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Do you think there will be a new 512m2 home style?

Raspberry Crystal

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I'm thinking;

  1. it would make the remaining land capacity go further
  2. there are so many residents (or alts) using the old linden continent on 512 parcels so there must be a demand
  3. it would suit some very popular home styles, such as urban tiny houses, cottages or  beach huts
  4. it would encourage premium members to use up 512 plots in regular mainland and so reduce abandoned land

I know the 512 plots don't suit everyone due to the reduced prim count, but sometimes careful shopping shopping and planning can overcome that issue. Also, maybe the actual style of the campers doesn't suit everyone.
What do you think?

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only when they make the 512 sqm double prim, the 512 now is too limiting, even more when living at it for longer time.
It was for me the reason to leave Belli with 4 hoppers and just keep one camper as refuge.
Those 4 jobless guys of course will dowgrade when time is there.

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2 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

I'm thinking;

  1. it would make the remaining land capacity go further
  2. there are so many residents (or alts) using the old linden continent on 512 parcels so there must be a demand
  3. it would suit some very popular home styles, such as urban tiny houses, cottages or  beach huts
  4. it would encourage premium members to use up 512 plots in regular mainland and so reduce abandoned land

I know the 512 plots don't suit everyone due to the reduced prim count, but sometimes careful shopping shopping and planning can overcome that issue. Also, maybe the actual style of the campers doesn't suit everyone.
What do you think?

The colored: How do we know there are so many residents or alts that are using mainland? I know some are posting here that they have a 512 mainland for their store. And a few ones say they donate.

But the forum here are just a minority of SL users.

In my eyes, as I see the land page, the campers are not popular. When there were releases of mixed regions, the campers stayed on for hours.

I do not have an option on a new theme for 512's. They are not useful for me, but I am not to decide how others use their land. I am worried that LL makes a lot of new 512's that are unpopular. When LL could spend the time and land on styles that are in demand instead.

On the other side, maybe LL want this. Then they can argue: "Bellisseria, the new homes, is not sold out. It is cottages up for grabs all the time".

To sum it up: I do not think there is a big demand for 512's, but I may be wrong.

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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

The colored: How do we know there are so many residents or alts that are using mainland? I know some are posting here that they have a 512 mainland for their store. And a few ones say they donate.

But the forum here are just a minority of SL users.

I meant the old linden home continent, rather than regular mainland, where all the plots are 512m2 and there are as many green dots as there are in the new Bellisseria continent.

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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

I hear that often. New homes? What's that?

So, I am believing people stay in the old homes, because they do not know about new ones. It can not be true that it is many people who need 512's with that low prim limit.


yes true.. there was such posting yesterday too,
but.. like that one, if you don't look at the main page, if you don't look at your accountpage, if you don't read the blogs/news/announcements, i think it even was at the log in screen... what more to expect from LL? .. and i'm sure we got even email about it ( this last is sometimes blocked by isp, but its just one contact point)
When people like to live under a cover, it's their choice and will never be up to date with new things in SL.

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34 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

I meant the old linden home continent, rather than regular mainland, where all the plots are 512m2 and there are as many green dots as there are in the new Bellisseria continent.

What I meant was, are the old Linden homes populated by choice, or because the residents there does not know it is an alternative to them?

You mean the green dots are there because people does not want new1024's? I disagree.

I admit some want a mainland parcel too, because Linden homes are not commercials, and can not use a new 1024 without paying additional tier for a 1024 plus a mainland parcel for a business. Or they must donate land to a group too. In that case, they are informed that they can have a 1024 m home, but choose to say no to them.

Are those informed residents really many enough for a new style, as big in numbers as the Cabins? Maybe. I do not know if it has been some kind of survey.

People will jump on new cute dollhouses, cottages or what ever is new. But is it previous old style home owners, or residents that already own a new Linden Home, and adds an alt to Premium? My impression is that the cabins are mainly populated with the latter.

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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Adding to the post over:

I hear that often. New homes? What's that?

So, I am believing people stay in the old homes, because they do not know about new ones. It can not be true that it is many people who need 512's with that low prim limit.


Based on my conversations with seasoned SL & premium members, they DID NOT know about the new log cabin releases (some did not know about the upgraded mesh homes either).  I happen to stumble across information regarding the log cabin theme; however for it to be more equitable for all premium members I hope LL develops a way to actively notify premium members (maybe an in world notecard/message from LL to ALL PREMIUM members) - because a lot of SL players do not come to the forums, and are not aware of the Bellisseria group. 

As a new premium member and Bellisseria "citizen" - I am very much an outsider.  The community is very warm, welcoming and helpful; however I feel bad that so many premium members are left out of the loop.  Because of this, I now make a point to share information with other SL players.  I have taken the position of doing what I can to share news/information regarding LL themed homes with players outside of Bellisseria and as a result three SL friends are now NEW and proud residents in Bellisseria.

As for 512 vs 1024, I am sure LL has metrics on which style homes are taken first, held longer, in maintenance longer.  Just from watching Patch's updates, it is clear Houseboats, Victorians and Traditionals do not come up often and are picked up and held for a while.  The campers were "emptied out" and my guess is people flocked to log cabins, but eventually campers inventory declined.  I have faith in LL - they are SMART BUSINESS MINDED PEOPLE (how many platforms can boast almost 2 decades of a loyal player base and there is zero objective/guidance from the creators on what to do in SL) and listen to their customers.


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42 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

People will jump on new cute dollhouses, cottages or what ever is new. But is it previous old style home owners, or residents that already own a new Linden Home, and adds an alt to Premium? My impression is that the cabins are mainly populated with the latter.

And then there are those that own mainland and wish to have a vacation home.

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9 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

I'm thinking;

  1. it would make the remaining land capacity go further
  2. there are so many residents (or alts) using the old linden continent on 512 parcels so there must be a demand
  3. it would suit some very popular home styles, such as urban tiny houses, cottages or  beach huts
  4. it would encourage premium members to use up 512 plots in regular mainland and so reduce abandoned land

I know the 512 plots don't suit everyone due to the reduced prim count, but sometimes careful shopping shopping and planning can overcome that issue. Also, maybe the actual style of the campers doesn't suit everyone.
What do you think?

I never really warmed up to the campers, and it wasn't because of LI because we really can do plenty with very little thanks to mesh and the various tricks one can use with mesh items. I just didn't care for the campers themselves, but I'd love to have another option for a smaller parcel that would leave 512 leftover to use elsewhere. 

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3 hours ago, rileyxrose said:

I hope LL develops a way to actively notify premium members

This was suggested quite a while ago and LL has now said that they are working on such a feature and close to rolling it out.  My guess is an email targeted to Premium accounts, with possibly an Inworld notice also.  Best type of inworld notice would be something like the box that pops up saying a region is going down, so that it must be acknowledged, which then gives a better chance of in being read.

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Eventually all the older home residents will know about the new homes because LL will make sure they are relocated when they get ready to empty them. Most of whom I have talked too said they had no idea about the new homes because they don't read the forums or blogs, they had no other communication outside their lil world. The best way to get people aware I have found is get your butt over to the older home lands and IM people, even if they are alts, bots and AFKERS, the word will get out. A lot of people I also know that had no idea is  the ones who are not English speakers or understood very little English. Once again no  information given to older home residents in world, in world is sometimes the only world for some, reach out, what harm could it do, most you will get is a block or a F* off but then you just move on LL will make them move anyways so let them deal with the a**hats.

Edited by Gem Oxygen
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On the topic of people not knowing, most people I talk to either don’t know about the new homes or they do, but remember the old homes & think it’s just a repeat of that. I constantly hear there’s  not enough LI, even when I explain it’s exactly the same as Mainland. They also think that the house itself comes out of your LI. I don’t know What LL could do to get people like this engaged.

I tried the campers & like has been previously mentioned it wasn’t the LI that turned me off them. It was the designs offered. I’d be happy to look at other styles though. An example is those popular beach huts on some private regions. They have only 75 LI available so having something similar on a 512 plot would be epic. Sea views for everyone! 😁

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Only LL (presumably) has the stats to know whether the 512 homes have worked out for them.  I'd bet you, tho, that at least one more 512 theme has been prototyped.

If the most likely market for 512 homes actually is current old-style LH owners, as this discussion seems to be indicating, then I guess my question would be, why upset the apple cart?  So long as there's a lot of green dots in old LH regions, you have to assume that those folks are happy enough to stay there.  LL has made attempts to get the word out via hunts, RFL events, blogs, inworld info boards, etc..  But there's a lot of folks that ignore nearly everything LL does.

My guess is that if the older LH regions begin to empty out on their own, LL would get more proactive.  There's a home controller in every LH, I imagine you could easily add something to it that would pop up a big window reading "DO YOU WANT MORE PRIMS? CLICK HERE!" the next few times the owner drops by.  But so long as older LH regions are well used, why perturb people?

Edited by Nika Talaj
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I was an old LH resident for many years. When I heard about the new homes, I was determined not to move. Ever. My region was mostly empty and there were very few residents around. Not at all laggy.

My 512 had enough prims. Most of those homes don't lend themselves to much decorating, and it was a comfortable base in which to open boxes, get dressed, even build. 

Word had it that the regions were packed and laggy and that it was a big social community, neither of which piqued my interest. It was only after I stumbled upon the beautiful Victorian preview homes that led me to visit Belli. And the rest is history. 😍

Edited by Eirynne Sieyes
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@Raspberry Crystal, base on my own assumptions, i think it will have more 512m since not everyone in old linden home going for 1024m if they have 512 in mainland

definitely would need a different theme since they are replacing the old ones anyway, but prim allowance probably stays the same because of smaller parcel

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