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Second Life Dictionary of Word (Maturity Rating Edition)

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Apparently, the word "fantasy," when used in titling events, is restricted to adult rated regions.  I've tried "High Fantasy" and "Fantasy Fiction" descriptions when explaining the themed style of costumes.  According to the rating filters, likely determined by the usage of the word within Second Life culture, it must have strong sexual connotations.   In dictionaries and encyclopedias, it is primarily a designation of literary genres.   It does not matter if I define the word in the description and define the expectations of conduct for a G-rated sim.   


The event appears to contain adult material, but is on a General or Mature region. Please choose an adult region. Refer to the Maturity ratings wiki page for more details.

So, I'm waiting for the Second Life Dictionary of Words, with maturity ratings assigned to each word, something I obviously can't live without because I'm unable to moderate my PG/G life and plot in a PG region without the help of Linden Labs.  

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Frustrating, huh?  People run into similar issues with MP listings all the time.  LL has said that they will not provide any of their lists -- banned words, adult words, etc...  So, instead you just get to waste your time in trying to figure out synonyms or other spellings for the words you want to use that really are not bad words at all.

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It's been a while, but I've had similar issues.  When I've reached out to LL for clarification on just exactly what is the problem, I've received no answers.

Apparently Clueless Linden (my favorite Linden) assumes the only "fantasy" in SL is fantasies of oversized phalluses used in highly improbable coital acts, and we sure wouldn't want the kiddies to potentially be exposed to such things.  That's what the internet is for, after all.  Better that we make it hard for someone to host a fantasy character dance event than risk unsupervised children getting their exposure to naughtiness from anything but pronhub.

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12 hours ago, Eban Curtis said:

Apparently, the word "fantasy," when used in titling events, is restricted to adult rated regions.  I've tried "High Fantasy" and "Fantasy Fiction" descriptions when explaining the themed style of costumes.  According to the rating filters, likely determined by the usage of the word within Second Life culture, it must have strong sexual connotations.   In dictionaries and encyclopedias, it is primarily a designation of literary genres.   It does not matter if I define the word in the description and define the expectations of conduct for a G-rated sim.   

So, I'm waiting for the Second Life Dictionary of Words, with maturity ratings assigned to each word, something I obviously can't live without because I'm unable to moderate my PG/G life and plot in a PG region without the help of Linden Labs.  

Well... that explains a lot. No wonder I can never find anything that isn't adult rated using the term "fantasy". :S


And people wonder why I rarely leave my home sim except to go shopping.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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5 hours ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

It's been a while, but I've had similar issues.  When I've reached out to LL for clarification on just exactly what is the problem, I've received no answers.

Apparently Clueless Linden (my favorite Linden) assumes the only "fantasy" in SL is fantasies of oversized phalluses used in highly improbable coital acts, and we sure wouldn't want the kiddies to potentially be exposed to such things.  That's what the internet is for, after all.  Better that we make it hard for someone to host a fantasy character dance event than risk unsupervised children getting their exposure to naughtiness from anything but pronhub.

So young, and yet so cynical.

Whatever happened to the idealism that once shone forth from your beatific face?


I think it's about laziness. Rather than actually vet stuff, use a clumsy algorithm to do the work for you. If it's scattershot and catches a few innocents in the spread of bullets . . . Oh well!

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Fantasy isn't banned everywhere as a word. It's in my G-rated land description, which appears in search and the destination guide. Not being allowed in event listings is likely due to TooManyUnconnectedSystems Linden and DifferentDatabases Mole.

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Tyche Shepherd's grid survey shows 144 regions with the word "Fantasy" in the name.  As you can see from this screen shot of the first two or three dozen, less than half are rated Adult, so "Fantasy" doesn't seem to be the sole property of the Adult side of SL.  (Yeah, half of the ones in that sample are no longer alive, but even if you look at just the 15 that are currently active, more of them are Moderate than Adult.)


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8 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Region names hold very little meaning for me when I'm searching for something to either do or buy.

True, but the point is that there are plenty of people in SL doing "fantasy" sorts of things in places that use the word but aren't Adult rated.  So, if there's an embargo against "Fantasy", it either applied randomly or it has more to do with content and practices than with the word itself.  My bet's on content.  After all, lots of places in RL and SL do non-adult fantasy and don't have to avoid the word.

Fantasyland Castle | Fantasyland Castle in full beauty. Look… | Flickr

And it's not just region names that get away with using the word "fantasy" either.  Just search on MP for General and Moderate items that use the keyword "fantasy"":


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I eventually was able to create an event with "fantasy" in the title and description.

I tried again this afternoon, copy and pasting a title and discretion from a past event, only changing the event name and description to different combinations of "Fantasy".  Again, I was notified my region could not support the event because it was not an adult region.  So, I started with a minimal: "Fantasy event" as a title, and "4 - 6 PM SLT" in the description.   That was accepted.  Editing over and over, adding line by line, I was eventually able add everything I had originally pasted, including the rejected changes.   I don't understand the filter.  Maybe I overacted?  Maybe I found a glitch in their filter?    The odd thing is when I added a statement clarifying the sim standards, the word "g-rated" was also flagged, and I was was told I needed to be an adult region to host the event.   When I removed the "-" and changed it to "G rated", it was accepted.   I just don't understand rating restrictions as to how this algorithm works. 

Edited by Eban Curtis
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8 hours ago, Eban Curtis said:

I just don't understand rating restrictions as to how this algorithm works. 

No worries, LL doesn't understand it either.  That is why they have commented that it sometimes catches words that should be okay and sometimes allows words that should not be okay.

You can find related discussions about the MP word roulette wheel, which is similar but different to Event posting, which is similar but different to regular postings in these forums.

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