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Are You Showing Support for Black Lives Matter in Second Life?

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10 minutes ago, Han Held said:

If you want on-topic posts, then post them.

But you don't so ...I don't know what the [redacted] it is that you do want.

But I most sincerely hope that you find it, whatever it might be.

I want you to stop picking at Gato and vice versa, is that [redacted] clear enough for you?

You know,. I've seen your drama-stirring many times over the years, am not interested in seeing it again now, and I'm not going to engage further with you. Especially not in THIS thread.


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I was going to reply to people in this thread that called me out, but at this point I'll just say this.

Gatogateau was correct. Attacking people that agree with you makes them less likely to agree with you.

Edited by Paul Hexem
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2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Is there a video with a link of the teargas, rubber bullets, etc?

I just watched a seven and a half minute video from CNN and it does not show any flare up, no tear gas, no problems whatsoever.  

This happened with another video I tried to watch on George Floyd the other day, it was a video about something else, like it was pulled and replaced with another video.  


The first little bit of that clip shows it.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Directs me to subscribe when I click the arrow.  Dang it!  

I watched over a seven minute video from CNN news...showed people standing near police on bicycles and that was all and then ended after seven plus minutes.  

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1 hour ago, Vivienne Schell said:

Why the hell do you demand that from a completely non-violent activist movement like BLM, which demands nothing but justice, while justice defines itself by being justice?

Where do you get that BLM is a non-violent activist movement? They most definitely do NOT say such on their own website -- they do not mention anything about non-violence versus violence.

People in this thread have continually said that BLM does not equate with violence and that the violence and looting are not because of BLM.  Then again, others have commented that the violence is making it difficult for them to stay on the side of the protesters.

While many reports do suggest that most of the rioting is being instigating by two other factions, I simply commented that BLM does not help their message by not officially stating that they are against the violence.

People call out others for not taking a stand, not actually coming out and saying something against the police brutality -- stating that by saying nothing, they are in fact, passively agreeing with it.  So WHY is the same standard NOT held for BLM and their non-declared stance on the violence and looting that is a very, very common outcome of these protests.

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8 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Directs me to subscribe when I click the arrow.  Dang it!  

I watched over a seven minute video from CNN news...showed people standing near police on bicycles and that was all and then ended after seven plus minutes.  

Here is one from CNN showing the tear gas -- see around the 10-20 second mark or so.  The same shown again around the 50 second mark or so and then same or slightly different scene around 2:10 or so.

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3 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

For some reason the BLM initials remind me of the Bureau of Land Management --- the agency that issues permits for the Burning Man thing.

Yeah, if you google BLM, the Bureau is one of the first results.

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26 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Where do you get that BLM is a non-violent activist movement? They most definitely do NOT say such on their own website -- they do not mention anything about non-violence versus violence.

I think I might now why, but since it’s not from them, I’m not going to speak for them.

I am going to ask this question of our local BLM chapter. If I get an answer, I’ll post it, but they’re a little busy these days. 


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3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

You just had to, didn’t you? It’s like... no, actually, is is a sickness in you.

SIUYAYSFC. See if that one is on Urban Dictionary.

Sorry, I’ve not been here to defend you, @Gatogateau. I’m both watching my city’s so-far peaceful protest and listening to the police scanner and stressing because the cops see (white) people with weapons and aRe going to have to step in soon and the peaceful protesters have no idea.

No, Gato is mostly definitely not racist nor was she intentionally dog-whistling. She’s a very good kitty.

/me kinda guffawed in RL because I missed that one, about the Queen BullyBee. :::eye roll::: I kinda thought I was the oppressed there for a while in this thread, so that must have been confusing for the K.E. So many choices.

No need to apologize, but thanks for teh "good kitty." Kinda makes me sorry I scratched up the hem of your drapes. I know, you can't leave me anywhere, and lookit the mess I've made (in the thread).

But seriously, I've been thinking about and worrying about you and your city. I mean, sure, I'm concerned for the country and the various cities, but I know you. I also know your city, and have been there many times. We had things, on a much smaller scale, years ago in Cincinnati, and it was scary for everyone. Not the protests (which we had too) but the looming threat of more violence. So I'm holding you close in my thoughts. 

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20 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

It was said: "This is people desperate and angry because the policeman is not arrested". But he was arrested, and it became worse. It can not be explained in any other way, someone want this to escalate. And I believe it is Antifa.

Antifa sought to "launch' here in Australia where two brainless, useless, non contributing WHITE thugs, (sponsored by mummy & daddy of course), tried to assault a 60yo controversial media personality.
The 60yo smacked one to the ground in a millisecond and gave the other a good slapping about.
We haven't heard much from Antifa since that incredibly funny international humiliation of the highest order.
So yes it would hardly be surprising.

BLM "Australia", (we had to have one apparently), is now conflating Indigenous peoples ongoing experience to be equal to that of African Americans
who have become permanent victims, which is a very very long bow to draw in most instances. (for recent police behaviour - not historical).

There have been two rallies so far with fairly small crowds participating.

There needs to be far less virtue signalling from disgraceful social media fools and gullible non contributors, to be replaced with everyday action taken in REAL LIFE
to assist others on a personal basis than this rioting BS. 

For the record I am welcome as a lifelong friend and helper of at least one indigenous community in this country for, not doing good deeds, but conduct I consider to
be appropriate when dealing with other humans.

Don't whine on social media, don't virtue signal because that's what your friends are doing. Get off your lazy ar$e and make a difference in the real world. 

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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3 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Don't whine on social media, don't virtue signal because that's what your friends are doing. Get off your lazy ar$e and make a difference in the real world. 

^^^ THIS!!! ^^^

As for me...no I'm not because ...

1.  I am not American or in America.

2.  I'm not a bandwagon jumper.  

3.  I prefer politics and RL stuff to stay out of my SL.

4.  I don't need the gratification of virtual signalling when I support causes. 

5.  I believe that people should BE the change they want to see in the world, not MEME the change. 

Edited by Jordan Whitt
Changed out a word cos it made more sense.
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19 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

I also remember when they all wore T-shirts supporting one of their players after he racially abused Patrice Evra of United. They should make their minds up ffs! 

I also remember being there when rival fans threw bananas at John Barnes  and bananas with sharpened metal at the fans.  I didn't agree with the t-shirts but Suarez was found guilty, and served his ban.  


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6 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

:::eye roll::: I kinda thought I was the oppressed there for a while in this thread, so that must have been confusing for the K.E. So many choices.

Whatever it takes to get the attention focused on you again, right?  Even championing the cause of "all lives matter" when we should be focusing on BLM.

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We had a major riot even where I live, which is really a kind of overgrown cow town. The issues have morphed beyond BLM into concerns about treatment of Black people in all areas, including the disproportionate Covid deaths.  I'm concerned how far this is going to go, as civil unrest and rioting continues to spread.

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1 hour ago, Jordan Whitt said:



LOL. Reminds me of Seinfeld:

Jerry: Bozo the Clown. I mean, does he really need "the Clown" in his title, as clown? Are we gonna confuse him with Bozo the District Attorney?! Bozo the Pope? There's no other Bozo.

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I just want to clear up one misconception that seems to be going around.


Antifa is not the cause of the escalation of the protests/riots. Antifa is not some scary evil organisation. Heck it is not a good orginsatlion either. Or any kind of group.

It's a word. It's short for anti-fascism.  I can safely say that everyone in this thread is against fascism right?  Not a controversial statement.

Now  since antifa is merely a word and belif that fascists are bad. Anyone can be antifa. I am.antifa, you are antifa.

Now some people do organize to ensure fascists don't do a facsism in their areas.  Another good thing.


It also however means that because of just being a word. Anyone can either blame it for other people's actions or claim to be one. When in actuality they're a bad seed.


The current escalation is the fault of the police,  not antifa, not BLM. 

The police's brutality is the cause and the symptoms.   Please don't lay blame and instead, remember the words of a great Black man.

"A riot is the language of the unheard."

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