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What are some more of your pet peeves?

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Default Midday windlight. How could anyone see jack with all these shadows?


And people complaining about not getting the head and body skins to match with all that shade getting in the way.

Another windlight, isn't this much better?


Edited by Eddy Vortex
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7 minutes ago, Sassy Kenin said:

Not so much a peeve but valid theory if current pres pic gets injected thready goes poofy with piccy.  

I posted a pic of him with a cat drawn over his face (cat's butt was his lips), only my pic went poof! Someone posted a pic of him in the "sick" thread, we'll see. *Edit* Thread is gone!!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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14 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Today I am peeved at peevishness.

Today, I received (another!) anonymous gift in-world. It made me very happy -- not because I was given a pair of shoes I might easily have bought myself, but because someone was thoughtful and kind enough to think of me Someone wanted to give, for no reason other than that this is a lovely thing to do. It was the expression of generosity that mattered, and it made me feel a little better about people -- as unpopular a view as that seems to be on this thread. (Thank you @nationalelfservice!)

Today I also had a brief but lovely chat with an old forum friend who has been absent for a while -- about Christmas trees. And over the last few days I've been having another extended conversation in DM with a forumite whom I like about music, and musical instruments in SL. On Sunday, I spend a wonderful and carefree evening dancing with another friend to really cool jazz tunes from the 40s at one of my favourite clubs.

I refuse to be peeved, or unhappy, or angry, or argumentative today. Today, I am going to be happy.

I hope you all can be too.

Just a few tweaks and I should be getting some pics done today. Tomorrow at the latest. Since it isn't a Belli home I'm not sure where I should post them. I might just start a thread for it in GD but someone will probably get offended and report it so it either gets deleted or moved to a section I don't post in and have no desire to post in. Matter of fact, I have no desire to be a regular here anymore because of the personal vendetta against me over a deliberately misinterpreted post made about 10 years ago. And since LL continues to allow this person to get away with it year after year, there's no point in my being here except to be banned from the forum and SL as long as that person is allowed to continue. Of course the person will deny it and attempt to put the blame on me but we've all seen what that person does.

Anyway, it was great talking with you yesterday. And Maddy , too! I'm just sorry the convo got interrupted long enough I couldn't get back to my keyboard for 2 hours because it was time to start dinner. Men! They spoil everything! :x

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