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Right click to enable flash?


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I tried to play an arcade game in Meridian Island, but all that shows on the game's screen is "right click to enable flash".  How on earth do I right click on an object in Second Life?  I have already made sure I have the correct version of flash installed on my computer.  I can see Youtube videos within Second Life.

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6 hours ago, sunnyrio said:

I tried to play an arcade game in Meridian Island, but all that shows on the game's screen is "right click to enable flash".  How on earth do I right click on an object in Second Life?  I have already made sure I have the correct version of flash installed on my computer.  I can see Youtube videos within Second Life.

That arcade game must be really old. It has not been possible to play flash games in SL for some time, and even worse, there is not a single browser which will support Flash after Dec 31st, 2020, which is the official end of life for all things Flash.
See also https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/end-of-life.html

Anyway, back t your question, requiring people to right-click Flash is a default behavior in Chromium and Chrome, until you change the defaults. However, you can not change this in the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) which is what viewers use to display shared media and to play other web content.

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