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Accidentally Deleted a Listing...

Bloodsong Termagant

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i accidentally associated the wrong item in a marketplace listing, then i put the correct item in the listing box (the in-world thing, what's the official name for that?), and i associated it, but then i deleted the RIGHT one instead of the wrong one, and that managed to delete the whole listing right off of marketplace.


i got the association number back, by looking at the number on the url on my merchant control panel for the item.  but when i put that number in, to re-associate the item, the marketplace couldn't find it.

so i had to re-create the listing.


okay, that's on me.  BUT...

two people bought the (wrong) item.  i sent them the correct thing in world, BUT... being thorough, i want to make sure they can get redeliveries in the future, so i wanted to send them the new listing item through the marketplace, so it would be in their purchase history.  so... it seems there's no way to actually do that?  probably an anti-spam/griefing thing.


but.  i dunno, any suggestions?


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