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How do you feel about most avatars on the grid being human?

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I can fly without wings.  Don’t even need a flight feather anymore.  & presumably I don’t have gills, but can spend days under water. & explore the cosmos never having need for a spacesuit....  

So Pix might not be so human after all.
In the end it doesn’t  bother me at all what avi others want to be.  It’s their fantasy.  🙂

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I'm pretty happy in my classic Luskwood fox avatar. It was the first avie I put down money for, and it's still my main one. And writing for a newsletter here in Second Life, well, nothing like having a "fox reporter" look. :)

Going about, there are a number of occasions in which I'm the only nonhuman around. It doesn't really bother me. I guess it does make me fairly unique. If my being around helps encourage others try try other options, that's great. But the general idea is "you be you." Please don't feel pressured to change to a particular kind of avatar just to fit in.


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4 hours ago, Gregorian Chant said:

I've always wanted to be a cool avie, so I became an ice cream cone.


At least your proportions are dead on for an ice cream cone! There's no doubt what you are... Though I prefer mint chocolate chip myself. 

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20 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

If only those human avatars were also human scaled.

   And when the animations in furniture is made to accommodate giants . . .

   "I think I'm supposed to be kissing your lips, but uh, I guess this works, too."

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I guess how I really feel Gopi is that I wish different avi's were allowed in a lot more places.  I am making Fairies now and have just put a free limited edition fantasy fairy shape in my MP store.  (I am always making a lot of free shapes and other things, so I always have free stuff), but where can the fairies that aren't the petites go?  Also, I can make furniture for Dinkies.  We can do most of the human non-bento animations for sits, dances, AO's.  We have some tiny sims thankfully, but where can a fairy go?   I have had more fun as a tiny I will have to say.  Tinies are more goofy.   However, I like humans and other characters equally.  Theys all good, imo.  


Snapshot_212 (2).png

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  • Bagnu
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  On 6/21/2020 at 3:42 PM, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

Well... for me I dont really care. I have a human form but for the most part I have been a dragon almost my entire 11 years in sl. Got my first dragon avatar within a week of starting sl.

humans are well crunchy and taste good with ketchup.. :P

LMAO!!! I'm human!!!

Forgot to set the notify! on my previous post!!

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On 6/21/2020 at 5:21 PM, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

I don't put any thought to it, really. I just checked my friend list out of curiosity to see who is what, and at a quick glance I see kids, a wolf, a steampunk mechanical man, a panther.... so yeah, doesn't make any difference to me. "Your world, your imagination", as they (used to) say. 

ETA: My alts are non-human. The chicken may be my favorite. :) 



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It has it good and bad sides.

Of course, if the majority is just plain human, the rest of us stand out more, which I think can be a nice thing. On the other hand, if more people were into fantasy avatars and such, the market for wings, tails, horns, alternative skins and such would be much bigger and better. Better prices, greater selection and an inovation pressure. For example: It took ages for some stores to react to the simple fact that mesh is a thing.

But generally I don't mind that people gravitate towards 100% human avatars. The only sad thing is, that whenever I go somewhere new, I have this doubt in the back of my head, if my avatars are even allowed to be there, which discourages me a little to explore. And I'm not talking about RP sims.

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I spoke about how SL was in the beginning, way back when it first started, that many clubs were like the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie - all different kinds of fantastical avatars.  Human and sci-fi were the most popular but there were dragons and others "creatures".

I miss that about SL sometimes.  With the tinies sims were have some places to go and other fantastical and original avatars are welcome.  

However, today, there are way more non-human avatars than even in the beginning and I wonder why all these different kinds of avatars were created - was it for Halloween?  But, the thing is, people want to wear fantastical avatars other than Halloween and we do need more places to go.

I had thought of a good club idea for all kinds of avatars and that a good club name would be "Freaks".  A club for all kinds of avatars and freaks because being different is part of the fun of SL but it needs more supporters.  I cannot afford a full sim to have a club called "Freaks" myself but anyone can borrow the idea if they'd like too, but please invite me!  hehehe

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2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I had thought of a good club idea for all kinds of avatars and that a good club name would be "Freaks".  A club for all kinds of avatars and freaks because being different is part of the fun of SL but it needs more supporters.  I cannot afford a full sim to have a club called "Freaks" myself but anyone can borrow the idea if they'd like too, but please invite me!  hehehe

Part of my "What if I won the Eurojackpot..." - fantasy would be exactly that.

I had essentially two design ideas: Either a space station (to keep in theme with all the sci fi universes, where bars featuring a diverse mix of creatures are the norm) or a shabby old gas station in the middle of a desert, which just serves as the camouflage for a hidden, secret meeting place for all kinds of dimension travelers, located in the basement.

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