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So Someone jsut build a large skydome over my land, no asking, nothing. It spans 9 Parcels (100x100meter) in  a 32x32m parcel.
So i resend the stuff, made a huge block on my land for reference wher e my land was for the image and asked in an encroachment ticket to have the unreturnable parts returned to the owner (around a week ago) -> nothing happened

The land owner messaged me with insults on the same day, threatening me, claiming it was his land, etc.... submitted another report...this time Harassment

(I would not expect a 11 year old acount to react in that way.. im pretty new but that...)

like 2 hours later.. i get spammed with prims in my skybox ...submitted another report...

Then he made a rezzer script that spams prims in my skybox every second...another report for harrasment... 7 days ago NOTHING happend

Today he builds a giant rotating blok that sweeps through my house, that cant be resend.

Here images of skydome and the block

Somehow at least the blocks disappeard now the skydome is still there...

Getting 0 response from anyone is just disheartening....


Is there no way to get help from a person...

Or get any response that someone will take care of it?

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Easiest thing to do would b just to move your home to a different height. Not sure how many components there are, but you could do it by group selecting your objects and dragging everything up 50m, or editing directly and typing the height you want to move them to into the z axis, eg 2500, and then making the find adjustment to line everything up.

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If the person builds a platform next to the house and stands on it doing it that would not have helped... he went very far trying to be as distruptive as he can...i dont think it would have stopped him for long, maybe only while he is not online updating his harassment machines.

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I assume that you're premium, so you could give Live Chat a try, referring to all previous support tickets.

But anyway, I don't expect much help from third parties. But you can do a few more things on your own:

1) Not sure if the screenshot shows the right permissions for your parcel or if it is screwed because I'm only remotely peeking in...


Build, Object Entry, Run Script - all set to Group. Nothing checked for Everyone. Fly shouldn't really matter.

2) Making a guess based on your ban list, the person apparently owns two parcels next to yours, the smaller one in the middle of the sim and the larger one on the west side of yours. Not counting in the neighbouring sim on the south nor the abandoned plot to the east. With your plot, they'd hold a pretty square plot. Well. You could boldly go ahead, perhaps settle in a "free" Linden home for a while, and set your plot for sale to that person at a very attractive price - attractive from your point of view, of course.

3) Do use Firestorm as your viewer. Derender and blacklist any annoying object. Your friends need to do the same.

4) You can turn off particle rendering - check the Advanced menu > Rendering types > Particles. There is also a shortcut which I never bother to remember. Or go to Preferences > Graphics > General tab and set your Max. particle count real low.

5) Do not talk to that other person of any of their visitors.

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I'm not seeing where the problem is at the moment. It seems all the content on the parcel is around 2575 m altitude, and there doesn't seem to be anything interfering with that. Anyway, I certainly agree with @Lillith Hapmouche's suggestion to tighten-up the parcel options a bit, particularly object entry and build, if you're getting object spam rezzed in (or moved into) your parcel. With the current parcel settings, I'm not sure it would even be considered harassment for somebody to fill your parcel with random junk: it's as if you were inviting it with those settings.

Speaking of parcel settings: at present you have a landing point set at ground level (more or less) and with only Group members admitted (and a few explicitly listed). Thing is, there's nothing at ground level, so anybody teleporting in will try to land at the landing point, get bounced to the neighbor, then can fly up over the banlines and go wherever they want, including the zone up at 2575 where you have a build. Now, the folks explicitly banned from the land can't do that, so that's fine, but it seems unlikely you really intended to bounce non group members from the landing zone if you're letting them just fly up wherever they want. (Not that you can actually stop people from flying over from elsewhere if you disabled Flying, but I mean the whole thing of putting a landing point in a banned zone seems weirdly, perhaps unintentionally visitor-hostile.)

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Acces to my land was invited persons only (changed to group yesterday for convenience...)

@Lillith Hapmouche

to 1) So i set permissions to group now, but does that even help, since all objects are based in the other parcels?, maybe these are not explained right or i just dont get how they are supposed to work

to 2) not really want to sell it at the moment...

to 3) need to look that up

to 4) might need aprticles for my own game....

to 5) not talking to the person excpet from the first conversation where i got insulted an threatened

@Qie Niangao

So im inviting a person to be a douchebag and im at fault?

The person cannot enter my land hes doing it from outside!

There is no landing point in my parcel activated...i do not get where you want to have your information from?


So i see there is no way to prevent acces to the parcel completly unless banning?

Because so called ban lines only work on ground level... for whatever reason..

Guess i need to set up one of these tp unwanted person to home thingies then too just in case




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Not really "at fault" ... rather more like "there is room to improve your self-defenses", because it is rather unlikely that you'll ever get help from LL's side.

No object entry should stop rezzed prims bleeding into your parcel. No building is pretty obvious, I guess.

I don't think that you need a security orb ... unless it's one of those old ones ignoring parcel borders and pestering the neighbouring visitors with eject messages, just *ahem* thinking aloud... as you don't have a problem with others entering your plot. Keep it to your group only setting and you should be good.


6 minutes ago, Merlje said:

i do not get where you want to have your information from?

That's a rather easy one: when you look up your profile inworld, you got two picks pointing to a Mainland plot, named the same as you. TP there, check "About land" and there you go... that's not really bad and you don't have to do anything about it.

But yes, you do have a landing point set on your land. You find that option next to the screenshot of your plot in the About land menu.

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22 minutes ago, Merlje said:

So im inviting a person to be a douchebag and im at fault?

That wasn't at all what I was saying before... but now I'm thinking it could be a valid characterization.

Not sure why I should bother at this point, but yeah: You can't expect Governance to intuit your intent when your land is set open for rezzing. That means folks can rez on it. Almost all my mainland parcels are set that way, in fact, but with very aggressive auto-return. And if I get troublemaker neighbors, I tighten down the settings until they calm down. Very rarely any need to involve a Linden. (Encroachment is a whole different problem; there's no tidy automated solution to that.)

And yeah, I'm afraid scripted security is really the only way to deter unknown intruders above about 50m above ground level. It's not great, but that's how it is, and how it's always been, ever since there's been any way to do it at all. [Edit To Add: But to be clear, I never use scripted security myself. If anybody wants to use my skyboxes, they're welcome, especially when I'm not around. When I am around, then interesting discussion is welcome, too.]

Edited by Qie Niangao
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56 minutes ago, Merlje said:

Sadyly the security orbs need the group active or manual intervention... guess everything has a downside

That is an extreme annoyance to scripters, by the way. There's so much we could do if we could only "see inside" groups a bit -- including finding out if an avatar is a group member even if they don't currently have the group active. We could make groups substantially more useful as social tools, too, if for example we could see the Roles and associated Abilities to which a group member is assigned -- or even assign them, under script control. It's been a real lost opportunity.

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The times I've reported objects, I didn't get a text response... I just saw the object disappear. The blocks disappearing are more likely to be a support person than this person seeing the error of their ways.

You've locked down the settings now from the looks of the thread, so that'll solve most things and you can return most of the rest. The big issue is things like the rotating block or particles, which you will have to report if they appear. When it vanishes, you know support got to it.

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The stuff dissapeared, i also suspect support because it was so sudden, but not the encroching object.

Anyways changed places, wanted more room anyways...

There should be different acces settings for land, especially for skybox users and prims entering parcels etc.
And Groups that are inactive should be acessible for security orbs... would also help a lot

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