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Maitreya hands & forearm

JoyofRLC Acker

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Im fairly new to this and have rather basic question.  The bento hands are attached to the L & R forearms, which is not illogical.  But I'm wondering how I would wear a wris*****ch or a bracelet?

PS:  The word Im not allowed to type is  w r i s t w a t c h.  Go figure.


Edited by JoyofRLC Acker
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Ok this is bizarre.  Some sort of auto complete keeps mangling my attempt to type w r i s t w a t c h.  I can only assume it is some sort of utterly brainless censorship - that cant be right can it? 

A.  the deleted characters are a very mild derogative in quite common usage
B.  its just part of a word

Any idea how I file a ticket on this?




Edited by JoyofRLC Acker
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It is indeed censorship. The forum is deliberately and heavily censored and they will ignore a ticket on this.  Residents of a certain English town called Scun-thorpe (without a hyphen) have had the same problem for years.

Also, you can wear more than one item on the same attachement point; just choose "add" instead of "wear". Then you can add the watch or bracelet without detaching the hand. 

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For the actual question, if you update to Maitreya 5.1 you won't have separate hands or feet anymore. Update is free as a redelivery available at the main shop. (5.x has a redelivery option in the Maitreya HUD)

For sailors it's always a good bit of a no-no to wear multiple scripted attachments on the same attach point, it still has too much of a chance to ghost one of those attachments.

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Maitimo is correct in that you can use 'add' instead of 'wear' and the watch will not remove your hands. However - while it's always recommended to chose 'add' - in this specific case choosing 'wear' shouldn't cause any problems, as long as your Maitreya body is up to date. The latest version (at the time of writing this Maitreya is on v5.1) has the hands attached to the body and not as separate objects.

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One other note on attachment points -- if the item is 'rigged', then it will always position to the correct location regardless of the attachment point.  i.e. if you add/wear a rigged hair, you could attach it to a foot and it would properly position itself to your head. 

Because of this, many creators will just use the default attachment point of 'right hand'.  However, you can encounter all sorts of issues with too many items on a single attachment point.  Thus you should monitor where things attach and if they aren't logical, you can actually detach and then right click the item in inventory to specify a different attachment point.  When detached and re-attached later, it will attach to whatever the last place was that you had attached it to.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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