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getting woke and SL

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It's more than a little revealing that you never considered me, as a woman, to be part of one of the oppressed groups seeking social justice in society, still struggling to gain an even footing with men in employment, governmental representation, and many other positions in life. Plus, you assumed I do not belong to any other oppressed groups, yet I do. But the fact that I can 'match and raise you 100%' regarding my membership in groups needing more social justice in America is neither here nor there and serves no purpose for our discussion, just as your claim to be in the LBGT category in an attempt to give validity to your argument should have no basis in what we are evaluating -- which is,  the "get woke go broke" meme started by a group of men who whine about how their favorite genre of film now spotlights women, gays, and People Of Color in roles previously occupied by straight white males.   *Don't forget that you are the one who praised the "get woke go broke" movement and provided a long list of companies you claim have failed over pushing a  'woke' agenda.

I'm sorry but what? I wasn't talking about a majority like the entire female gender, you know the one that has a greater population than their counterparts. My entire post reflects and talks about minority's. Despite what you say, female agenda and oppression is not a minority. I wasn't even talking about sexism in this entire thread.

Did I state anywhere in my post that you didn't belong to any other oppressed groups? No, I clearly stated that I didn't know if you were and even took that into consideration in my post.

Here, here's a few examples of me saying I don't know:


I don't know whether you are in a minority


 I have no idea what your beliefs or background are so I keep those things out of discussions but

Once again for the uneducated like yourself, saying I don't know is not the same as me assuming your are not. You are the one that assumed I wasn't a minority in your post I responded to. If you cant see that then I'm sorry there there is nothing more I can say. I also don't 'claim' to be LGBT, I am. If, from my post, you cant see that then your reading comprehension skills must have stalled at grade 4. Though given all your responses to mine are laughable, perhaps it actually did. Would certainly explain a lot.

I also didn't use my argument at all to give any credibility to any of my previous posts or statements. In fact I went out of my way in my post to even say I don't talk about who I am in such posts. My post was a response to the direct inflammatory post of you calling me or others 'a kind' as well as your condescending tone telling me to go to some course to be educated on such things. Odd that you use the phrase 'your kind' in your post and say there is a dominant part of humanity. Let me see where does that sound familiar, oh yes, Nazism whereby they thought a part of the human race were 'a different kind' and superior to the rest. Yes, I am comparing you and your argument correctly to Nazism.

You then, completely missing the point once again and not understanding that I posted directly in response to your vitriol, not any of your other posts, that specific one, have to then go about in your response as some form of self gratification that you can beat me somehow by saying such things like "'match and raise you 100%'" I don't give to flying ****'* how many oppressed groups you belong to. For ****'* sake are you a child in the playground at school whereby you are competing with people and have to show you are better than others cause you have bigger x,y,z to others?

Please go and post a quote of me in this thread praising any such 'get woke, go broke' movement. Go on, you seem to have the ability to do such go for it. I dare you to find me praising such a thing. I posted a link to provide an example of how the word 'woke' is meaningless and represents a different view these days as to what you think it does and then said in a follow up post that I agreed with that list in the manner that it shows people interpret things differently when things are left open for interpretation.

So go on, I really mean it, go quote me agreeing with such a movement so that we can all point and laugh at you for not reading a post in context (I.e. basic reading comprehension) and failing at trying to prove a point with no evidence.

After reading my post you could have simply acknowledged that YOU were wrong in implying there are different 'kinds' (for the uneducated like yourself kind IS equal to species) and keeping such evil underhanded indoctrination used in WW2 out of the civilised world which was what my entire post was about. Instead you couldn't resist in arguing that you think you are better that everyone else on a power trip.

Seeing as I know you are going to take one of my posts out of context trying to find the quote I requested above (just like you did in that other now locked thread you mentioned), I'll do you the favour of bowing out.

All I can say is heaven help the world if you or your ilk get anywhere near a place of influence. By the way I'm not talking about political factions I am talking specifically about your group of specific 'sjw's ( I hate that phrase but it fits in this case) that care about your own selves.

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18 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

For the record I am part of the LGBT world, that is to say not the straight, white, male you accuse me of being. The issue is, you didn't know that as I have never brought it up in these topics because who I am is irrelevant to the discussion and I don't use my minority status as a clutch to lean on in such discussions or arguments. I look logically at things without bias, which is also why I laughed at you stating that I have privilege equal to a majority or state I have unconscious bias against my fellow LGBT communities or other minorities.

**Yet you are using belonging to the LGBT community as a clutch in the debate -- just scroll down to further comments in this post to see it. You have played the 'gay card', trying to gain sympathy for your minority status as a way to win favor in other issues we are debating.
If you are gay (and I have my doubts, because you already demonstrated you are dishonest by choosing winning over truth in your debate with Inula, and so I don't automatically assume what you say is true) then you have still enjoyed the privileges in society which come from being White and male. 
And if you are gay this does not prove you don't have privilege as a White person or a male, or that you don't discriminate against gay people. Some gay people do discriminate against other gay people, as they internalize cultural attitudes which place more value in heterosexuality. It's the same way some Blacks sort value among themselves according to skin tone (colorization issues)  -- they've internalized the beliefs of their oppressors and in the attempt to feel valued and empowered they want to have the lighter skin of the more valued member of society

Before you say then I agree such things exist, no they don't. Privilege and unconscious bias do not exist in your way of phrasing. What exists, is a different and sometimes flawed way of thinking that is ingrained into a human from such tactics you have just shown and used by forcing someone into thinking there is a dominant 'species' (a kind) and that minorities somehow need to dehumanise, rebuke or name call others or a majority to see their way rather than trying peaceful progressive ways. 

** I am not forcing a type of thinking when I state a fact, a reality -- that there has been, and still are, groups within society who placed themselves in positions of power and tend to slant resources and privileges more toward themselves if we don't successfully intervene. Laws were created by these straight white men which severely discriminate against women, POC, and gays -- laws which gave them greater ability to get what they needed from society and shortchange those who are not like them. While some of this has been mitigated by law, oppressed groups are still in the process of recovering from its effects.
Calling out this reality of straight, white, wealthy, males having more power historically in America, naming it -- this is not rebuking anyone or name-calling, nor is it violent.

Religion is a prime example of this whereby, from the pulpit such things are taught in that homosexual people like myself were forced in the past to chemically castrate themselves, be hung for being themselves, hide in society for fear that they will be shunned, jailed or killed, etc. Have people indoctrinated from the pulpit that a supposedly loving God doesn't love me because that same God clearly shows his disdain for such people as lesser and destroyed cities in the bible due to it. The same God that declares such acts as an unforgivable sin. Have people locked up in concentration camps in WW2 by Nazi's and executed along with other minorities due to such indoctrination. Have entire states and countries IN THIS DAY AND AGE where I or other LGBT communities cant even step foot in for fear of being executed because of a belief we are tainted. The necessity of hiding who we are for fear of being kicked out of our homes from family members we thought were loving (kids and adults) who believe such people are lesser beings, sinful and have no place in their homes.

 **As I lesbian I share your concerns, that is if you truly are gay yourself. 

I fully understand Black people and how they have been treated badly in the past, but if we are going to judge who still has it worse I am going to have to say LGBT does. Black people have no fear of having to hide in plain sight who they are for fear of jail, execution, ridicule. Black people can go to other countries freely without having to hide in plain sight who they truly are. Black people can live peacefully with the family without fear of being kicked out of home and family if they reveal who they are. Gay people right up till 1980 still faced jail or chemical castration in many western democratic countries simply for being them.

Suggesting that I, with all of that listed above don't understand some of what Black people are going through is laughable in a huge degree. Dare I even say and suggest it that LGBT have been treated FAR worse than Black people in the past. Listing the above can you not agree? Black people weren't executed for a person knowing who they are inside. Sure they may have been slandered or abused, lynched through hate but they could walk openly amongst others not hiding who they are. They weren't executed as a minority in WW2, they don't have to still fear for their life as a majority going on a holiday to some eastern countries. They are, despite what you seem to imply, FREE. I'm not saying Black people are not killed or ridiculed for being black but they still have a tremendous amount more freedom than me and my community.

I have lived prior to all the changes in my community where kids these days have more liberties in saying they are LGBT. I know what it is like to fear for my life in a foreign country on pain of death. I know what it is liked to be ridiculed, hated from others least of all my own parents and family. Having to hide my true self away from my loving Grandfather who was a missionary and pastor knowing that that love would turn to disdain and abhorrence due to his wrong beliefs. I know what it is like to always look over your shoulder or constantly feel that someone is abusing me because of who I am behind my back. I've been part of the fight for change for my 'minority' for decades. Peaceful change.

** Ok, this is bizarre - creating some sort of 'pain competition' between oppressed groups in society - there's no need to do this. Each group has similarities and differences in the way they've been treated unjustly by society in general, but if I must find a 'worstest pain category' I'd say the winner belongs to the group whose country validated the placing of monuments in public venues honoring those justifying the desire to enslave Blacks whom they believe are inferior. As far as I know, nobody enslaved gays in America and decided they were 3/4th of a person, and then erected statues glorifying their abusers, and named military bases in honor of those abusers.

I don't know whether you are in a minority, however if you aren't, as one that is and if you are, as a fellow person in a minority, I ask that you please stop dehumanising me by separating me, others like me or my friends that aren't the same as me and referring to me or them as you put it "your kind". We are all one kind! I have no idea what your beliefs or background are so I keep those things out of discussions but, people like you standing up for minorities and LGBT people like me by separating people into 'Kinds' or for want of a better word a different species, grates me up the wrong way to no end. Not only do such things do harm to me, other LGBT people and other minorities, it also shows lack of respect to all as well as hampers the positive progression my 'minority' have achieved due to such comments being then taken by people against such a group.

*The more powerful groups in society created the splitting of people into warring factions (in your case, we see this from the anger and protest against other 'kinds' of people such as POC & women entering into your domain of the white male and replacing 'your kind' in superhero movies). By YOUR rejection of these other types of people who should have equal representation in media it is YOU who made the split between groups. Please, spare me your literary concerns regarding appropriate storylines. One glance at 4-chan and the shreeking alt-right YouTubers makes it totally clear what all this is about.

It never ceases to amaze me how dominant groups are unable to see themselves as a group with greater power who oppresses other groups with less power. Instead, they blame the oppressed groups for falsely creating the split. And then, when oppressed groups attempt to find ways to make their voices heard, you are unable to see that oppressed people come together to define themselves and their issues, gain strength through supporting each other, and can then better counter the forces which oppress them in a larger or more powerful society.

It is the heterosexual society which demonized the LGBT one, denying them basic human rights, criminalizing their behavior, torturing them, and trying to make all of society believe they are perverse, indecent human beings.
*It is the White people in society which felt the need to disempower Blacks, enslave them to make a profit, separate them from White society in public accommodations, and they are now continuing to to profit from Blacks via unjust incarceration rates in the prison industrial complex.
*It is males who made laws which proclaimed their ownership of women, and disallowed the vote for women until 1920, and continues to oppress them through the 'old boy network' where who you know makes it as important for procuring a job as any qualification a woman might have. Women are still not represented equally in government.



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6 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

I'm sorry but what? I wasn't talking about a majority like the entire female gender, you know the one that has a greater population than their counterparts. My entire post reflects and talks about minority's. Despite what you say, female agenda and oppression is not a minority. I wasn't even talking about sexism in this entire thread.

The experience of oppression does not relate specifically to who is in the majority.   If you had even read this thread you'd know that. Oppression relates to which groups have the power, the institutional power, to oppress others. Think of South Africa -- Blacks are in the majority but they are oppressed by the minority Whites who seized power there.  Or think of women in America -- we may be slightly greater in number but laws were created by those in power (males) who disallowed voting and deemed women as mere property to be owned by men. Disadvantages still remain for women in terms of employment and unequal representation in government, among others.

Those fighting for social justice include all groups who have been disempowered, regardless of whether they are a majority of the population or not.

And the rights of women  are  just as much a part of the debate along with POC,  as all groups are part of the fight for a just society. Those who are fighting for social justice want fairness and justice for all people, to minimize the suffering of those who are oppressed by stronger forces in society, or have the potential to be harmed -- POC, women, LBGTQ members, the elderly, children, the disabled, the mentally ill, the poor, and more. Perhaps if you stepped away from Twitter and Facebook and investigated the real world you'd know what it's really about.

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How the Republicans and Democrats switched sides on the issue of race / racism - resulting in modern day American political ideologies:

(Purposefully starting this at 13:10 in).

Watch far enough into this video and you also see the plan to create Fox News being hatched by Roger Ailes while he was working for Nixon, and his reasons for doing so basically being a desire for the jingoistic partisan manipulation of truth we so well know today.


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3 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Watch far enough into this video and you also see the plan to create Fox News being hatched by Roger Ailes while he was working for Nixon, and his reasons for doing so basically being a desire for the jingoistic partisan manipulation of truth we so well know today.

Odd, how evil can be so "successful" playing the "long game".

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7 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

How the Republicans and Democrats switched sides on the issue of race / racism - resulting in modern day American political ideologies:

(Purposefully starting this at 13:10 in).

Watch far enough into this video and you also see the plan to create Fox News being hatched by Roger Ailes while he was working for Nixon, and his reasons for doing so basically being a desire for the jingoistic partisan manipulation of truth we so well know today.


Would you trust a "white privilege" guy or woman of color?

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9 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:
15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Trying to think back on if I've EVER said Whites should be punished.

I'm pretty sure I have said that or even worse in moments of outrage. Especially on my blog.

But there's also a difference between moments of outrage over something where I lose sight of the ball and get clouded, and moments when I'm thinking clearly...

Moments where... having been unable to get through or be heard in any other way... essentially I have a mental riot in frustration...

It was easier before the internet recording everything said when we could move past frustration or anger easier...

Indeed.  And perhaps had I been born a POC I'd  more easily lose it and in moments of anger wish the offenders could be punished too.  But like you're saying, there's a big difference between losing it in moments of frustration and anger vs actually wanting or taking steps to punish those causing a problem for us.

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18 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

(wanting Whites to take responsibility for prejudice they may harbor) 

Oh, I see.  I thought you meant you want all whites to take responsibility period when it's mostly government, religion and indoctrination.  

Take responsibility for prejudice they may harbor.  

I think I spoke about your want when I read it before in that it's kind of like if wishes were cars we'd all ride.  

It's better to look to see what you can really change via laws.  There are people no one has the power to change whatever it is they may harbor.  

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12 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:
28 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

(wanting Whites to take responsibility for prejudice they may harbor) 

Oh, I see.  I thought you meant you want all whites to take responsibility period when it's mostly government, religion and indoctrination.  

Take responsibility for prejudice they may harbor. 

Being brainwashed by religion, government, or any type of indoctrination is not an excuse for any individual to not take responsibility for discovering ways in which they could be contributing to a problem in society. We should all take the implicit bias tests to see which types of brainwashing remain in our unconscious minds.

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How does one convince a right-winger they have an unconscious mind which affects their beliefs and behavior?

I've tried to convince, even with a woman I thought to be quite intelligent with a strong belief in Science, and the sad fact is that....you can't.  They are too frightened of what they'll discover, or to admit that everything is not under the control of the rational, conscious mind.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Being brainwashed by religion, government, or any type of indoctrination is not an excuse for any individual to not take responsibility for discovering ways in which they could be contributing to a problem in society. We should all take the implicit bias tests to see which types of brainwashing remain in our unconscious minds.

You can't make people do that though.  

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Just now, FairreLilette said:
5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Being brainwashed by religion, government, or any type of indoctrination is not an excuse for any individual to not take responsibility for discovering ways in which they could be contributing to a problem in society. We should all take the implicit bias tests to see which types of brainwashing remain in our unconscious minds.

You can't make people do that though.  

Have I ever said I thought they could be forced to take an implicit bias test?

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12 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Have I ever said I thought they could be forced to take an implicit bias test?

No, you haven't but you keep mentioning it and placing an importance on it when it's not achievable.  

So, if that is not achievable, what is achievable?   

As the song from "The Last Resort" goes, "Who will provide the grand design?  What is yours, and what is mine.  Because there is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here."

The line there is speaking about the Native Americans.  Who will provide the grand design of what is yours and what is mine?  This is speaking about righting a wrong to the native people.  

So, if you take this idea of providing a grand design to right the wrongs and including Blacks, what will it be?  

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17 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:
22 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Have I ever said I thought they could be forced to take an implicit bias test?

No, you haven't but you keep mentioning it and placing an importance on it when it's not achievable.  

So, if that is not achievable, what is achievable? 

There are far more people reading these threads than the right-wingers who come in to claim they have no implicit bias, and perhaps these others have an open mind and decide to investigate something they've never heard of.  Even the OP of this thread tells the story of how she began a journey of 'wokeness', a remarkable story I'd say.

It's all about awareness, all about consciousness in all matters of life, from infancy up to whatever stage one is at presently the most fundamental aspect of life is consciousness. I love to see how people change in life, myself included.

Besides, I get a kick out of seeing how many cockamamie excuses people can come up with to deny their own responsibility for the problems POC experience in America -- I've heard some doozies....and just when I think I've heard them all a new one appears. Anyone reading these threads should pay attention to these excuses, as they are also evident in real life, and if we don't see the patterns we can't confront or change the forces which could make America a place that is safe for everyone, regardless of their color.

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25 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

As the song from "The Last Resort" goes, "Who will provide the grand design?  What is yours, and what is mine.  Because there is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here."

The line there is speaking about the Native Americans.  Who will provide the grand design of what is yours and what is mine?  This is speaking about righting a wrong to the native people.  

So, if you take this idea of providing a grand design to right the wrongs and including Blacks, what will it be? 

Maybe becoming aware of the horrors they've endured, and being willing to face any responsibility one bears in continuing that horror?   Even saying "I'm sorry"??   

The above is the first step in taking our knees off their necks.   If you talk to most POC they really don't want us to DO anything for the most part, and they've said they just want us to take that knee off their neck.

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17 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Maybe becoming aware of the horrors they've endured, and being willing to face any responsibility one bears in continuing the horrors? Even saying "I'm sorry"??   

The above is the first step in taking our knees off their necks.   If you talk to most POC they really don't want us to DO anything for the most part, and they've said they just want us to take that knee off their neck.

I'm sorry for what has happened to many POC but I don't think it's enough.  Plus, I view the police officer who did this as a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist and not your average white person.  

I think POC need to be elevated out of poverty somehow and for the drugs problem to finally become under control.  Do I think some "nuts" could have set people of color up by providing this drug environment to keep them down and in prison, I'd say it's possible.   It's cheaper to keep someone in prison then to find them a job.  

Close to 90% of crimes occur under the influence of a drug or alcohol and/or are drug related.   

The drugs need to be stopped and a life, a real life for inner city people needs to happen where they are safe and there aren't all these drugs nor threats of prison looming all around.   

But, just think of what I said...isn't it cheaper to keep someone in prison than to find them a job?   And then, once you have a prison record, your whole life is screwed up.  

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17 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I'm sorry for what has happened to many POC but I don't think it's enough.  Plus, I view the police officer who did this as a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist and not your average white person.  

All my training in Social Work, Psychology, and Women's studies...all my examination through many years study of human consciousness and the ways in which people change and grow....all the many experiments regarding human bias encountered during my formal education and since -- these demonstrate that we have unconscious bias toward POC.  This unconscious bias causes us to believe they are more likely criminals, are less competent, and inferior in numerous other ways compared to Whites.

These attitudes affect hiring practices and educational experiences, making it more difficult for POC to succeed in endeavors which could rise them out of poverty, and more often send them to prison and receive longer sentences compared to their White counterparts.   So yes, at this time, along with the laws we already have, changing this attitude of feeling superior to Blacks and assigning them negative characteristics would be enough

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29 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Maybe becoming aware of the horrors they've endured, and being willing to face any responsibility one bears in continuing that horror?   Even saying "I'm sorry"??   

The above is the first step in taking our knees off their necks.   If you talk to most POC they really don't want us to DO anything for the most part, and they've said they just want us to take that knee off their neck.

My knee is not and has never been on anyone's neck. Please stop speaking for all White people in the collective sense, you do not represent me. Thanks.

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8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

So yes, changing our attitude that we are superior to Blacks would be enough.

We, as one people, have never been able to achieve any kind of perfect "all" nor is there a collective "our attitude" especially when speaking about Neo-Nazis or white supremacists who won't ever change.  

As far as the drugs in the inner cities, it's a problem and it needs to be addressed and people need help there.  We cannot just keep sweeping the drug problem under the carpet.

Let's say it's just a minuscule amount of drugs a person is found with.  That prison record for that little bit of a tiny something or other for example, that prison record, can ruin any and all opportunities they might have for the rest of their life.   

I, at least, hope the city council of Los Angeles will finally make positive changes here with programs to help people instead of more police.  

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The usefulness of implicit bias tests is debatable to say the least. In any event, psychometrics may measure, but they do not predict any outcomes. Even a simple career test can't do that, let alone one purporting to measure a person's perception of society.

IAT: Fad or fabulous? Psychologists debate whether the Implicit Association Test needs more solid psychometric footing before it enters the public sphere.


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4 minutes ago, Akane Nacht said:

The usefulness of implicit bias tests is debatable to say the least. In any event, psychometrics may measure, but they do not predict any outcomes. Even a simple career test can't do that, let alone one purporting to measure a person's perception of society.

Implicit Bias TRAINING is a core part of diversity & inclusion training..don't know about "tests".

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33 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

Insulting everyone that disagrees with you, "trumpies" this and that, not a good look. It's nearly as bad as if someone said "them blackies is right, we gotta change things around here". That's just going to upset the people you're talking to.

It's an incredibly ineffective way to deliver your message.

"very fine people" have been demanding we change how we talk about the issues for centuries. They accuse us of being 'PC' when we demand we be referred to with basic human decency, then tell us we're being 'ineffective' or 'uppity' or what have you anytime we choose any set of words or phrases to engage with. T

They tell us it's not right to refer to things like 'woke' or 'white fragility' or 'privilege', but then call us PC for objecting to things like 'redskins' or the n-word...

Maybe it's time these "very fine people" changed how they listen...


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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

and how others discovering their bias might indeed change conditions for Blacks in America via giving them greater access to jobs, education, and all the other features of civilization which can provide access to a better life.

I see, that's kind of reaching those "higher in power" and may even include more of the wealthy whites.  

As far as a better life, well, some things are changing just in the past few months and that's a good thing.

I appreciate the Los Angeles City council and our Mayor taking the unanimous vote to vote for programs in lieu of more expenditure on police.  The city of Los Angeles want a more impartial way to "try" any police officers involved in this type of injustice also.  

I think the protesters helped the city of Los Angeles begin to wake up which it severely needed to do.  But, it needs to wait a bit too as it's intermittent fiscal year.   But, just for a one year period, 150 million dollars will be spent on programs instead of more police and that money is set aside until the end of 2021 at which time hopefully a newer more advanced plan will emerge for 2022.     

EDIT:  And, then this also:

(CNN) The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a measure to develop an unarmed model of crisis response that would replace police officers with community-based responders for nonviolent calls. "This is the dawn of a new era of public safety in Los Angeles," City Councilmember Herb Wesson Jr.Jun 30, 2020

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26 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:
37 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

and how others discovering their bias might indeed change conditions for Blacks in America via giving them greater access to jobs, education, and all the other features of civilization which can provide access to a better life.

I see, that's kind of reaching those "higher in power" and may even include more of the wealthy whites.  

It includes all people, though at first thought it seems those with greater power could do more damage, and that would include wealthier people with bias.

However, I'm reminded of all the little Black kids whose elementary school teachers (so not wealthy by any means) told them they didn't have what it takes to go on to higher education, thinking they were inept or stupid.  This was in one of the videos I posted relating to bias against Blacks, where a woman describes how a teacher did this to her.

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