it. But she does things like this, also brushes it with a hard brush even though it's curly (even and especially while wet, more stretching and snapping) uses harsh shampoos...just stretches, snaps and frizzes it, even though it would look just gorgeous if she just looked after it a bit. If she just refrained from actively attacking it!

Edited by Amina Sopwith
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6 minutes ago, Tarina Sewell said:
On 6/25/2020 at 8:52 PM, Gopi Passiflora said:

I love "Rapunzels" or women with really long hair! I'd date one if she were into me, too.

Oh great more labels thrust on women by men.

Gopi is a woman though.  I guess we need to get into 'lesbian rage' or 'lesbian gaze'...superficial lesbians.....or something....

Whatever, let's fight...lol.

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My hair goes to the bottom of my thighs. I usually cut it around now though because it's too heavy. I have thick hair and it can be a pain to not only brush it, but it also causes headaches from the weight. I usually cut it super short and begin the growing process again (which takes me a little over a year because my hair grows fast). I love any hair length on people though. I'm not that particular about their hair. I suppose the question isn't whether I'd choose someone based on personality though :D So yes, I'd date someone with super long hair, but it depends if they have the aesthetic for it. Some people carry it well, some look like cave people who have been in hiding and aren't aware of the invention of scissors.

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On 6/27/2020 at 10:54 AM, Amina Sopwith said:

I'm sure everyone knows this but just in case: don't ever tie your hair up when it's wet. It's more elastic when wet and will stretch and then snap when it dries. 

I have a friend who does this all the time (her hair is just below shoulder length) and it drives me crazy. Her hair has the potential to be SO beautiful, it's thick with a lovely curl in it. But she does things like this, also brushes it with a hard brush even though it's curly (even and especially while wet, more stretching and snapping) uses harsh shampoos...just stretches, snaps and frizzes it, even though it would look just gorgeous if she just looked after it a bit. If she just refrained from actively attacking it!

I did not know that, actually. I rarely braid my hair when it's still wet to get it really wavy the next day (for about 5 minutes until it's weight has straightened it out again, lol), I mostly let it dry open. But I do brush it while wet. 😧 Mutliple times. >_>  I'll quit that.

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On 6/27/2020 at 4:54 AM, Amina Sopwith said:

I'm sure everyone knows this but just in case: don't ever tie your hair up when it's wet. It's more elastic when wet and will stretch and then snap when it dries. 

Never once has this ever happened to me, my mom, anyone I know, except for those who don't necessarily treat their hair as kindly as they could, and those with poor genetics(I have an aunt, and had a grandma both with naturally more brittle hair). Hair isn't an accessory that happens to come with your body, it's part of you. If you take care of your hair, and don't abuse it, it's not going to snap that easily, it's just not (baring other factors out of your control). Most things are more elastic, or pliable, when wet. That doesn't necessarily make them more prone to damage though. This is also a misconception that I wish would simply go away and they'd stop teaching in cosmetology type courses and classes, it's a load of crap. More and more people, of all genders, treat their hair unkindly, even without realizing it, and it then reacts to exactly how its treated. Aside from simply having poor genetics in that department-which really is't preventable, there is a lot people could do less of that would make their hair far more healthy and less subject to damage....like not using so much crap on it, not subjecting it to heat all the time just to dry it (blow drying on cool or cold is FAR better if you need a quicker dry than using heat, which kills your poor hair faster than just about anything else, and also makes it brittle and subject to snapping... not water, lol), not using every product under the sun they can find.....


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@Tari Landar your hair is longer than mine! My lockdown style is now as tight a plait as I can get to shorten the length to something that doesn't go in my dinner:) Anything piled on my head is too heavy. Agree with no chemicals and minimum heat, if necessary (wafting about all day works better in the summer for drying).

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13 hours ago, Tarina Sewell said:

Oh great more labels thrust on women by men.


Nah, it's ok, because what the OP obviously didn't bank on was the fact the thread ended up with us all swapping long hair tips, and talking about our long-haired "Rapunzel-esque" ex-boyfriends too. Boys can be Rapunzels too.

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5 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I did not know that, actually. I rarely braid my hair when it's still wet to get it really wavy the next day (for about 5 minutes until it's weight has straightened it out again, lol), I mostly let it dry open. But I do brush it while wet. 😧 Mutliple times. >_>  I'll quit that.

Wide toothed comb is better, and be gentle. I don't think a plait to curl it overnight while it's still slightly damp will do much harm, but it's the pull and stretch and pinch of a tight band or hard brush in elastic wet hair that's bad for it.


Edited by Amina Sopwith
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