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3D model to avatar?


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Hi, my computer is too bad to run blender so I can't do much myself unless I pay for services. I have a .mb file that is supposedly rigged. Then I have paid a conversion service to get it to .dae and import it in game. The only thing is that the model that I have won't upload as an avatar. I would like to know what I can do and what I have to hire for since I cannot run 3d software...

Is SL really needs avastar export? The model I have is made with unreal engine and meant for video game....



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The avatar may be rigged, but it seems to use a custom skeleton (or whatever generic skeleton UE has). It needs to be re-rigged for the Second Life skeleton, otherwise viewers won't know how to display it when worn on your avatar. (And it will show up as an unrigged model, probably in that T-pose.)

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23 hours ago, xenoqc said:

So I need to hire someone to rig it?

It will only work as a mesh body if it uses the SL skeleton bone names and relationships. You may just need some bones renamed, or you may need more extensive rework.

But separate from that,  there's the issue of texturing it (unless you want it to be a single solid color everywhere, which you probably don't). You can't texture it properly unless it has a UV map associated with it. It might already, or it might not. That's another thing to check.

Finally, there's body shape sliders. Even if you're making a custom AV and never intend to tweak your body shape, some sliders influence ANY mesh body. You'll have to track down the neutral settings for those and set your personal shape to them or your AV will get pulled out of shape. (This is for you to do, not the modeler.)

Definitely find someone familiar with SL, not just someone who can export .DAE files.

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